Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Might as well start with a tough one. Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy. Definitely a real relationship. No marriage. Children a possibility, if not a probability. She will stick it out longer than he will. They WILL be a couple this time next year.

I guess I will make some people mad now. Oh well, it is what I do. Not that I am happy about it. Although I do admit when I talk about Denise Richards later it will make me happy. BUT only her. Everyone else I want to be happy, but this is the real world, Hollywood style, and most of the time relationships do not last. So, Katharine McPhee and Nick Cokas. I think this was true love and marriage and babies and happily ever after. UNTIL Idol. Now, I see it is a love lost kind of thing and would not be surprised to see him out with someone else in the future. I think she will stay single longer but we may not notice it because I do not think pap are following Nick. I have seen and been up close with Katharine at least six or seven times in the last two months, and this is the vibe I am getting. So, this couple will NOT be together next year at this time.


  1. Anonymous9:30 AM

    This Nick dude is too old for Katherine anyway. He looks old enough to be her Grampy.


  2. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Jim Carrey and Jenny McCarthy are a perfect match. He's zany, madcap and loves beautiful blondes. She's a beautiful blonde who's zany and madcap. He loves bathroom humor--so does she. And it goes on and on--they're the yin to each other's yang. The only thing that has surprised me, ENT, is Jim's early assertion that he and Jenny won't be getting married. When I read that, I was like what? They're certainly soulmates. But I agree with you, ENT. This is a Hollywood couple that is real.

  3. Jenny McCarthy is so beautiful and I love her new(ish) hair. Who is Nick Cokas? Is he a celebrity, or just the dude who was dating Katharine McPhee?

  4. Anonymous12:08 PM

    Who the heck are McPhee and Cokas? Are they from some reality show?

  5. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Jenny and Jim - Marriage is nothing but a salve for insecurity anyway! Who needs it?
    Bring on the beautiful madcap babies!

  6. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Also, with all apologies to the comments troll, Denise is boring. I can't think of anything she could do that would pique my interest again. Maybe if she shot Charlie I would change my mind.....

  7. Anonymous4:06 PM

    Nick Cokas isn't a celebrity. At least I don't think he is. Katharine was the runner up on the last season of American Idol. Nick Cokas is much older than Katharine, so I would imagine they are in very different places in their lives. He's probably looking to settle down and she's just beginning her career. If it's not meant to be, so be it.

  8. Anonymous5:28 PM

    So kats breaking up with Nick!!!


    SCORE!!! SOUND the foghorn!!

    Kat single!!!

    Um kat wanna go out sometime lol!! YES!!!

  9. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Shes single!!

    Oh mcphee!!!
