Friday, February 23, 2007

Harry Potter Naked - Again With The Horse

I am starting to worry about Daniel Radcliffe and his obsession with that horse. If you want to see what Daniel is packing, then click away, but I will warn you that it is NSFW unless of course your work goes for that kind of thing. That would be kind of fun to work at a place and everyone invites each other over to their respective computer and checks out each other's porn. Of course there would always be that one guy who did not want to share or had pictures he took of his mom sleeping which would freak everyone out.


  1. Anonymous9:26 AM

    it's a fake...a really, really obvious photoshop job...just so you know

  2. Anonymous9:27 AM

    No, it's photoshopped IMO. No was could that boy have such a major treasure-trail and such meagre bush. Those thighs don't look like they belong to that body either.

  3. Anonymous9:41 AM

    um not saying it's not photoshopped.. but the treasure trail not matching bush is quite simply solved by a trim of the bush area but leaving the trail to the splendor :)
    i think the thighs do match his bod. looks a lot like (please don't take this wrong here) my bro's body... strong well developed upper body and abs, with slightly stockier musclular legs. i'd read somewhere he spent a lot of timing working out to bulk up for this so he wlnd't at all be confused for a young boy.

    but again, have no clue if its photoshopped or not just some thoughts.

  4. Anonymous9:59 AM

    I hope it isn't photoshopped and he's really packing. It's totally perverted and makes me feel like Mary Kay LeTourneau to even be discussing this at all.

  5. Anonymous10:10 AM

    OKAY Harry Potter, WE GET IT. You are no longer a "boy", you are a "man". (A man that loves ponies.)

    I'm glad you loooove "theatah" and I'm sure Equus is as good a place to break free from your past roles as anything, but I don't think thrusting your bathing suit area in everyone's face is going to garner you much adult respect (unless you do it to my boy George Michael in a public restroom somewhere).

    Please, put the magic wand away! Alakazam!

  6. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Age of consent in the UK is 16, so he's been legal for over a year.

    It's a serious play he's doing, and the nudity required is well known, so it's not like he's been caught unawares. I doubt that the play's publicists would release a shot like this though.

  7. Anonymous10:31 AM

    OK, a bit of clicketty finds the source.

    The manip was made by an LJ user called herbertvonkoln and posted in a HP slashfic journal called Harry/Draco. They called him on it being a manip, and I saw a comment that said he had admitted making it. In the time I was checking all this, herbertvonkoln deleted his LJ.

  8. Anonymous10:33 AM

    ms_wonderland... what's a manip? a prostetic for the manly parts?

    had no clue 16 was age o' con over there. explains a bit more why he was chosen too. i was a bit perplexed as to why producers would cast him in the first place but if he's legal then no need for them to worry.

  9. Anonymous10:42 AM

    This whole Equus thing would seriously have an impact on the upcoming Hary Potter movie. Methinks it wont make as much $$ as the previous movies. No wonder those big bosses at Warner are nervous LOL. They are selling the new HP as the one which had Harry first kiss but lo and behold he's seen now boinking someone onstage and getting nasty with a horse. So much for that first kiss hype LMAO!!

    Here's Daniel's sex scene. HAWT!!!

  10. Anonymous10:42 AM

    The character is a young (teenage) boy, so he's the ideal age.

    I like the prosethetic idea! Manip is short for photographic manipulation, and is common in some fan circles, where they like to see their stars doing stuff they (probably) never did in real life.

    Sorry for using the fandom jargon!

  11. Anonymous11:18 AM

    no no, s'all good :) i like to be skooled! feel much hipper already.

    ha ha fandom jargon - great one too.

  12. Gotta go w/ ms_wonderland, it looks "manipped" from play PR photos and is a serious play that people either love or hate. I doubt they would release a photo like that. He's an actor who I would think wants a future beyond Potter and is showing his chops so to speak.

  13. Anonymous12:40 PM

    It is not real. I read where the photographer said NO photos were taken of Daniel with his Johnson swaying in the wind.


  14. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Okay, am I the only one who thought "manipped" meant "male nipples"???

    (ROFLing at my own stupidity and now going off to smoke some "Mischajuana.")
