If You Don't Get Drunk At Your Birthday Party, Then You Must Be Pregnant and Some Other Baby News

Every week the UK newspapers hammer home the fact that Charlotte Church is a party animal and that she supports her boyfriend much like Kate Moss supports Pete Doherty. Not in an enabling drug stupor/coma kind of way, but more of a let me pay for everything because you think I am good looking kind of way. Anyway, Charlotte Church turned 21 on Wednesday and was going to have a huge party and get drunk and the pap were going to be there and then, nothing. She had a quiet party at home and allegedly didn't have anything to drink. Therefore, she must be pregnant. I like the logic. Works everytime.

In actual baby news, Amanda Peet may have recently lost a television show, but she gained a daughter. This job loss/baby gain will probably make her happy in some kind of weird way because she does not have to juggle work and Frances Pen. No, not Frances Bean, it is Frances Pen. No, it is not the name of some pen manufacturer it is short for Penny who is Amanda's mom. The baby was also welcome news for Amanda's husband who was wondering if Amanda could do any project that did not involve Matthew Perry.

In actual baby news, Amanda Peet may have recently lost a television show, but she gained a daughter. This job loss/baby gain will probably make her happy in some kind of weird way because she does not have to juggle work and Frances Pen. No, not Frances Bean, it is Frances Pen. No, it is not the name of some pen manufacturer it is short for Penny who is Amanda's mom. The baby was also welcome news for Amanda's husband who was wondering if Amanda could do any project that did not involve Matthew Perry.
I think Charlotte is beautiful, I just wish she hadn't partied that voice away. She truly had a gift.
ReplyDeleteTrust me its a SERIOUSLY big deal in UK. Charlotte not drinking?! I for one dont believe what I am hearing! There was a time a Britney-like intervention was on the cards! She was fierce when it came to alcohol! Maybe she's trying to change her image for her talk show....Noone wants to get grilled by a lush. Or shock-horror she IS pregnant?!
ReplyDeleteAgree wid Brendalove... She had SUCH a gift! Then came puberty....
Charlotte is stacked!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhen is that ugly Peet going to go away? Give it up Peet
Was Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip canceled?
ReplyDeleteAnd why do you say:
"The baby was also welcome news for Amanda's husband who was wondering if Amanda could do any project that did not involve Matthew Perry."
Was there smthg btw Perry and Amanda Peets?
Wow I didn't even know that she was pregnant. Good luck to her, a baby's first year is hard, she'll need the time off.
ReplyDeleteAmanda fucks Matthew Perry, and Matthew Perry fathered her baby.
ReplyDeleteI know I'm a girl and everything but I would love to take that Charlotte Church photo, go to Dr. Rey (90210) and say, "I want these breasts, please".....
Insanely Jealous
Love Charlotte.
ReplyDeleteForget her breasts, I want her boyfriend!!