Monday, February 05, 2007

Pimpa Joe must have had a new fantasy, because I do not have anything positive to say about this look. She really does look awful from head to toe and that lip looks like a Botox injection gone horribly wrong. The jeans look a little tight around an expanding waist line, and while seeing panties can be nice, I do not usually get that same warm and fuzzy feeling when I am looking at them head on over the top of jeans. While I am being bitchy, do you think someone could tell her to stand up straight?


Anonymous said...

Well given that she is just a beard for John Mayer, it figures she's letting herself get fat...she probably hasn't been laid in months!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Transamerica II casting calling?

Anonymous said...

Wow. This is an awwwwwwful photo. I barely recognized her. She appears to be packing on the pounds. Hmmmmmmmm, I wonder what she is eating with John, or what John is eating with her?


MnGddess said...

Doesn't her hairdresser, Ken Paves, follow her around like a puppy dog? He couldn't fix her hair, let alone give her a better color? OY.

Morning my fellow Ent groupies!


Vikingwench said...

She's starting to look like a caricature of herself.

Anonymous said...

there are better pictures out there of her sporting this look. this picture is just ugly. i actually like her like this (my observation with the other photos). she looks much better than she has in awhile (i.e all those messy ponytails, etc).

Anonymous said...


No surprises here.

Anonymous said...

I've seen deer in headlights look more intelligent.

Anonymous said...

Ken doesn't do color....he's just the stylist. Rita Hazen does her color.

Anonymous said...

while seeing panties can be nice, I do not usually get that same warm and fuzzy feeling when I am looking at them head on

How do you usually see them then, Ent?

(Sorry, couldn't resist!)

Anonymous said...

stop bashing her and say bad stuff about her
She looks so gorgeus and I like ehr more than you guys
jess is a wonderful girl and nice girl
I guess you guys are bad too, since you are saying bad stuff about her

Anonymous said...

Jessica_simpson_fan said...

are you 8 years old?

Pimpa is that you???

Seriously though, why all the hate for JS? I feel bad for the guys are relentless. I'd like all of you to get divorced and come out lookin POIFECT!

Anonymous said...

please open your eyes, she is not an attractive person.

Anonymous said...

"Bitchy", the EL says... Do straight men really ever use the word bitchy to describe themselves?

Anonymous said...

leave er alone.jesus christ.god knows how she feels.shez just got divorced to her first love like,and now hez dating her mate vanessa,imagine how u wud matter wat,she is still fine and prob da nicest celeb in da business


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