Monday, February 12, 2007

Last party. Guess who was at this one? No, not Tara Reid. Someone better. Someone loved and adored by the gossip world. Yes, it was Denise Richards. Honestly, she and Richie Sambora was a freak show. He was all over her all of the time. She was all over him WHEN a camera was there. As much as I despise the woman. I actually started to feel sorry for her drag queen looking self last night. People were whispering and she was being groped more than the musician's girlfriend from the last blind item.
I could go on and on about other stories, but honestly, at that point I was done for the night. I did not get any sleep Saturday night with the pedestrian being hit, and so I was wrecked. I do have a couple more blind items for the next post though.


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