In what is sure to make their drug use easier and less public,
Pete Doherty moved into Kate Moss's house. The singer owns enough personal stuff to almost fill the back of a Range Rover. The rest of his stuff he sold for drugs, got stolen while he was doing drugs, left behind somewhere after he did drugs, not returned when he got out of jail after being arrested for drugs, or smoked because he thought they were drugs. Now that Kate has let Pete move in, it should not be long before her home also has nothing left as Pete loots it for money to buy drugs. Did I mention that Pete loves his drugs? It really is nice that Kate lets the druggie move the baby seat into the house. When she is away from home maybe Pete can watch her daughter while he is doing drugs. Maybe the daughter will learn a thing or two about doing drugs and then mom, Pete and the daughter can all be one big drug family.

Why do people/firms continue to pay her crazy money for ads? I would never buy anything she advertises after constantly hearing what a mess her life is. Would you?
ReplyDeleteHey, when you're in love, you're in love.
ReplyDeleteI guess he's the type of guy to boost her self-esteem?
She's hot though.
ReplyDeleteHow DOES she stay so slim???
They are one screwed up couple. Sad. Did you see where it seems Pete gave a penguin at a zoo the last on his joint? I'm trying to convince myself it's not true. :o(
ReplyDeleteseriuosy, what possible good example could those 2 be for little lila grace. i think the brit bps people should step in and give custody to brangelina.
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to the little girl's father? I know when that scandal broke out with Kate Moss and the snorting coke picture thing, he jumped up and said he was going to be taking her!!!
ReplyDeleteThey say that his flat had blood splatter, drug paraphanelia, and that he was one of the worst tenants that the landlord ever had.
Cocaine's a hell of a drug.
ReplyDeletevirgo74 - I was reading Elyse Sewell's livejournal recently (ex-ANTM contestant - don't tar her with that brush though, she's fantastically hilarious and intelligent), and your comment reminded me of something she'd said about Doherty. Hang on, i'll go find the entry.
Show of hands for those surprised? No-one? Nope, me neither. Ick. :S
When was this picture taken? She actually looks hot here!