Monday, February 12, 2007

Grammy Parties Gossip

First going back to Clive's - This aging, non-musical, star got him some special hand loving right there at the dinner table. No one was around and they thought it was safe. Unfortunately for the loving couple, someone walked by RIGHT at the most inconvenient moment and made sure to share the news with everyone.

So, I was at the Warner Music Group after party for all of 30 minutes. Quite possibly the lamest after party of all time. HOWEVER, it had one very happy moment for me. Michael Buble was being his usual asinine self and doing his best to make Scarlett Johansson run and hide. Instead, she ran to me. That is right. She ran to me and away from Justin and Josh and all the other J's she dates in the world. For five minutes I was her protector. It was also the only time in my life I was PRAYING for a pap to show up. Five minutes of heaven before being rudely kicked to the curb when her friend came back from the bathroom.

Yes, Petra and James were there, and it does not matter because I am telling you it was all for show baby.


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