Thursday, February 22, 2007

Britney Update

Every site has something to say about the Britney Spears situation. At this time, I really do not have anything to add, but want to make it easier for you to find the information you need.

The general background on today

Who is watching the children?

Every detail, plus some quotes from her dad

Attempted suicide story

The People Magazine version of events


  1. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Thanks ENT

  2. I had a friend go through this whole drama 3 years ago after her divorce, watching this whole thing makes me think of how hard it was to watch someone you care about go in a downward spiral. My heart goes out to her family and friends.

  3. Anonymous12:20 PM

    I can go on living now. Thanks.

  4. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I give her 72 hours before she bolts.

  5. Anonymous2:57 PM

    I have nothing against Britney Spears personally, and I feel bad that her life has turned out this way. But after watching this (previously) underage soft-porn product marketed as an idol for young girls, I'm glad that she's become an example of how NOT to live one's life instead of a happy admirable role-model. If more girls end up making the connection that 'sexy young hollywood thing' = 'druggie mental breakdown victim', the world will be a better place.

  6. Anonymous3:25 PM

    I think the media is mean spirited , some of these news casters are so self righteous. they build u up and then tear u down .

    one more thing , if it is true kf went to britney for a intervention under the guise of reconcilliation , then that was a cold and heartless act . Fuck the tough love .

  7. Anonymous4:16 PM

    I feel sad for her she don't need rehab she needs deep mental help. the way her life is going she will be dead by the end of the year

  8. Anonymous6:24 PM

    It is amusing that if this were ANYONE else ENT would be all over it, but he leaves this piece of drug addled white trash alone and tries to get us to feel bad for her.

  9. Anonymous6:25 PM

    I thought Craig Ferguson did a great job handling this issue on his recent show (look it up on youtube if you are interested; craig ferguson and britney in the search box should get you there).

    Also, maybe I'm old, but I was always disappointed in B. Spears as a performer, for exactly the reason stated above - soft core porn for the tween set. During the fall of 2001, when she did that performance with the snake, I thought that it was a creepy representation of what we think women, young women should be. That, C. Aguilera's Dirrty era, etc. have all been a downer.

    Kate Winslet, Ani DiFranco as role models FTW!

  10. Anonymous1:08 AM

    I just feel soooo sad for the two little boys. The baby was lika only a couple of month old when she went nuts. Poor little guy, all they want that age is to be physically close to their mum. I cant help thinking that she maby abused drugs while pregnant.

    Also, I wish everybody could stop calling her "girl". She is a grown woman and mother (I am sorry to say)!

  11. Anonymous4:46 AM

    Why do people stay in LA when it obviously isn't good for them? If she just wants to be able to live her life, why doesn't she just go somewhere else?

  12. Anonymous8:16 AM

    She's in my prayers. I hope she sticks it out this time and turns her life around.

    And I have to say for the poster who said she should leave la, wherever she goes the papz follow her, they even follow her when she goes home to kentwood.

  13. Anonymous8:29 AM

    While she obviously has some "issues" that need some deep counseling, most of her recent behavior can be traced to one thing: drugs. Her wild behavior over the past week or two is pretty common behavior for someone addicted to SPEED. It's a very insidious drug because it truly does alter your brain chemistry -- it doesn't just give you a cheap high - you truly feel invulnerable when you're tweaking -- and you feel beautiful and smart and creative; and when you "come down" after tweaking, you can literally sink into an abyss of depression. People who abuse SPEED do some really wild and crazy things -- and the fact that she's using SPEED and abusing alcohol is not just a cry for help but a sincere suicide attempt. You see, SPEED speeds up your metabolism (heart) while alcohol is a depressant (slows everything down) -- some people have the erroneous impression that you can mix the two and then you'll "balance" out. Unfortunately, that's not quite right -- the chemistry is way off. Mixing SPEED and alcohol is a deadly chemical cocktail -- and that's just the physical problems. This deadly cocktail will drive you insane, literally. I have no idea how much SPEED she is taking or how long she has been using, but if it has been for very long (say, 2 months, since New Year's), then she's probably done a lot of damage to her body and her mind. On top of all of this, it appears that she may be manic depressive -- which means that she'll probably never lose her desire for SPEED; she'll have to learn to control it. Addiction to SPEED is like being addicted to crack -- you never lose the craving. I know from personal experience (someone very close to me) that SPEED does kill and usually it doesn't do so silently (like a heroine overdose) -- it does so with a bang. (Trust me, you don't want to be anywhere near a group of SPEED FREAKS when they are coming down from tweaking.) Brit is in serious trouble, and I hope she stays in rehab and that the press will give her the time and distance to let her heal, for her sake as well as for everyone else involved. Otherwise, this girl/woman is going down the same road as the character portrayed by Sharon Stone in Casino. For real.
