Meg Ryan and Matthew Perry? That just doesn't seem right to me. I do know that at least one part of the story is true. He is definitely not dating Lizzy Caplan anymore. Not that I would really call it dating anyway.
What exactly is Denise Richards doing on the beach?
This Norwegian website has zeroed in on a little black tube of something which she then applies to her face, and then zeroes in on her nose where something is clearly visible. I am NOT making any assumptions or inferences, I just think they are interesting photos. The website has the photos really blown up and zoomed in close if you are curious.

Bumps on the beach!?! NIIIIICE.
ReplyDeleteI guess that is how she stays so skinny...
I think it is chapstick.
ReplyDeleteSure looks like a "bullet" to me.
ReplyDeleteDavid got it exactly right--"bumps on a beach"
Never saw anyone put chapstick up their nose.
I would have to be totally high to crawl on top of that. Note the curled toes in pic #2. Bumps is correct.
ReplyDeleteShe is definately snorting some cocaine. You can tell from the last picture. The way her lips are her persed. People who are under the influence of cocaine tend to lick their lips a lot and their jaws grind too.
ReplyDeleteThat is a cocaine bullet. If memory serves me it will hold several good hits. Perfect for occasions such as this. Just insert in nose and sniff.