Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Shotgun Wedding, Bride Drunk & Pregnant, and a Punch

See, another problem with Valentine's Day weddings is that there is so much pressure because they are supposed to be romantic. Kerry Katona who is the former lead singer of Atomic Kitten got married to her long time boyfriend on Valentine's Day. Kerry who is 7 months pregnant, was pretty drunk and her new husband asked if she should be drinking so much. Well, I guess she enjoys drinking when 7 months pregnant, but enjoys fighting even more. She threw a punch, but missed. Read the last paragraph to see a publicist with a vivid imagination.


  1. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Oh gawd. I am in the UK. So, you've finally caught up with Kezza then. Now you'll know what we have to suffer daily in this country as she's one of our long long list of tiresome nobodies made into celebrities overnight for doing, you guessed it, not a lot.

    The last time Kerry did anything significant was about 300 years ago. Since then w've had to deal with her myriad of breakdowns, drink problems, mother and boyfriend problem and let me tell you, most people in the UK wouldn't know this lady if they bumped into her.

    She's another appalling example of how shallow UK media and entertainment has become.

  2. I loved the initial report in The Sun that claimed KK's groom farted uncontrollably throughout the wedding ceremony.

    I can't wait to see the expression on everyone's faces in those £100,000 magazine photos.

  3. Anonymous9:51 AM



  4. Anonymous10:07 AM

    It's reported she just popped the kid - more than a month earlier. Sure it had nothing to do with the smoking and drinking.

  5. Sorry, forgot to include a link.

    Hey, pull my finger!

  6. Anonymous11:37 AM

    who? and who cares?

  7. OMG! I just left England a little over a year ago. So 'glad' to see Kerry being the fanny she was then. It's a never-ending cycle with UK celebs - imagine parasite with no family money and you've got Kerry.

    Sad bit, Atomic Kitten wasn't that horrid a band. Look at how screwed up Britney is and they're miles closer to sane. I still love Amy Winehouse though - she drugs and drinks and finds it funny. Her talent saves her - Kerry, not so much.

  8. Anonymous12:34 PM

    And she's managed to sell the photos to OK Magazine (UK). That'll pay for the £300 wedding she's just had! Plus a bit left over for the divorce...

    Way to go Kerry!
