Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Dinner, Gossip and Burglary

So last night went out with one of my new found Grammy friends. Let’s call her AP. I really didn’t want to go, but ended up having a good time. I don’t know if it was because of the booze or just because it was nice to go out for the first time in a few weeks. She is followed by the pap when she puts herself in a position to be photographed, but it just goes to show you that when you want to be away from the cameras it is pretty easy unless you are worthy of people following you all the time. I was going to tell her about the blog but chickened out. We basically talked about what it is like for an actress to change not only the public perception of her but also the studios. Even though she is a solid B lister she is forced to audition for the roles she wants. If she wants to portray what she is known for than it is unnecessary, but otherwise she reads scripts sent to her and has to go audition just like everyone else. The only break she gets is that she gets to see most of the scripts being sent out and can always get an audition.

Her solution to the problem has been to try and do films on her own which she loves but does not really pay the bills. In fact it even can cost her money in the long run. If her movie does not do well, she does not get her money back. In addition, to do the movie that she may not get any money for precludes her from picking up other work for which she could have been paid.

As my drinking level increased I started pumping her for gossip. One thing she said was something that makes sense but that I had not really thought of before. It was basically two things. One I had heard before. This celebutante dated a singer after his break-up but it was all for show and publicity for her. He didn’t mind because he just wanted something easy and uncomplicated and they both got what they wanted. In addition, this same person had been allegedly hit on by someone associated with her family. AP didn’t know if the girl went through with it or not though. The only reason she had heard about it is because some former friends of AP always joke about it.

We talked about drugs for awhile and she had some interesting things to say. She said they are always around and available whenever any star wants them. For women they are usually free and guys are always willing to buy coke or whatever for a girl just like anyone else would buy a drink for a woman in a bar. They always want something in return. AP knows if someone is headed to rehab or should be headed to rehab if the star is actually having to buy their own drugs. It means they are using way more than they should be because as long as it is recreational, someone will always be willing to pay for the star. When it gets to be abuse, the star is on the hook for the cost and that is where the trouble starts.

I honestly don’t remember much beyond that, except that I asked her if she ever made a sex tape and she said yes. She said though that after filming, she looked at the guy and realized she was not going to marry him and not going to be with him long-term and knew that would be trouble. So, she grabbed the tape and jumped up and down on it, pulled the tape out, and then cut it up into a million pieces. Plenty of people have asked since, but she has always said no.

Three people came up and asked for her autograph and also wanted a photo. Of course I got to be the photo guy. Unfamiliar digital cameras and drinking do not always go well together, especially when the subjects of the photo REALLY want their shot of AP and them to be perfect. Well then you shouldn't have asked the drunk guy to take the photo. One of the people wanted AP to record a voice mail message, but AP didn't want to. I did though and made some wise ass remark about Mel Gibson. I think I offended the woman though because she looked at me like I had lost my mind.

I was too drunk to drive and so she drove me home and then I must have told her to keep the car and I would pick it up today. I know this, because at about 4am my phone rang. One of my favorite clients got arrested for burglary and when I went downstairs to get my car it was not there. Cabs are always fun at 4am, especially when you are caught in the middle of still being a little drunk and the hangover is just starting to take over your body. I had to arrange his bail which is not unusual. He just is not very good at what he does, and so is arrested about once a year. He is such a nice guy and could do so many things with his life, but as he has told me many times, this is his career. He never gets any serious jail time because he rarely makes it inside the building which he is trying to burglarize.


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