Friday, February 16, 2007

Paris Hilton Literally Trashed by Austria-Now with Video

Well, Austria did what Australia was unwilling to do. They threw trash on and at Paris Hilton when she arrived at a public square in Austria. Paris is in Austria because some old guy is paying her $1M to be his date. Every year he finds some female celebrity desperate for money and a good groping and invites them to the storied Vienna Opera Ball. Austria also did their best to keep Ms. Valtrex from entering their country. Her passport was expired and she needed the US Ambassador to vouch for the fact she was American. I hope he would do the same for all of us, and not simply because she flashed him and gave him the home game version of her videos.

Speaking of videos, I found this video of the trash throwing. It is directly below the photo of Paris and her customer. Towards the end of the video you can see security glancing around as paper begins to fall on Paris, and Paris quickly exits. However, the camera is so shaky that it seems like Blair Witch on steroids.


  1. Anonymous9:11 AM


  2. Anonymous9:38 AM

    You know what we call that around here? Being a HO!

  3. Anonymous9:53 AM

    I hereby declare today "Hug an Australian Day"...

    Well done, Aussies.

  4. Anonymous10:18 AM

    um, it was in AUSTRIA, not australia

  5. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Just hug everyone, you slut.

  6. Anonymous10:47 AM

    wouldn't throwing trash at paris be redundant, or do you have to be poor or from the south to be trash?

  7. Anonymous5:38 PM

    LOL, 10;47...

    Honestly, I don't get the appeal. Why were people screaming for her in the beginning like she was some rock star? Someone, please explain it to me. I am seriously weary of her shenanigans to get into the spotlight One More Time, and I am so tired of seeing her face every time I turn around at a store.

    Paris Hilton: Please go away. Please.

  8. Anonymous3:27 AM

    This is not the first time she has been hit with stuff! Remember the ice someone threw at her and hit her?

    Does she live in this fantasy world where she actually thinks that she is queen bee? She lives a ver sheltered life.

  9. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I'd never really liked Austrians (and I may say that because I'm Austrian/French/Italian), mais les Autrichiennes are arrogant and pompous but this makes them a little bit more likable. BTW: Hitler was Austrian, too.
