Paris Hilton aka Valtrex doubles up
I was not planning on posting today as (1) it is a holiday and most of you are not working anyway and (2) I just got back from three very hard nights in Las Vegas and thought I would be recovering all day. However, the phone will not stop ringing so thought I would share some things about my trip. NBA All-Star weekend should be held in Vegas every year, although it could be dangerous to my health, and my wallet. I have plenty of gossip and blind items that I picked up during the weekend to share with you all week. Also, due to the total lack of anything existing outside of the shell that is Las Vegas, Britney talk was very quiet. So quiet that it was about midnight Friday before I even heard about it. Anyway, my misery equals good gossip for you for the rest of the week.
I was fortunate enough to not run directly into Ms. Hilton over the weekend and for that I am grateful. The people that control the water in Vegas are also happy because I would still be showering. The threat of disease, frequent use, and being bisexual apparently did not stop Brandon Davis and Stavros Niarchos from making a Paris sandwich for her birthday. Frequent visitors to her kingdom may have banned them from playing with other visitors if you know what I mean.

Well, being that we Canadians are still looking for workplace diversion (NO public holidays in February ... boo, hiss!) ... am looking forward to your take on Ms. Shears and her urgent need to divest herself of her hair ...
ReplyDeleteSeriously, when will Joe A Public ever get rid of the Paris. I just really don't understand how she has celebrity status.
ReplyDeleteBrandon Davis is kind of like a pizza where the mozarella grease has floated to the top. You're totally repulsed but you still want to eat it.
ReplyDeleteEWWWW did I just say that? You can only believe about 1/3 of what I say.
Hey Brenda,
ReplyDeleteHow could you insult pizza?
That really was a disgusting thought that went into my head....ewwwww
It was just for entertainment purposes only. Anyway, my cholesterol number is at a good place and I want to keep it that way!
ReplyDeleteYou can almost see the green stink waves of disease eminating from that skank. I meant Paris by the way, Brandon's like a slip and fall grease spill waiting to happen.
ReplyDeleteYou can almost see the green stink waves of disease eminating from that skank. I meant Paris by the way, Brandon's like a slip and fall grease spill waiting to happen.
ReplyDeleteWith all that bacteria in her system I expect Paris will simply disintegrate.
Sounds like Paris is HIV positive.
ReplyDeleteUh, Ent, I'm from the Midwest. They never cut us loose from work out here. So, I thank you for the dedication to my diversion!
ReplyDeleteI feel ill. And who gets president's day off anyway? Not lawyers....not unless they are federal employees. Please don't post pictures of the greasy bear.
ReplyDeleteI hope Parisite never has any children. She's so dim, she's almost comatose.
ReplyDeleteAnd what is up with all of these guys wanting their fifteen minutes of fame SO badly that they're willing to crawl in bed with this diseased twit?
We've all seen the tapes. She's not that good.
I don't understand - what is it being said - that Stavros and Greasy are bi-sexual and have three ways with paris - or have i missed to point completely?
ReplyDeleteParis is such a whore! Why even do a threesome if men do not satisfy you?