Match Game 2007 - Heather Mills is a stuck up__________
See, I was going to give the porno star/alleged escort/gold digger the benefit of the doubt. I thought she was coming to her senses and was going to have fun with herself and be self-deprecating. I am sure you have seen the rumors that HMM was going to be on Dancing With The Stars. (yes, it should be called the Surreal Life Dances, but that is not for now.) Anyway, I thought it would be a great idea and really let us see here in the States that she is not the bitch we all think she is. It turns out, she is not going to be on the show and from the tone of her PR person would never stoop low enough to be on the show. I have some advice for you HMM. Your gold digging days are done and you are going to get quickly bored having 18 year old boys have sex with you and play hide the prosthetic limb. (When I have sex I call it something else, but she is the porno star, so we will let her have her due.) In a few years no one will want your tired, drag queen looking self on our shows so you better sign up quick. Your only hope in the future will be if Flava Flav can come back from the dead and makes you one of his tasty flavors of love. 

woah... so much hate ent... is she really a gold digger? everyone pegs her as one but i've never really seen proof...
ReplyDeleteFoxy - that's a ho.
ReplyDeleteYeah there tons of photos & stories in the UK re: her "escort" past, modelling (lots of nude and porn "educational" material that involve all kinds of things) and of course her history prior to McCartney. Amazing actually for the audacity of it all and her lies when caught out. One of my favorites is her trying to get a column using another journalist's credentials - they are both named Heather Mills and claimed the other's work as her own on resumes!
ReplyDeleteHeather is just a hop , jump and skip from kicking your ass
ReplyDeletewow, you had to go low with the limb comment...
ReplyDeleteSkip my comments then.
ReplyDeleteshe is takeing Paul for an arm and a leg in the divorce
ReplyDeleteGood ones!
ReplyDeletewhy all the anger toward HMM? her past is just that, her PAST. it's not like she was committing crimes against humanity. this whole post has a really ugly tone. (and rather bizarre to rag on a one-legged woman for turning down a DANCING show.)
ReplyDeleteand paulie has plenty of $$ regardless if HMM takes a chunk of it. call it the cost of being a silly old man.
yeah i know like her past involves nude pics etc etc but i dont think i'd condemn her now because of it because for all i or anyone knows she's not like that anymore. people change. i need proof of her at PRESENT time that she's really all ho/bad etc etc...
ReplyDeleteI'm really scratching my head over this one. I'm a massage therapist in a hotel she stayed at last year and the person I met wasn't the person I've been reading about. No airs, no superiority, never let on who she was {she checked in under a fake name} and we had a nice, enjoyable conversation during her massage. vote for WTF?