Monday, February 19, 2007

The Young, Black, and Fabulous Roundup of the NBA weekend in Las Vegas

I was at some of these parties, but they were many I was not. This roundup and the photos are great. There are probably like fifty photos, but for you ladies who want a really big ring, check out Dwayne Wade's wife. I saw that up close, and have NEVER seen anything that large.


Anonymous said...

what you where there and weren't stab or shot?
Just Kidding just kidding . I read that blog and thats the just of it.

Anonymous said...

Cubic Zirconia - the Home Shopping Network

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 1:11, that's not the least bit funny. Keep your idiotic jokes private, please.

Ent, thanks for the link, you're the best.

Anonymous said...

ha ha yeah read the blog they wrote it


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