Thursday, February 22, 2007

In Case You Have Not Laughed Today

Bobby Trendy was spotted by TMZ last night and got him on video spouting off about Howard K and Larry Birkhead. Is it just me or does Bobby Trendy look like Boy George from the mid 90's right before he entered rehab?


Anonymous said...

I'm loving the boa.

Anonymous said...

I don't know but Boy George was hot. This dude is sooo not.

Anonymous said...

WHO is Bobby Trendy??

Anonymous said...

Bobby Trendy: "interior designer," genitalia saluter, lover of all things ruffled, gilded and ostrich-beplumed.

If Donald Trump's decorator and Liberace mated and the child was abducted and raised by FAAAAAAAABULOUS aliens who taught it to speak a language only crazy people can hear....

That's Bobby Trendy.

I never even saw the ANS TV show (which he was on) but he is totally mental and for that I kind of love him.

MnGddess said...

Saying he's totally mental is an insult to totally mental people.



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