Thursday, February 22, 2007

Jessica Simpson Mixes Charity With Publicity

I am not going to give Jessica Simpson a hard time. I am happy the orphanage in Nuevo Laredo is going to get a new van and that Jessica is going to auction off some clothes from a Pizza Hut commercial and give the proceeds to the orphanage. What I am going to say is that the press release known as People Magazine is filled with plugs for two different types of Chrysler vehicles and Pizza Hut all within the span of a 300 word article. In addition Jessica got paid for the Pizza Hut commercial and got the Chrysler for free. I am not sure I see the sacrifice. Like I said this is not about Jessica and I am glad she is doing something. The problem is in Hollywood when charity is all about publicity and not about charity. Call me when someone just has Pizza Hut send their fee directly to the orphanage and we do not hear about it from the star.


Anonymous said...

She'll share John Mayer!

Anonymous said...

AMEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much EL. These were my thoughts exactly when I saw People's website today. That girl will do anything for publicity. I would EXPECT her to give that damn car away. She doesn't need it!!!!! But why does she need to have it publicized?! Because it goes well with her new little "I"m credible! Look! I date a musician the media has deemed "credible!" I have a boyfriend and I have dark hair now...I'm a new person!!! Now I give Chrysler mini vans to orphanages in Mexico!!!" She's over and she and her sorry ass team of people know it. Plus, I figured it was only a matter of time until this staying out of the spotlight and just being happy to be a controlling, arrogant guy's total bitch started to take its toll on her. She and her family can't live without the attention. I found it disgusting that this was publicized. It could have been done of out of genuine kindness, but it wasn't. It was a Chrysler (you think she would ever be caught dead driving a peon mobile?!) and it was an opportunity for "good press". But it just makes her look desperate.

I hate PEOPLE magazine. EL speaks the truth. It's just an official publicity outlet. It is fluffy BS that celebrities use when they want a nice mention...I come here for this stuff now. People is Jessucka, Asslee, and Pimpa Joe's BIATCH!

serenegab said...

I'm guesing anon's feeling a little better after that. Free gift for you- the NYDN ran a line after superbowl weekend about Scarlett J. donating a MIA condo she won to charity and also mentioned that Ms. Simspon kept the car she won in August. Do you think the timing a couple of weeks later of Jessica's gift in People is coincidental?

Anonymous said...

Anon, I agree with everything you said. She's a joke

Anonymous said...

Totally agree with anonymous and's just an orchestrated PR move to keep her headlines and give her some supposed credibility. She and her handlers are desperately transparent. I keep hoping she'll fade away as an entertainment figure and just become a full time groupie but as long as daddy pulls the strings and needs the money we'll keeping seeing her equally annoying minimally talent sister.

Anonymous said...

I don't think she herself will ever be ok with taking a backseat to anyone...not even Prince Asshole himself (John Mayer. She's just doing that right now to reel him in because he's still too embarrassed to be totally open about their gross relationship. She LOVES the attention. She's an empty person who needs blind adoration. I know Pimpa Joe pulls a lot of the strings but I think it's obvious that fame is something that Jessica feeds off of. Same thing with Ashlee. Jessica complains about the tabloids, but behind closed doors she sucks up to them to keep her career going. She's a tabloid figure and most of the public (exception being 14 year old girls who like glitter and ruffled mini skirts)are rooting for her to fade away, lose the money she has that she doesn't deserve, and go back to obscurity in Texas. Paris Hilton has finally hit the skids in the tabloids...Jessica's time will come...and no number of gifted mini vans can save her nasty ass.


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