Wednesday, February 07, 2007

More from Fashion Week

This female television hostess is extremely popular with the general public, but this was not the case with the people at Fashion Week. No one wanted a photo with this sometimes controversial star. She was left by herself or with her publicist and agent who were along for the ride.

At least the people attending Fashion Week were civilized to the above mentioned hostess. No such discretion for this female reality star in attendance who was openly mocked and laughed at throughout the week. Despite having money, the people present decided class definitely did not go hand in hand with that money.

There were plenty of drugs to be found throughout the week, but for sheer volume consumed per person this sometime actress/sometime singer/sometime model definitely took home first prize. Witnessing her awesome use of coke in corners, bathrooms, backstage, and sometimes even in the open, there was just awe that this person was till alive, let alone even had a nose remaining.


Anonymous said...

elizabeth hasselbeck for the reality star/hostess??

Anonymous said...

Maria Menounous for the tv hostess in paragraph one?

Word is she's a backstabber who'll sell out anyone anytime, all while pretending butter wouldn't melt in her mouth, at least as far as the network is concerned.

Anonymous said...

Why am I think waste of space Bijou Phillips for #3. She is a sometimes model/singer/actress...poor girl cant do any of them. I think she was at fashion week...

Anonymous said...

I think #3 is Britney; when asked recently how she liked being single..she replied "it's awesome!"

Anonymous said...


Please make your comments here more useful.

GGA (with tongue in cheek)

I must say that I am absolutely guessless for these. Nothing popped to mind today. I guess this post was useless.

Anonymous said...

Lauren Conrad for #2

serenegab said...

I know Rachel Ray was there and I can't remember seeing any photos w/ her and anyone else. So I guess she may be another possibility. For #2 would Britney Spears be considered a reality star? Her behavior, demeanor and "awesome" partying outfits have made her a real contender for #3 also. There are stories and jokes in every newspaper and in every club about stall behavior, frequent bathroom trips -even Liz Smith felt compelled to write about this.

Anonymous said...

I'll say Kelly Ripa for #1, Lauren Conrad from the Hills/Laguna Beach for #2 ( has pics of her at some recent show), and have no idea about #3 except she who shall not be named.

Anonymous said...


I was gonna post a cure for cancer, but the treatment is still experimental.

I don't think it's Brit for #3 -- it's the "sometime model" part that throws it off. I'm going to hop in the way back machine and say Grace Jones! Tons of stories about her hoovering in bathrooms...

I suppose I should check if she was there... don't want to be anything but useful here (heh heh)


Anonymous said...

#1 - Rosie?

#2 - Anna Nicole?

Anonymous said...

Britney reportedly made several trips to the bathroom during Fashion Week, but has she ever modeled?

Anonymous said...

I was also thinking Rachel Ray for number 1. She walked the runway in the Heart Truth show this year. Plus it seems like I'm always reading that while her shows are always popular, no one really likes her once they meet her in person.

Anonymous said...

Alicia Keys has been photographed at Fashion Week ... she's a possible for #3...

Anonymous said...

I was thinking Rachel Ray also. She allegedy said some racist comments I believe. Maybe Kelly Ripa? Rosie makes sense for being controversial, but I highly doubt she's at Fashion Week.

I immediately thought of an Hills/laguna girl for number 2, but I don't know any of their names.

3 is tricking me, and the one I want to know the most.

Anonymous said...

Hez ,

Cancer is a VERY serious disease. Your responses to whomever has singled you out are not funny. Just ignore whatever they say. Be a bigger person.

Anonymous said...

No clue on #1, although I think someone said Rosie - that could be a good guess.

My first thoughts for #2 were LC, Heidi, or Kristin from Laguana Beach/The Hills. But then I thought - do most of the people at fashion week really know who these girls are? Possibly LC with her Teen Vogue "internship."

Not sure about #3, but Britney would be a good guess if it wasn't for the "sometimes model" comment.

Anonymous said...

does kate moss act? I know she's sung.

Also, tyra banks and carmen electra did some singing early on too.

Anonymous said...

I totally thought of Rosie for #1,
anyone from the cast of Laguna/Hills for #2, but most likely LC because she's "in the fashion industry" which obvs merits a point and laugh, and for #3 im thinking 'nose' is a clue, but still thinking...

Anonymous said...

12:57, believe me, I'm acutely aware of how serious it is. Without getting into it, it is one of the reasons I discovered this blog.

I guess gallows humour can easily come off as glib if you don't know the circumstances behind it. Didn't mean to offend.

Anonymous said...

what about paris for #3, although i havent seen pics of her being at any shows?

Anonymous said...

avril lavigne did some modeling for ford, and she was in fast food nation, and was at fashion week

Stacy said...

#1 Maria Menudo

#2 That Gotti woman?

#3 Hilary Duff?

Anonymous said...

I'm going with Kelly Ripa for #1. She was at Fashion Week, and was on the runway modeling a DVF dress for the Red Dress show. She's sometimes controversial, whereas Rosie is usually controversial, and I honestly can't see Rosie at fashion week.

No guess for #3. Paris for #2? Plenty of money, reality star (simple life), and with the recent Parisexposed fiasco, it might fit.

Pats Fan

serenegab said...

Another hostess for the mix if you don't like Rachel Ray- Vanessa Minillo. Also the "model" part for #3 is a stretch for Britney. The only one I can think of who fits the description might be Milla Jovovich but who knows?

Anonymous said...

I'm down with the Kelly Ripa guesses for #1.

Anonymous said...

#3 wouldn't be Brit, ENT loves her I can't imagine him posting this kind of blind item about her.

Anonymous said...

Was Janice Dickenson at Fashion week? It definitely sounds like her.

Anonymous said...

#1-Kelly Ripa (Rachael Ray is a good guess though)

#2-I don't know if I like LC for this because of the class comment. I wouldn't consider her unclassy.

#3-Anyone in the Red Dress show fit singer/actress?

Anonymous said...

If cancer is very serious, can someone explain why it is my astrological sign? Seriously, poo on people who can't take a joke. I am so sick of walking on eggshells because people can't see humor in things and before anyone goes off on me. My mother had breast cancer, my aunt had ovarian cancer, so I know it can be serious, but saying that you haven't found a cure yet is not offensive.

Damn you hippies!

-- Now back to your regularly scheduled program.


Seriously, I think these may be the lamest bi's so far or I don't know squat about fashion week because I can't think of any good guesses and I can't find Rosie at FW.

Anonymous said...

prob vanessa m for #1
prob lc or kristen cavalari
ashanti maybe? i know she sings and acts but didnt she model for candie or something along those lines?

Anonymous said...

"This female television hostess is extremely popular with the general public"
- Sounds like Janice. She hosts The Janice Dickenson Modeling Agency
"controversial star"
- Definitely Janice

Anonymous said...

let's consider Bijou Phillips for #3. she meets the requirements of all those sometimeses listed.

of course I don't know anything about fashion week & have no idea if she was there. just a thought.

Anonymous said...

1. Kelly Ripa

2. Janice Dickinson

3. Kate Moss- but since Ent listed that as the last of her careers, I am unsure :(

Hi ENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :o)

Anonymous said...

Paris sure fits for #2---"reality star" and "having money" with a referene to a lack of class.

Besides, who else would warrant such open ridicule?

Anonymous said...

How about Paris for both "2" and "3"?

Anonymous said...

Was Ashlee Simpson at Fashion Week? The nose comment stood out to me too...and she is singer/actress/model (sketchers).
Mrs Mo

Anonymous said...

everyone but everyone has a photo cell phone nowadays if these "celebs" are openly doing coke and drugs why aren't there photos of them doing it
hook it up on the internet

Anonymous said...

No news about Chris Klein and his daughter Suri Cruise? You know, they only share the same slanted eyes, eye brows, tall forehead, lips..

Take a look at this photo from the Vanity Fair issue (and IDLYITW)

That photo right there could not look any more like the real daughter of Chris Klein.

Anonymous said...

#1 Martha Stewart! "This female television hostess is extremely popular with the general public,".

General Public being a reference
to prison.

#2 don't think it is LC, she is a pretty classy chick from what I hear.

#3 can't be Brit (although all the coke rumors are 100% true) because he refers to her as a "somtimes singer", def not her.


Anonymous said...

Hmm.. Here is another link for The Vanity fair photo of Suri Cruise.

And Rachel Ray for #1.

Anonymous said...

Who are some other folks that fall into the sometime actor/sometime singer/sometime model category? Madonna, Jennifer Love Hewitt, J Lo, LiLo (although she would not have been at FW), Courtney Love, etc. Others? Were any of these people at Fashion Week?

I'd go with Kelly Ripa for #1 and Paris or LC for #2.

Pope-rah said...

I know I'll get yelled at for this but what about Kristin Chenowith for number 3? She sings, she acts and she did those old navy commercials. She was also in the red dress show.

Anonymous said...

LC for #2 is a possibility.

Ivanka Trump also came to mind for the same item.

Anonymous said...

#2 Kim Kardashian

#3 Britney Spears

Anonymous said...

There were photos of Lauren Conrad at some of the fashion shows (#2). I can imagine the NY fashionistas would mock her as she's pretty but not the brightest girl, and most NY fashion interns have had upmarket educations and social ties that get them those coveted internships. Lauren was simply the sweet girl from MTV who wanted to work in fashion. Amazing Teen Vogue ever took her, and even more amazing that they keep her.

Anonymous said...

To Lauren 1:16...Paris is a good guess...she bailed on Heatherette this time around (was supposed to do catwalk)...don't know why
As lame as she is,and how much I hate to even mention her name, I think I'll agree that it's Paris for #3!

Anonymous said...

am i way off base or could it be tyra banks for #1?
i'm on with paris for #2.
#3 could be several...

Anonymous said...

I don't think Ivanka could be #2. She's been involved in the world of socialites and celebutards her whole life, and the person in question sounds like an arriviste. I don't watch MTV reality shows, so I don't know who LC is, but she's way more likely.

#1 is either Kelly Ripa or Rachel Ray. Tyra and Janice Dickinson already know the fashionistas and I'm sure SOMEBODY would pose with them. Rachel Ray, on the other hand, is way down there in the deep freeze, underneath the emergency tuna casserole and fruitcakes from three Christmases ago.

Anonymous said...

For #2, I wonder if Brooke Hogan was at fashion week. There seems to be pictures of her at all kinds of random places.

For #3, I think it's Milla Jovovich too. She started out as a model, was in movies, and she has at least one album out.

Anonymous said...

i think Paris was filming in LA all week and thus was not at fashion week... are there any pics of her at fashion week? the only pics i have seen of her during fashion week on the 'hottie and the nottie' set in LA, her and nicole chowing down in LA, her and her boy costar at a bar in LA and her and lohan out at a bar in LA (rebab ain't what it used to be)

If it wasn't Ent writing and it was about brit brit, it would have read 'sometime singer, sometime actress, sometime mother'

Anonymous said...

lol @ sometimes mother

Judi said...

#1 - Kelly Ripa or Barbara Walters: Ext. popular with the general public; Sometimes controversial (Aiken, or Rosie v. Trump brouhahas)
#2 - Anyone know if Tara Reid was there?
#3 - Grace Jones

Anonymous said...

Tara Reid was there and she right off the carpet into the sand and that aint the worst of it... she yelled profane words at her friends blaming them for tripping her!!! hahaha... maybe that was who they were laughing at in #2
She had that reality star... tara gets wasted in every major city on the planet...

Anonymous said...

Tara Reid fell and blamed her friends in Miami, not at Fashion Week NYC

Anonymous said...

hmmm... i didnt think Paris was a good fit for #3 because of the 'sometimes model' hint.
but there was that NYDN blind item about a hollywood princess who passed around the meth pipe at her dinner party... the web sites were posting paris or nicole's pic with the item... seems more nicole's irreverent style but it could have just as well been paris...

but what is confuses me is that they have both actually gained about 5 pounds in the last month as opposed to losing it which you would do if you were the subject of the meth pipe blind or this #3 blind.
i don't think someone could look as healthy as Paris looks on the 'Hottie and Nottie' set if "there was just awe that this person was still alive, let alone even had a nose remaining"

Anonymous said...

For #3 i think Milla Jojovich is a good guess. I saw her sing a long time ago opening for that Hmmmm Hmmm Hmmm song band at the House of Blues in Hollywood and the whole audience was laughing at her because she was so obviously high on stage. She kept trying to talk but nothing she said made sense and she would sing and then stop and stare up at the ceiling in silence, then stumble around the stage- she has been a model since she was in her teens and has had a few movies. She hasn't really ever done any of these consistently, so the "sometimes sometimes sometimes" comment seems to fit well. I ve also read that she defends her drug use in interviews.

Anonymous said...

3. Carmen Electra

hi ent :o)

Anonymous said...

Kim 2:50 -

I like your Martha Stewart guess.

#1. I don't remember hearing about any controversy surrounding Rachel Ray (although someone mentioned rumors of racism), whereas Martha and Kelly Ripa have obviously seen their share of controversy (Martha's jail-worthy ethics and her rep for mistreating employees/Ripa's alleged homophobic treatment of Clay Aiken). Both hosts have that middle-America appeal...think of the demographics for Regis & Kelly's corny mornign show, and Martha's uptight homemaking show...

Rosie is a kind of good guess, because I think in spite of American homophobia, she still has the same broad base of fans from her self-titled talk show days.

Janice Dickinson is NOT extremely popular with the general public! She's not a household name except with those who watch that retard parade on UPN and old folks who remember her pre-Frankenstein era as a model decades ago. And who among those groups even like her? That shouldn't even be considered a possibility. Ridiculous guess.

#2. Paris Hilton seems to be the most obvious. She's a joke even to members of Hollyweird.

Tyra is a mildly retarded, Oprah-wannabe fool. Self-absorbed, utterly stupid and useless, and unattractive to boot. I hope her fatass dies. That has nothing to do with the BI, but it has to be said, over and over and over, until she chokes on a chicken bone and dies with a bucket of KFC teetering on her self-obsessed fatass.


Anonymous said...

2:40 - Ashlee Simpson is a good guess for 3


Anonymous said...

As much as I hate defending Paris, it can't be her.


Anonymous said...

Three is Mila J. She also has a fashion line out now as well. She modeled had an album out that she wrote while in high school and has been in numberous movies incl. Dazed and Confused...

schneefloeckli said...

Britney's a friend of EntL's so none of these blind items are her. I've no idea who #1+3 could be but #2 screams Paris IMO!

Anonymous said...

Actually, Paris IS in NY, and was scheduled to be at the Heatherette show, but cancelled due to a "stomach problem."

I think Paris is #2.

Anonymous said...

# 3 is obviously Carmen Electra- she is kinda sometime actress/sometime singer (had a CD in 1993) /sometime model .She has been seen a lot on Fashion week

GoodGirlGoneGood said...

In #3, ENT uses the word 'awe' twice. Does it connect to any of the people mentioned? (Milla Jovovich, Ashlee Simpson, etc.)

GoodGirlGoneGood said...

In regard to #3: For what it's worth, I saw Carmen Electra at Fashion Week a few years ago. She looked unhappy (I guessed that things weren't going well with hubby), but she didn't look high. Of course, that doesn't mean she's not into it now.

Anonymous said...

#3 Sheer volume sticks out to me, does anyone fit doing a hair product commercial now?


Anonymous said...

What about Lauren Conrad for #2??


Anonymous said...

what about vanessa minnillo for number 1?? I think bijou phillips is a good guess for number 3

me said...

i'm with the carmen electra guess for #3.

Anonymous said...

hilary duff for number #3 singer, model, and actress.

Anonymous said...

What about Paris for #3?

- She is sometimes an actress (The Hottie and The Nottie; other stupid things she's done)

- She is sometimes a singer (that god-awful album of hers)

- She is sometimes a model (I read elsewhere that she backed out of the Heatherette show, please correct me if I'm wrong, because she was too hungover)

- Captain

Anonymous said...

For #3 - Ashlee was on 7th Heaven, "sings" and is a model for Sketchers. Not sure if she was at Fashion Week.

Anonymous said...

#1 = KELLY RIPA: controversial (clay aiken).

#2 could be britney: she was a MESS at fashion week (wearing a cheap dress with the tag still in etc). And she was in that ridiculous Chaotic nonsense. Money, yes! Class, NO! laughing stock? HELL YEAH.

#3 is BIJOU. have you SEEN HER FACE??!?!?!?!?!? she look like DEATH.

Anonymous said...

#2 Is Kim Kardashian. Pretty sure it's not a classy move to film your boyfriend pissing on you and then try to sell that tape. And she was at Fashion Week, there is a picture of her there with 2 other girls (possibly her 2 sisters), all of them looking like hookers.

#3 Has to be Parasite. She was supposed to walk in the Heatherette show but bailed because she was out doing shots of Tequila all night and was too hungover.


Unknown said...

I'm sorry, but Lauren Conrad (LC) is known for handling herself in a pretty classy manner... especially compared to most/all of those other media-hungry reality stars that notoriously scramble for press. I can't see her being 'openly mocked' I think the other guesses are better.


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