Monday, February 05, 2007

I really want to be objective when it comes to Nick and Jessica, but this piece of garbage written by People seems to have been written by Jessica's PR people. I would say it had been written by Pimpa Joe but there are not enough sex references or any naked pics, so I think he was just somewhat involved.

Jessica was hurt that Nick saw people two or three weeks after their marriage ended. --Well he was probably more hurt that you were with people DURING the marriage.

People glimpsed her e-mail inbox and saw ten messages from John Mayer. So People got close enough to see her e-mail, and how convenient that John Mayer's name was so prominent in their glimpse.

Also she says she broke up with Nick because of the movie The Notebook. Well sure, you can get divorced for infidelity or finances or because of a movie. Sure, lots of people do that. "Honey, I know we have been married for fifty years, but I just saw Old School and it made me realize I wanted a divorce."

On a lighter note, here is a video of John Mayer going into the crowd to make out with a girl. OK, make out is a strong phrase. But who wants to bet there was tongue?


  1. Anonymous10:40 AM

    I thought this was footage from a new Discovery Channel show -- "When Poorly Closeted Gay Musicians Attack!

  2. Anonymous10:42 AM

    I would have slipped him some maybe, five years ago.
    What happened to him being hot?

  3. Anonymous10:49 AM

    I love your use of "pimpa". It's perfect. Joe Simpson is so gross.

  4. Anonymous12:00 PM

    she's a tweet. I'm team Nick all the way. Nick wanted out and for good reasons... now she's just trying to get some press using Nick's name.... chica Please! psh.....


  5. Anonymous12:17 PM

    She's such a desperate tramp. Nick is better off w/o her.

  6. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Aww..c'mon! He's still cute--is he really closeted, EL? Man, this Anti-Perez Guy is working overtime today!

  7. Anonymous11:53 PM

    oh... crap.. another person I can't be a fan of didn't realize that she cheated on him thought it was the other way around Nick always seemed kind of like a player guess not. I must have the worst tastes in favorite celebrities ever. Next your going to say something bad about Jennifer Garner.

  8. Anonymous12:25 AM

    That's my video! John ROCKS!
