Monday, February 19, 2007

Ray Liotta finds a new way to promote a movie

Sure, you could go the conventional route and date two or three tabloid ladies or announce you are gay or jump up and down on Oprah's couch. Ray Liotta is old school though. The best, and most surefire way to get your name in the papers is to get arrested. Now, his co-stars John Travolta and Tim Allen are not going to be the fall guy. William Macy is not even close to doing it and Martin Lawrence, well you never know. So Ray agrees to do it. All the previous mentioned co-stars are going on Leno and Letterman and Conan and Kimmel. Ray's best hope was an early morning slot on Kelly and Regis or a cooking segment on Good Morning Omaha. Ray Liotta was charged with DUI last night and did so in spectacular fashion. No falling asleep in his car, or driving on the wrong side of the road, Ray went ahead and crashed into two cars. No one hurt, not even Ray.

Notice the plug for the movie in the last paragraph.


  1. Anonymous7:58 PM

    God Bless, Ray.

  2. Awwwww... I'm still mourning over Smith.

  3. Anonymous6:05 AM

    Looks like he's still mourning Smith too. He's such a nice talented guy, it's a shame he did a dumb thing like this, thankfully nobody was hurt, but his pride.
