Tuesday, February 20, 2007

I guess Tom Brady forgot to tell Gisele about being a Daddy

Tom Brady's "people" are upset that Bridget Moynahan went public with the news Tom is going to be a daddy. Why would they be upset that she told the world? My guess is that Tom maybe has not told his hot Brazilian girlfriend that he is going to be a daddy and wanted to wait until the baby was actually being born before sharing the good news. No need to get Gisele Bundchen angry, especially since she just gained 14 pounds to be able to model in Milan next week.


  1. Anonymous10:03 AM

    damm she gained 14 lbs !

  2. Anonymous10:16 AM

    He's kidding, Kiki. And Brady WAS given a heads up that B was p.g. and that she was going to announce it. As if this is all some conspiracy that happened to Tom -- gee, poor guy. [snort]

  3. Anonymous10:16 AM

    14 pounds! Oh hell no, I'd stay away.

  4. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Sounds like Brady's people wanted to control the announcement. Why should she wait? Three months is when things start to show.

    Typical woman, getting uppity just because she's dumped and pregnant.

  5. Anonymous11:02 AM

    We'll probably never know who knew what when and why either one did what they did, and it doesn't really matter all that much, BUT - I do find it more than just a coincidence that the announcement was timed just as BM's movie is coming out.

    Yes, I'm a Brady fan, and I would expect him to make some announcement that he'll do the right thing.

    I also think it's interesting that towards the end of their relationship she was repeatedly quoted as wanting to be married with kids within the year, and he always deflected that same question. Obviously, they weren't on the same page on that issue. EL's math on the timing matches my own - the break up came just a couple of weeks after she got pregnant. Combine that with the carefully timed announcement - BM appears pretty calculating. Without question, he must take responsibility, but there's something about the announcement that bothers me.

    Pats fan

  6. Anonymous11:34 AM

    So many levels to this.
    First, does anyone else smell entrapment? But at the same time if your gf is going around telling everyone that she wants to get pregnant and you don't want her to get pregnant then where a fucking condom. I love how guys are all "how could she?!" when all they had to do was wrap it up.
    She will make him pay, and I mean more than financially, for a long time.

  7. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Whoops! wear not where.

  8. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Wow quite a few football fans here...

    First offo when in gods name have you EVER heard a celeb confirm the real due date or how far along they are? I'd guess she's saying 3 months which really means 4..therefor dear Tom probably knew ALLLLL about baby before they even broke up.
    I always thought he was a douche, this just confirms it.
    Who goes from a 3 year relationship straight into another with a 'whole week' in between???

  9. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Tom and Bridget broke up in November, but the official statement was only released in December. All the news and "official" information are coming from Bridget's side. This from a woman who during their three years relationship had several times planted "news" that the two were either engaged or getting married. I blame Tom big time for being in this situation. If your
    gf is telling everyone, from magazines to talk shows that she wants to start a family and get married, if it's not your wish, mate, you run from it! I'll give him some credit because now he's with Gisele, wich seems to be a very nice girl and besides she's much more richer and famous than he is, so he don't have to worry. I have seen Bridget in some Pats games and she clearly
    thinks she is a big celebrity. Not really a nice person. Also i wonder why she was never sit with his family. Word is for everyone who go to Gillette that the Brady's never really liked her. His father is the one who is a devout Catholic, not Tom BTW. I think Tom will be a great father and i really hope to see he and Gisele marrying one day. It's good to see two succesful people together, two people who worked hard to be on the top of their games, and did not traped anyone.

  10. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Tom should have been wearing a rubber unless she insisted that he did not!

    I also think that she should have respected his wishes if he did not want children. This was an underhanded thing to do. Get over it and move on, but I guess that would be too hard for her to do.


  11. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Virgo74 - You're right on the money there.

    Pats Fan

  12. Anonymous6:46 PM

    i wonder if gisele will be sticking around?
