Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I really do not want to go back and check, but I think it has been a few days since I mentioned Paris Hilton. I think the world is just a little happier because of it.

So, lets say I am invited to appear at a brand new McDonalds and paid $100,000 to do that. I then think to myself, I want all the food here all for myself and I am not going to pay for it. I then go around stuffing fries and pies into my mouth. One bite of a Big Mac here and just throw the Chicken Nuggets onto the ground because they are not hot enough. That would be a really asshole kind of thing to do. Well Eva "My head is sooooooooooooo big" Longoria had the same problem. No, she didn't appear at a McDonalds, although she will soon. "Hi, I am Jerry Mathers. This is Danny Bonaduce and Haley Joel Osment. Nice to meet you Eva. Do you know if there is going to be free food at this one?"

Eva was at Harrods and paid $100,000 to appear there. So, she thought to herself, I am going to do some shopping because I am sure they want to give me lots of free things. So she did $19,000 worth of shopping and was shocked when Harrods sent her a bill. Well considering five people showed up for the appearance, she is lucky they did not ask for their fee back. At McDonalds they will. Bonus points if you read the sign carefully.


  1. Anonymous9:53 AM

    EL--you just love eva longoria, don't you?:D

  2. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Heh! Heh! "Toys for big boys"....

  3. This gal gets more press than anyone, and I don't get ANY of it! What is so intriguing about her? She's not the greatest actress in the world, nor is she the prettiest or the most scandalous.

    She must have some agent and publicist to get so much exposure.

    I just don't get why a store in England would pay so much to have someone so seemingly insignificant show up. Is Desperate Housewives that popular in England? Is Harrod's having that much trouble getting business?

    And, now that I mention it, why is it that articles about Harrod's feel that it's significant in any way to mention that the store is owned by Dodi's father? Does the journalist get paid by the word or something?


  4. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Oh Eva darling...no. You just are
    not big enough nor beloved enough
    to go all Liz Taylor on us.

    Keep it real girl,keep it real.

    Miss Helen Crump

  5. God, I love it when you diss Eva! More more more!

  6. Anonymous1:01 AM

    Eva Longoria must be the best fuck ever. Otherwise I don't understand how Tony Parker can stand her...

  7. Anon 1:01 AM re: Tony lovin' Eva....

    well, he IS French.....

  8. Oh, and EL ( I keep typing ET - I don't know why)... on behalf of most of the bloggers with more than a few brain cells, THANK YOU for not mentioning the walking bacterial infection known as, well, that city in France.

