Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Need some attention? Get Pregnant! or, at least make people think you are

Trista and Ryan (yes we used to be able to call them just by their first names) from the Bachelor and Bachelorette announced they are expecting a child. Trista, who no one has thought of in almost a year broke the joyous news to her jet lagged husband in the baggage claim at Denver International Airport. She then immediately went in search of a phone to call People and tell them the news and to make sure they sent a photographer.

In baby news that is designed to make Nicole Kidman either jealous or work harder to get pregnant, Naomi Watts has announced (intimated, photographed touching a belly) that she and her boyfriend Liev Schreiber are expecting a baby as well.

Finally, in the you can never go shopping for any kind of baby gift in LA without someone thinking you are pregnant. Christina Aguilera walked by some baby store in Beverly Hills the other day and the store employee fantasized X-Tina and Jordan coming in and telling her and only her they were expecting a child. Instead of just getting a glimpse of the couple through the window, she imagined they would come in and gush and hug and cry and be best pals. According to the clerk, the couple also spent $3000, and there are some imaginary quotes as well. Funny thing is Christina to her knowledge has never been in Bellini.


  1. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Naomi Watts has announced (intimated, photographed touching a belly) that she and her husband Liev Schreiber are expecting a baby as well.

    When did they get married?

  2. Anonymous10:56 AM

    yeah, they aren't married.

  3. Anonymous11:02 AM

    Nope. Not married.
    Hey, I'm curious - Who's writing this blog now?
