Thursday, February 22, 2007

Did I Miss The Memo?

When did Hilary Swank turn into a teenage boy or Matt Damon's doppelganger from ten years ago?


  1. Anonymous10:17 AM

    there are no MEN out there that find her attractive, maybe some of you ladies though...?

  2. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Hell no! She's a narc!

  3. Anonymous10:42 AM

    Despite the implants, longer hair and the separation from the coke-fiend husband (that was a cheap ploy for some PR, Hillary, shame on you), Hillary still can’t seem to get it right.
    Even wehn she’s not playing a cross-dresser or a man, she still comes across as being a bit masculine. Something is always off... Hmmm, does she have a Jamie Lee Curtis sort of background?

  4. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Meh, I think MD is still a leeeetle more feminine.

    Back to the drawing board, Carly Reynolds.

  5. Anonymous12:08 PM

    They have always looked alike; they have the same smile. Go back and watch Boys Don't Cry if you don't believe me.

  6. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Ditto. I do not get the appeal. Yes she's a good, maybe even great actress - for very specific roles - like when she has to tap into her white-trashness. I don't care how much lipstick and couture they slap on her she still looks like a horse-faced lesbian...not that there's anything wrong with that...and I'm sure she's probably a very nice person.

  7. She looks a lot like Jennifer Garner too IMO and funny enough, I adore all three of them.
