Friday, March 30, 2007

The Reaping World Premiere

I think I've said it all before. Just find some of my other comments and put them here. I just don't see the attraction. Obviously people do. I'm just not one of them. Maybe Chad did at first, and then needed a little help if you know what I mean.

Charlize Theron doesn't look very happy and doesn't really look like she spent much time getting ready either.

Honestly. This is about as good as Kimberly Stewart is ever going to look.


  1. Anonymous10:40 AM

    i agree wholeheartedly with you concerning mr. ed. i won't see a movie she's in.

  2. Anonymous11:04 AM

    In picture two, she looks like one of the creatures from Alien, with her neck extended out like that. Bet the next shot is her actually devouring that kid...

  3. Anonymous11:39 AM

    DUDE you are KILLING me with the little "Team Ent" shit! Hilarious! I almost didn't see it. Keep it up!!

  4. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Um...she's an actress not a MODEL. H-E-L-L-O people! Wake up! I love Hillary, talent is everything as is grooming as she's well groomed and where's killer dresses. So who cares if she's not um...Pamela Anderson?

    She 'aint winning Oscars for nothing!

  5. Anonymous6:49 PM

    would somebody (i'm looking in your general direction, hez!) PLEASE go to cafe press and get some
    "TEAM ENT" shirts printed up???

    and don't forget to check out the "Make Mine Chocolate" gear while you're there!!

  6. Anonymous6:58 PM

    oh, and i almost forgot.
    someone PLEASE tell me where dane cook came from (and when he is going back??)? it seemed everything i saw on cable all year was dane cook this and that. i'd never even heard of him and he had his own hbo (showtime?) SERIES??
    and he looks evil in that pic. eyebrows from hell.
