Clive Davis Party - Part 2
I had to leave before things really got hot because I got a call from a client who had just hit someone with their car. It turned out to be minor, but of course, on the phone it was "OMG, I killed someone. I am going on tour in two weeks." Yes, just that fast. Compassion turns into worry about your own career and how it will affect ticket sales.
Met Christina Aguilera for the second or third time. She was very sweet, and her husband (well I still do not understand, but I will give it a rest) Last night, she made the first move. She was the one who came up to me and wanted to find out what parties I was going to. (I am sure so she could stay away from them, but it felt good inside to be asked) I actually felt like she was going to put Jordan and myself at the children's table and then go off and do her thing while we drank a Roy Rogers in the corner.

I know all you American Idol bloggers want to know everything about everyone that was there. So, let me taken them one by one and then you can discuss amongst yourselves.
Katharine McPhee - I actually feel like I know her better than any other Idol ever, simply because we always seem to be in the same place over the last few months. She seemed WAAAY more comfortable Saturday night than at any other time I have seen her in the past two months. I think she felt in her element to be with people with similar backgrounds. She wanted to be seen with other Idols, but to not just goof off. It is hard to describe. She also was like a star struck kid next to anyone who was bigger than her and was really kind of a goofy about it in a nice way. She and I know each other now so that poses other problems as well.

Jennifer Hudson - Honestly, she seemed a bit aloof. Her performance was nice, but nothing that would blow you away for the rest of your life. Dreamgirls is a nice film and I think Jennifer will win the Oscar. However, it does not mean she is a movie star, but she is beginning to think she is.

Carrie Underwood- I had like four words with her. She seemed sweet and her performance was really good. You could tell she actually performs live often, unlike Ms. Hudson.
Taylor Hicks - He was there. He was gone.