Thursday, February 15, 2007

When Charlize Theron panics, making out is #1 on her mind

Charlize Theron made some comments that were not exactly well received by her interviewer on CNN. Like most women (in my fantasies) she immediately tried to re-assert control by propositioning the reporter and telling him how she wanted to make out with him. Charlize made a mistake in her comments about Cuba. However, you have to admire her for having the ability to just throw that one liner out there. Where did it come from unless she had done it before? Hmmmm? And Rick Sanchez, the reporter from CNN gave his wife the best Valentine's Day present ever. He basically said, "baby, you are so much hotter than Charlize, and it was easy to say no." You have to watch until almost the very end to hear the remark.


  1. The director looks extremely uncomfortable and pissed when Theron is "explaining". Were there spple bongs in the green room before? Whatis wrong with the message board? I haven't been able to get on for awhile today.

  2. Anonymous10:49 AM

    She's a ho too????

  3. Anonymous12:20 PM

    Yeah, the questions asked on CNN are a bit different than the questions asked on ET (and right away show if there is a bit of brain behind a pretty face). She totally let herself be cornered by using the mentality that liberal Hollywood uses among themselves (and it totally gets you in trouble!!! because the rest of the country is elsewhere on the spectrum). And the make out comment -- ouch!!! But anyway.. here is the question:

    Who are the people who choose who our stars will be/the actors and actresses? Are they also just as brainless -- I know, I know.. they are business people. But how about social responsibility? These starlets create treds, influence people ... How about promoting someone who has it all for a change? Someone like that would not sell tabloids you would probably say....

  4. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Who got fired from their job for speaking out on the war? That makes America parallel to Cuba? Well go ahead and move there, sweetie and you can make out with Castro all you want!

  5. Anonymous2:28 PM

    I think a better response would've been "I'm against lack of freedom no matter how it manifests itself" and then bridge to another topic...the point is that this administration has tried to quash dissent since day 1, but she didn't make her point wel..the makeout comment was ridiculous and pretty much hurt her credibility

  6. The way this piece is edited, we have no idea if her "make out" comment was made in the context of the heated questions, or if it was said at a totally different time. It appears to me that he was upset with what she said and tried to damage her credibility by implying that she resorted to sexual ploys when she was out of smart things to say. Discrediting her because she "pulled the beautiful woman card" and had nothing left but sex. Classic way for a man to assert himself and his "rightness" over a female who "acts up."

  7. Rick Sanchez is well know in SoFLA for being a hack. He was on the local "news" scene as an anchor on Fox, got busted for DUI, fired and was basically an idiot in every respect. It was too easy to make fun of him, dumb, overly dramatic but watching his expressions, overreactions and lack of any basic comprehension was entertaining. At one point we had his co-anchor in the local ER w/ a blanket over her face to have an "object" removed from her rectum, Mr. DUI was literally saying anything printed on a cue card and his new co-anchor was Gloria's best buddy. The idea that his SoFlo/Cuban production team would slant an interview video to their advantage is a given. Not a credible journalist in any sense.

  8. She was clearly joking with the makeout remark. Jeez, people. I'm not saying she's not a moron but that clip is edited and that guy "interviewing" her is an idiot, and has his own agenda re Cuba.

    She was, I believe, referring to Peter Arnett (former CNN-er) who was fired by NBC/National Geographic for speaking out against the war in the early days of the occupation in 2003.

  9. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Yeah, I agree - although she did put her foot in her mouth a little bit, the editing on that tape is a little bit obvious - I was hoping it was the real time clip not what CNN wants us to see - typical news media - slanting things to what they want you to see...

  10. Anonymous5:29 PM

    >>The way this piece is edited, we have no idea if her "make out" comment was made in the context of the heated questions, or if it was said at a totally different time. It appears to me that he was upset with what she said and tried to damage her credibility by implying that she resorted to sexual ploys when she was out of smart things to say. Discrediting her because she "pulled the beautiful woman card" and had nothing left but sex. Classic way for a man to assert himself and his "rightness" over a female who "acts up." >>

    Well said, mep. I didn't see the piece, and will not comment on it, because you can't tell here. And people in the media are masters at managing to get back to whatever spin they want to put on an issue.

    On another note, a question: why was her hair two-toned, top to bottom? Or was it just the lighting?

  11. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I agree with her and she also handled herself so eloquently in the face of someone so pompous.

    He is what is wrong with America. Of course, he had to try and make it seem like she was ungrateful towards America for all her success just because he didn't agree with her.

  12. Anonymous2:27 PM

    And yes it is parallel in that respect. Both incidents involve censorship. These people lost their jobs. That IS serious. If he had thought about it he would have seen she had a point, he may even have tried to debate it intelligently. But no, he had to play the "well if you don't like it go home" xenophobic moronic card.

  13. She or somebody has had most of the Google search results,and ALL of the videos of this incident scrubbed fe the internet.A few years ago when I did a search,there were many more Google results for this and I did find one working video on an obscure website,but now that has disappeared as well.
