Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A little preview of Kim Kardashian and Ray-J. (NSFW) . If the film does not play, then click here and it will work.

Kardashian Trailer -


  1. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Granted, she's got a great body (and the editing isn't bad either), but I have to protest the laughable description of Ray-J as any kind of "superstar". More like the poor man's LL Cool J.

    How long until they release the part of the video where she's coked to the gills and spewing racist epithets? Let's hope as the child of a lawyer she's been smarter than that.

  2. Anonymous12:29 PM

    her ass is HUGE.

  3. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Hey Ent? Could you explain the whole legal issues with these tapes for me? Do all participants have to sign off on it? Could it really be released without her consent?

  4. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Just watching this, I seriously think these two video taped themselves with the intention of releasing it. The lighting is just to good, the moans are too porn-style...

    And I agree with Hez - Ray J is a superstar?

  5. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Indeed, betsnup... that sounds like a negotiated credit designed to mollify if I ever heard one.

    "Yeah, you can release it, but you have to refer to me as a "Rap Superstar!"

    If I were his agent, I'd be in a scalding hot bath with a wire brush right now. Who knew Faustian bargains could get your hands so dirty??

  6. Anonymous1:02 PM

    God, everything is so staged, I've gotta hand it to them, great editing skills.

  7. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Hmmm, I wonder what Whitney H has to say about this? Sounds like she's (W) the rebound chick....
    Anonymous said...

    her ass is HUGE.

    12:29 PM
    and there's nothing wrong with her ass, some of us got it, and others have to buy an ass like that! All things flat isn't always attractive.

  8. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I think it's a great ass! I could get into some trouble with that thing.

  9. Anonymous2:31 PM

    She is just GROSS!!! Her voice really made me cringe.

  10. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Its a contest who can put out the nastyiest sex tape. Look at these girls Kim Paris Nicky they got money thier parents got money they been educated given everything and yet all they got to sell is their cootches
    Everyone want to be a video ho

  11. Anonymous3:01 PM

    If there is anyone that can match Paris as one of Hollywood's biggest skanks, it's Kim.

  12. Anonymous3:12 PM

    Spectacular body on that girl.

  13. Anonymous3:14 PM


  14. Anonymous3:57 PM

    Listen, who is Kim Kardashian? I mean really, she's not even a poor man's Paris Hilton.
    The only reason people are going to watch this video (for free) is b/c its satisfying to see someone like her humiliate themselves in such a public way. She is a nobody, a wannabe-celebrity clinger. Her poor family, she has little brothers & sisters!! Great role model for them!

  15. Anonymous4:24 PM

    i can't bring myself to watch. ug.

  16. Anonymous4:24 PM

    i can't bring myself to watch. ug.

  17. Anonymous4:25 PM

    waffle. sorry.

  18. Anonymous6:30 PM

    To anon 3:57 pm:

    Re: Her poor family, she has little brothers & sisters!! Great role model for them!

    Who were her role models?

    On the night of June 17, 1994 she was barely 14 years old...
    her father brings a 'close friend' to stay overnight(OJ), the next day on TV she see's her 'overnight guest' lead an infamous police chase because he doesn't want to face up to his double murder charges, and she gets to see her role model dad go before TV cameras and read an emotional letter from his long-time friend... then her role model dad gets added to the legal team so he won't be forced to testify against his friend... according to OJ the only time her dad 'Bobby' (whom he loved) ever even pissed OJ off was for writing a book about him for money...
    apple doesn't fall too far from the tree...
    can you blame her?
    she doesn't have a law degree and Paris hasn't murdered anyone so how the hell else is she gonna get her 15 minutes... by using her body of course... world's oldest profession

  19. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Eww..what's that white stuff he's licking off of her?!

  20. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Disgusting. This blog is turning trashy. Stick with blind items-- dirty, low-IQ, dysfunctional scumbags aren't entertaining content.

  21. Anonymous10:14 PM

    12:29 PM All things flat isn't always attractive.

    You sure are an ignorant piece of shit, aren't you? Big fat asses aren't attractive - to anyone but the owner, fat asses have to be easy.

  22. Anonymous10:53 PM

    to 10:14 pm

    why so rude
    name calling is not what this blog is all about in case you haven't noticed
    please take your anger out on your real targets not us

  23. wow 10:14, calm yourself please. Some people like fat asses, and some like 'em small. No need to get fired up about it.

    One thing I do have to say is that her body is fantastic, and I think her bum is a good size!

  24. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I like the song in the background. I think her fantastic body is the product of a ton of surgery - check Wikipedia.

  25. Anonymous10:43 AM

    man i'd love to watch this whole thing... staged or not... this is definitely better than paris'!

  26. Anonymous12:14 PM

    aaaah its been removed¡¡¡ do you know any other link?
