Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Jennifer Love Hewitt's Date Caption Contest

"Yes, I may have a wonky eye like Paris Hilton, look like an ass and be an ass, but I am sleeping with her pal and not you."

"I make Carson Daly cry and I have never met him."

"They are real and they are spectacular."

"What makes you think I have money?"


  1. Anonymous11:03 AM

    "Does finally showing some cleavage after a tedious 15-year lead up distract you enough from how HUGE my ass has become?"

    Plus, I need a shower after looking at that creepily unctuous guy.

  2. Anonymous11:26 AM

    "FINALLY showing some cleavage"???? Hez, her tv show should be called Twins she shows those puppies off so much.

    And sadly, the guy she's with must be a serial killer because I find him attractive. *sigh*

  3. Anonymous11:31 AM

    LOL Pinky.

    I don't watch the new show but I recall she was quite the turtlenecker on Fiesta del Cinquo...

    I am sure Playboy has a team working overtime to try and get her and the equally busty Lacey Chabert in a pictorial together. Even I know that would be a HUGE seller.

    Oh and because I can, I'll add this: "Matthew Fox. Mmmmm..."

  4. Anonymous11:38 AM

    "And sadly, the guy she's with must be a serial killer because I find him attractive."

    I agree, Pinky.

  5. JLH never seems to fare very well on the gossip blogs .... I know Perez in particular is nasty to her.

    Did I miss some cardinal Hollywood sin she committed?

    I actually like her (although I agree with the previous comment that The Girls should get their own credit line at the top of the show).

    How come people are so tough on her?

  6. "Well, there might be less expensive beards but she's clearly the best. Don't forget to stare at the boobies every five minutes and nobody will ever believe anymore your little incident at the male massage parlor."

  7. Anonymous2:31 PM

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  8. Anonymous2:48 PM

    I think the last guy wins ;)

  9. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Oooh, 2:31... that IS one mighty clever caption, but can it fit on a T-shirt?

    Methinks The Ent is Near...

    HAHAHAHAHA (I couldn't resist.)

    Looks like someone had an extra helping of crazy with their psyllium fiber this morning.

  10. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Wait a sec... I just read some of that... Tom Cruise, is that YOU??

    Whoever it is, they have a LOT on their mind.

    Crazier than a bag of Scientologist rats... (oh, right, that's redundant.)

  11. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Hey, leave Liebgott alone! Go rent Band of Hot Brothers and then come back and tell me you don't think Ross McCall is awesome. Also, he has a Scottish accent. Everyone is hotter when they're Scottish.

  12. Anonymous8:24 PM

    "Hey..you..with the camera. Take my picture. My hand is on her ass and she can't do a damn thing about it!"

    "I knew when I did that guest spot on Family Guy that I was on my way down, but I never thought it would go this far."

  13. Anonymous8:24 PM

    "I haven't bearded a guy who looks this much like the undead since John Mayer."

    Law & Order anonymous poster

  14. Anonymous8:24 PM

    "I haven't bearded a guy who looks this much like the undead since John Mayer."

    Law & Order anonymous poster
