I Guess That Jennifer Aniston Topless Photo was Real--aka Perez Sued Again
Being the biggest on the block and making your distaste known for Jennifer Aniston puts your head squarely on the chopping block when you post a photo she does not want posted. Although every gossip site published the photo from the film The Break-Up, and millions of people now have it on their hard drive, Perez will be footing the bill for everyone involved. Universal wants Perez to shop showing the image and also wants the US Marshals to confiscate the material.
See, the problem with the law is that it moves slowly. No one cares about the picture anymore because we have all seen it. Even if they take Perez's copy who is going to get all the rest of the copies from every guy and many ladies who downloaded it. No money damages were asked for in the complaint and I don't think Universal will ask for any because Perez will make their lives miserable. It is interesting that Ms. Aniston did not actually file suit, unlike in the last topless action, but let the studio handle it instead.
Finally, the studio attached a copy of the photo(sans good parts) to the complaint, so now fair use would apply when publishing the photo (sans good parts) in the future.