Friday, February 09, 2007

Four For Friday

One of these is from Fashion Week, but you will have to guess which one.

Do not forget that one week from today I will reveal some of those troubling blind items for you. Some you have already guessed, and some you have not. There may even be a shocker or two as well.

Speaking of shockers, this A-list film actress may not always be the perfect wife everyone thinks she is. When her husband is away -- and he has been away several times in the past year -- she has enjoyed a torrid romance with her personal trainer. Originally, this trainer was hired to help her burn off stress, but not pounds, just doing old fashioned exercise. Seeing each other several times a week has kept the stress levels down, but lately it has been a much different kind of exercise. Each of them knows it is a fling, but the trainer has already started sharing details with friends and clients. How long will it be before hubby finds out (and the rest of the world, too)?

It is not only the men in Hollywood who like to have more than one flame burning at a time. This B-list film actress with fairly hopeless aspirations to be A-list keeps at least two guys each in LA and NYC. What started out as just liking one guy from each city has progressed into something more. She still keeps those two around for safety, but what she really enjoys is something a little more wild. Our actress enjoys guys who have been in recent relationships. There are only two requirements: they must have been in a big enough relationship where being seen with them will give her some publicity, AND she must have heard something about how they are good in bed or very well endowed.

This B-list actor will basically work for food. OK, so maybe that makes him C-list, but he was in one of my all-time favorites, so I want to make him a B. But he was a jerk in that movie and in real life, so back to C he goes. Anyway, while filming his latest Tori Spelling-specialty, he met this actress who thought our actor was cute and he was divorced and thus worthy of a date or two. After the first date, she really thought this could be something nice. Then someone on the set warned her about why our actor got divorced. Whoops! No more dates and a really cold shoulder. When they had lines together or had to kiss, it was sterile and clinical. He really is thinking of only working overseas, because the women in Hollywood have him pegged and no one who knows the full story of his divorce wants to work with our actor.

This permanent male television reality personality is married and shouts it from the rooftops. Problem is, he would rather be married to a man than to his wife.

I am on my way back to LA for the Grammys and will have a full report for everyone on Monday.


  1. Anonymous1:32 PM

    CZJ and trainer?

  2. Anonymous1:35 PM

    #2 makes me think Kirsten Dunst. She's been seen with a lot of guys lately that have had big break ups (Drew's ex...)

  3. Anonymous1:39 PM

    1. Catherine Zeta-Jones

    2. Tara Reid (?)

    3. Charlie Sheen (?)

    4. ???? No idea

  4. Anonymous1:47 PM

    #2 Scarlett
    #3 Jonathan Schaech
    #4 Rob of Rob and Amber

  5. Anonymous1:48 PM

    Katie Holmes for no. 1 and who could blame her...

    As for Jonathan Schaech, the rumour was that Christina Applegate was the one fooling around while in NY on Broadway, wasn't it?....

  6. Anonymous1:49 PM

    Rob is a good guess. I was thinking vanilla ice (he's been on surreal life twice now).

  7. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Politely disagreeing with the idea that Katie Holmes is A-list, and also with the idea that she would be left alone without handlers or minders to give her the opportunity to sleep with the help...over and over again.

    I like the KD guess for #2.

    ...Sorry I'm not too helpful on this one!

  8. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Yes, that was the rumor with Jonathan and Christina, but he dated Heather Lockler very breifly and they are in a lifetime movie together, so itkind of makes sense...

  9. Anonymous2:00 PM

    1. Nicole Kidman
    2. Kirsten Dunst
    3. Mario Lopez
    4. Rob

  10. Anonymous2:04 PM

    1. Nicole Kidman- saw pix of her with her personal trainer while in NY. He was quite handsome. Husband has been away (rehab and other reasons) She needed to relieve stress not lbs!!!!! Also it is constantly in the news how she is standing by her man and she is such a supporting wife.

  11. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Isn't Nicole Kidman's trainer female? I swear I just saw a shot of them out recently. Interesting that the BI doesn't mention the sex of the trainer one way or another (unless I missed it).

  12. Anonymous2:06 PM

    #2 - Ryan Phillipe

  13. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Except Philippe is divorced yet...

  14. Anonymous2:10 PM

    1. Nicole Kidman - A-list, husband has been away and she's considered model wife for sticking with him thru thick and thin.
    2. Kiki Dunst - been hooking up with several guy victims of recent break-ups.
    3. Don't know on this, but JS might make sense in that there isn't much known about their divorce. Rumored she was cheating, but why would that make him unlikable. Leads me to think the reason people don't like this actor is a domestic violence thing. Not sure that's JS.
    4. Totally Rob. Weren't Rob and Amber a recent BI about an incident at a sex club in the south?

  15. Anonymous2:11 PM

    I did recently see her with a female trainer but her husband happens to be around at the moment. This trainer is probably just any trainer. The trainer I am speaking of is the one she was leaving a Starbucks with. The news was reporting she and Keith were having some kind of issues at that point. I think she was filming in NY and the photo was in the Hamptons.

  16. Anonymous2:14 PM

    1 is Reese Witherspoon
    2 is Parasite Hilton
    3 is Charlie Sheen
    4 is Hulk Hogan

  17. Anonymous2:15 PM

    #2 is about a woman. Please read the questions before hazarding a guess. Thanks.

  18. Anonymous2:23 PM

    I don't think #3 can be JS...people in the theater world will tell you that Christina was cheating on him with at least two men (who may or may not have been in the Sweet Charity cast)...and he had no idea. The general consensus was that he was sweet and boring and that's why she was looking elsewhere for excitement.

  19. Anonymous2:27 PM

    I think #4 is the fashion week one

  20. Anonymous2:33 PM

    #2 either kirsten dunst or jessica beil. it can't be scarlett becuase she's only bean linked to justin since she broke up with what was his name.
    #4 how about jeff probst, suvivor sounds pretty permanent. or the guy from dancing with celebrities, tom bergeron or something

  21. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Jeff Probst is not married. I think he is engaged to that Survivor girl, Julie I think her name is.

  22. Anonymous2:50 PM

    For #3, does anybody know what "Tori Spelling-specialty" means or what the EL is hinting at?

  23. Anonymous2:56 PM

    "For #3, does anybody know what "Tori Spelling-specialty" means or what the EL is hinting at?

    Now I'm assuming it mean an actor that made cheesy Lifetime Movie's... an actor you would know his face but not his name?

  24. Anonymous3:07 PM

    I don't know anything about EL, so it's hard for me to know what his favorite movies are, but I know that he likes Kate Hudson. Why I don't know. Personal feelings aside, I would guess that one of his favorite movies is Almost Famous. So I am guessing Jason Lee for #3. He is divorced and kind of B-C list. The only thing wrong with it is his TV show is a hit. This is a left-field guess.


  25. Anonymous3:08 PM

    That is what I thought 2:56, that is why I said Jonathan Schaech as he was in a lifetime movie recently.

  26. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Jason Lee is currently married and they have a son Pilot Inspector.

  27. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Refuting a couple...
    - For #2 to be Paris would require her to be a "B-list film actress", which is impossible. Ditto for Tara Reid.

    - For #3 to be Charlie Sheen would require him to be "basically working for food", which is insane, because he makes about a jillion dollars for his tv show.

    I love the idea that #4 is Hulk Hogan, but it's probably Rob.

  28. Anonymous3:21 PM

    also, nicole was in stepford wives, about the 'perfect' wife.

  29. Anonymous3:23 PM

    OK, on board with Nicole Kidman (although at first I thought that her trainer was also female, but apparently she has more than one) and Kiki for 1 and 2, respectively. Not sure I care about 3 or 4, frankly.

  30. Anonymous3:24 PM

    i don't know about rob for #4... i've never seen them apart! i was thinking regis philbin... some guides now list talk shows as "reality". heaven knows he's been doing that forever!
    i'm not very good at this blind thing, tho.

  31. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Thank you anon 3:09. I knew that it was a stretch. IMDB doesn't have him as married, just divorced. So I went to wikipedia and they don't have him as married either, but they do mention the son.


  32. Anonymous3:29 PM

    skeet ulrich for the lifetime movie guy
    movie called 'chill factor'
    "thought this could be something nice"=As Good as It Gets
    and he was recently divorced

  33. Anonymous4:15 PM

    #3 Ok I reaaaallly hate to say it but Mr. Cusack? He's my fave- but-he was a jerk in High Fidelity, wouldn't really rate him C-list though...was married briefly a long time ago...Does a lot of Lifetime-ish "feelgood" movies to pay the rent...

    #1- Going with 1st guess of Catherine Zeta- she's more A-list than Kidman due to the Oscar, in my book

  34. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Didn't Nicole Kidman win an Oscar for The Hours?!!

  35. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I think Kidman is an Oscar winner or atleast a nominee. However she is currently considered the highest paid actess in Hollywood. I think that would be considered A list!! Don't get me wrong,I am not a fan. I do not buy into what she is trying to sell. All Headline news actress right by hubbys side. That's interesting when she was filming in London at the same time. Bogus marriage!!

  36. Nicole Kidman is "THE" A list actress right now...she could get anything made if she attached her name to it...she's the pinnacle.

  37. Anonymous5:47 PM

    #3 is intriguing. What would be so bad that he would have to work overseas because nobody would want to work with him after finding out about his divorce? HIV? kiddie porn? Has to be extreme I would think.
    Mrs Mo

  38. Anonymous6:09 PM

    Dangit! You guys are right about Kidman...she DID win for the Hours...blame it on my cold meds, ok? Usually I'm the Wiki master too... oh well....
    Yeah #3 has got to be something more offensive than cheating or run of the mill STD...

  39. Anonymous6:51 PM

    Catherine Zeta Jones is a slut pig.

  40. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Re: This B-list film actress with fairly hopeless aspirations to be A-list... hmmm I have never been a fan of kiki but hasn't she (for a couple years) been almost verging on A list? i thought they loved her in hollywood (never could figure out why)
    but 'hopeless' aspirations?? Kiki?
    she gets roles that other starlets drool over doesn't she?

  41. Anonymous7:48 PM

    John Cusack has NEVER been married.

    His "buddy" Jeremy Piven was married and has children but tries very hard to hide both facts.

    1) Nicole Kidman
    2) Kira Knightly
    3) Mario Lopez
    4) Rob of Rob and Amber

  42. Anonymous8:06 PM

    #1 may be Julia... she has a history of being somewhat unfaithful or rather commitment challenged.

  43. Anonymous8:11 PM

    The dude in #3 is a nasty piece of work... as a woman, he's one you don't want to piss off, unless you have a bruise-resistant body and a big pair of sunglasses. That's what I got from that BI. That's the surest way to make my ardour cool...

    Too many martinis have compromised my Google-fu to some degree, but at least I know that much.

  44. Anonymous8:38 PM

    I think that #3 has got to be worse than a garden variety abuser - after all Sean Connery still works.

    Maybe an underage babysitter???

  45. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Hello all!!! The only one I could guess on this one was Kirsten Dunst. I will really have to do some research to guess the rest of them.

  46. Anonymous4:22 AM

    1.nicole kidman
    2.kristin dunst
    3.matt leblanc
    4.ty pennington or rob from rob and amber

  47. Anonymous4:37 AM

    who is Rob and Amber? Somebody please tell me!!

  48. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Does anyone know why Helen Hunt and Hank Azaria divorced? #3 reminded me that I never did know the story about that one. I don't think he fits for the BI, but, like I said, I was just reminded of it. Thanks

  49. Anonymous5:43 AM

    Ty Pennington isn't married, and when EL says permanent reality television personality, don't you think it's one of the judges or hosts or something, rather than a seasonal contestant?

  50. Anonymous7:07 AM

    1 is Annette Benning
    2 is Tara Reid
    3 is Ozzie Osbourne
    4 is George W. Bush

  51. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I'm all for some John Cusack dish, but he is definitely NOT B or C list. He's A list, especially given the recent Sundance success of Grace is Gone.

    And I'm not sure what to think about the rumors that he was actually married to Jodi O'Keefe.

    So back to #3 - could it be someone from Fast Food Nation? Ethan Hawke? Bruce Willis?

  52. Anonymous9:18 AM

    #4 is so Vanilla Ice....he is always screaming to everyone about how he is a married man.

  53. Anonymous11:54 AM

    #3 is not matt leblanc as he is gay

  54. Anonymous2:48 PM

    What at Bonaduchi (sp) for the last one. He seems to always be on a reality show, even his own...and, he is so danged loud-mouthed.

  55. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Well, Johnathon Schaech (don't laugh,that's how he spells it) was a jerk in 'That Thing You Do' and since I love that movie, I like to think EL does, too. He hasn't done much since, except Lifetimey stuff so I think he's a solid 'C' lister and an excellent guess for #3. His movie was with Heather Locklear and they dated for about a minute.But, I'd love to know what makes him so awful! I also thought Annette Bening for the 'A'lister doing her trainer as she and Warren supposedly have such a fab marriage. I don't know if "the rest of the world" would care as much about them as we might about Nicole & Keith, though.

  56. Anonymous6:45 PM

    rob and amber? from Survivor, The Amazing Race and the upcoming Amazing Race All Star Edition.

  57. Anonymous8:32 AM

    i. kelly preston or nicolw kidman
    2. mandy moore?
    3.mario lopez (but what movies has he done?)
    4. rob

  58. Anonymous8:36 AM

    I can't stop thinking about Val Kilmer for #3...... I agree that the offense is more serious then garden variety slime--I'm thinking alleged molestation....

  59. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Why do so many people here think Rob of Rob and Amber -Survivor/Amazing Race is gay?
    He seems very straight to me, is my gaydar off?
    I have no guess since Jeff Probst is divorced...

  60. Anonymous1:20 PM

    what about christian slater for #3?

  61. Anonymous1:51 PM

    Yes, Jason -- Christian Slater is a good guess.

    I think #1 could be Nicole Kidman, #2 sounds like Kiki Dunst, and now Christian Slater for #3...

    But I've still got nothing for #4. Trying to make sense of the "permanent" clue... it also doesn't say this person is a host, just a personality, so they could be either a contestant (although I don't think Rob) or a judge (Randy Jackson?)...

  62. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I think Rob is a good guess.

  63. Anonymous6:12 PM

    After a re-read, I thought Gwyneth Paltrow for 1.

    I really like Christian Slater for #3.

    This week, my guesses have been way off


  64. Anonymous4:53 PM

    i'm not sure who it is for number 3 but it makes me think of someone on a medical show. "sterile and clinical". perhaps John Stamos. and he did do some lifetimeish movies. and why exactly did he get divorced from Rebecca Romaijn??
