Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Britney Update

I know Perez is reporting the sighting at the attorney's office, but I have not heard that at all. I am depending on one person for my information and they are obviously quite busy right now. All I know is what was told to me early this morning and that is she was going to move to a new facility. The attorney Perez mentions is not Barry Tarlows, but Barry Tarlow and he does specialize in criminal law.


  1. Anonymous11:17 AM

    how about those oscars??

    scandal is keeping EL extra busy today:)

  2. i want this crazy shit to stop!!

  3. Anonymous11:23 AM

    God, what do ya'll put in the crystal meth out there in LA???? LOL! Too much Drano in the mix.

  4. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Tarlow & Berk is a criminal defense practice, really well known and big time. Since Britney has excellent divorce reps it makes you wonder if she was referred for different issues. Obviously needs to get at her $ but who knows? This blog would be alot more believable if the "updates" came before others scoop it. Especially as there have been no "lawyer" posts before re: $, competency, estate administration etc. Odd. So either TIAG or we have have a "legal entertainment" peon w/ no real contacts.

  5. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Re: Anon 11:26

    Last time I checked this blog was about one person's experiences in Hollywood...NOT a Britney update blog.

  6. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I was really trying to stay focused on the celebrity gossip and not get involved with the comment wars but...Why do people comment about negatively about EL and the blog? Comments are for the content. Go rip on someone like Perez who does this for a living and makes money off of it.

  7. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Actually, I think Ent has given us legal updates when they were relevant. If you click on the legal tab he did talk about ANS and the legal issues in that matter as well as some others. In addition, Ent was the first to report yesterday that Britney was headed to Promises and the fact about the intervention.

  8. Anonymous11:39 AM

    "This blog would be alot more believable if the "updates" came before others scoop it."

    I agree. And also, EL wasn't the first to report the Promises thing...I think the same people who are delusional about Britney being a drug fiend are delusional about EL being something more than a housewife in Wichita.

  9. Anonymous11:39 AM

    Couple of things:

    What is the "horrible"thing that Britney just went through?

    What could she have done to someone to need a criminal defense atty.?... I imagine a nanny accusing her of sexual harassment

    hi ent!

  10. Anonymous11:42 AM

    I have a bad feeling about this, I hope I'm wrong.

    She seems to be free falling faster and faster.

  11. Anonymous11:44 AM

    anon 11:39 and 11:26 must be Perez himself! I'm sorry, but it was reported here first without all the nasty personal comments given by Perez. Jealous much?

  12. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Again w/the anon (or annoy?) people - FINE, you don't believe ENT is a lawyer, FINE, you don't want to hear about Brittney, FINE, you think he is stealing the story and is a housewife (or balding, middle-aged weirdo)... then GO AWAY - why do you keep coming and commenting.. I guess I just don't understand... are the owner of another blog and just want to discredit this one? Do I really care if he is an ENT L - nope, I like his wit, his personal take on a lot of the gossip and his delicious blind items...
    Anyways - really hoping that he is right and she is checking into a more secure facility and getting the help needed - obviously she is in a very bad place mentally right now and I for one (although never shaved my head) don't feel that I should throw stones as everyone (EVERYONE) has had their own personal problems we were just lucky enough not to be public figures and have everyone watch.

  13. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Unfortunately he was NOT the first to report Promises, other sites are always first. I have no interest in outing anyone but this is my opinion. It's still fun when viewed as enetrtainment, not gospel. ANS legal views were widely available on many media outlets, again prior to the posts here. I don't feel this is a "Britney update" site but I also don't believe it's an "insider" site anymore either. I can appreciate blogger loyalty and certainly mean no offense to believers. To each his own.

  14. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Ent Is the BEST !!!!!!

  15. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Oh Jesus, I am sure the papparazzi standing outside the facility were the VERY FIRST to break the news.


  16. Anonymous11:54 AM

    I don't understand why people keep focusing on this! She is in rehab, let her heal and get better.

    I am getting tired of reading about her! Let's move on!

  17. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Right on sister (or brother?)!


  18. Anonymous12:12 PM

    If Tom Cruise were to step in
    1-he could heal Britney (STOP laughing!)
    2-Take all her money $$$
    3-Britney could still remain in the limelight
    4- AND remain blissfully insane (or doped) just like Katie!!!

    This is a win-win all around, no?

    N.B. Those who disagree are just being "glib"!

  19. Anonymous12:33 PM

    I have a personal challenge for EL. He/she claims to attend many industry events...well, to prove that he/she IS in fact connected, why not take a few pictures and post them on this site?

    They wouldn't have to be of celebrities...for instance, if you are at the Golden Globes, take a picture outside looking up at the facility it is being held in OR a pic of the crowds (faces blurred). Then your celebrity friends won't get mad and you can prove to all the haters that you who you claim to be (and not a housewife in Wichita).

    Step up to the plate!

  20. Anonymous12:38 PM

    Thanks Michele,
    Sister it is...

    And Megdw - hmm... not a bad idea - betcha those scientologists have a great rehab facility too :)

  21. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Actually I would be interested in GMD's take on things.

    Didn't John Travolta say that $cio could have saved Anna?

  22. Anonymous1:11 PM

    So I guess she wasn't off to a "more secure facility," huh - unless you consider Chateau Marmont more secure than Promises

  23. Anonymous1:22 PM

    I also meant to mention in my previous post... I wonder why more celebs don't take advantage of one of the Rapid Detox treatment options?

    It's resonably quick (anesthesia (sp) and a short couple day recoup time), and inexpensive compared to the cost of a rehab facility.

    I know someone who did it for opiates.
    They are still clean 5 years later and only went back once after a year, to have a new abdominal pellet (that was recommended anyway).

  24. Anonymous1:45 PM

    ^^^Because while teh rapid detox may help with the physical issues, it doesn't address the emotional issues, which are truly at the root of the problem.

  25. Anonymous1:45 PM

    Maybe ET Lawyer is being fed a line by his Britney source.
    First he reported that the Britney rehab thing in Antigua(?) was false but has since shown to be true.
    Then he was told by his source that she left rehab today only to move to another secure facility.
    She actually went to a hotel, a tattoo parlour (that was closed...bummer) then a law office.
    He posted that he didn't believe Britney was at a law office as Perez had posted but Perez has now posted photos of Britney leaving said law office.
    I like ET lawyer but he needs to dump his Britney source as they are telling him a line.

  26. Anonymous1:55 PM

    I wonder why more celebs don't take advantage of one of the Rapid Detox treatment options?


    ^^^Because while teh rapid detox may help with the physical issues, it doesn't address the emotional issues...


    You're right, and the Rapid Detox strongly recommends counciling after.

    It just seems it would be easier to deal with one thing at a time? (and have a clear head), instead of a long drawn out physical detox process.

  27. Anonymous2:15 PM

    I know someone who works at that firm . . .

  28. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Don't know the requirements (danger to self and/or others?), but someone ought to consider trying to get an involuntary commitment before this really ends badly. At least that way she couldn't be walking out after 24 hours and might be able to get the help she clearly needs, instead of another tatoo. Yikes.

  29. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Cripes, Anon @ 12:33...

    You can throw down all the cyber gauntlets you wish, but EL doesn't need to prove anything to you, me or anybody else. And he shouldn't have to.

    If you're that focused on "proof of identity," kindly direct yourself to one of the many gossip sites where the bloggers have a clear mandate to become celebrities themselves (by hosting parties and smarming into endless photos with the stars).

    That's not our man's style, and it's what sets him apart. And thank goodness for that.

    Hez (a/k/a I'm Bringing BitchyBack)

    PS: I'm with Craig Ferguson on this. I'd hate to be judged FOREVER on the basis of my worst day...

  30. Anonymous2:56 PM

    Has it ocuured to anyone that perhaps EL has a personal/business connection than he cares to reveal and therefore will only offer information that has already be revealed by other sources out of loyalty or in order to protect his relationship with her.....just a thought...the only good that I can see coming out of this is that those of us who are parents of pre-teens and teenagers can use Britney/Anna Nicole etc as good examples why they should avoid drugs....Corny I know but, I had this discussion with my kids this weekend!

  31. Anonymous2:57 PM

    oops that he cares NOT to reveal...LOL...sorry about that!

  32. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Can Britney sue the paparazzi agencies for getting in the way of her getting medical treatment? Isn't there some law against that? (I'm not sure of the actual phrasing of the law)

  33. Anonymous3:38 PM

    OMG hez!!!

    this is why i love you so much
    Bringing BitchyBack

    you're back
    glad to see it!!!
    thanx for speaking up
    i was just gonna post in defence of Ent... but you completed the task more eloquently than i could have

    peppermint p

  34. Anonymous3:45 PM

    ...for you wanna-be-outers

    please think about what you are asking for... Ent's leverage would be compromised to such a degree if celebs/blind item subjects put a face to the name (Ent)

    bottom line we would all lose

    a couple haters could spoil it for the rest... i can picture it now, us all leaving shovel and sand pail in hand

    peppermint p

  35. Anonymous3:58 PM

    ;-) @ peppermint p. That's sweet.

    "A friend" convinced me to come back. He's got clout... what can I say?

    And the upshot is, I think I might have lulled Cyn into a false sense of security...

    Bwahahahaha (KIDDING, Cyn!!)

  36. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Suicide attempt by Britney this weekend could be the reason she visited the atty.

  37. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Suicide attempt by Britney this weekend could be the reason she visited the atty.

  38. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Thats it. Its settled. Ent. is real. Perez just revealed that Britney tried to committ suicide twice. Yes folks, these are the two seperate incidences that require grief councilling. What the F is going on with this Ent??????

  39. Anonymous5:27 PM

    ENT is Perez's backdoor...

  40. Anonymous6:04 PM

    I had a thought- perhaps, she went to the attorney because she wants to file something against the paps so they cant come around rehab? Nevermind. Promises would not have said she left against their advice, she could have filed something inside with help of her legal team and where is Lynn and Larry? Did they change the locks on the mansion to save the kids? what is going on ENT!!!?!?!?!?!?

  41. I have to disagree w/ 12:33 - pics? Even NYT journos aren't required that level of evidence to publish an article. However exactly what is wrong with valid questions of perspective, integrity and methods? Why does being bitchy have to enter the equation when answering? Relax people, really if the info is that solid and strong the proof will be in the pudding so to speak. If not, rest assured there are plenty who will spin it their way.

  42. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Yikes, Kevin FedEx has just made his move to get the kids... developing as per Perez

  43. Anonymous6:36 PM

    This was exactly what I was afraid of when I posted earlier today, but I didn't want to voice it.

    I hope someone is watching her closely.
    People in that frame of mind may only want attention or help, but sometimes they succeed anyway.

    I wonder if this has anything to do with why she was "supposedly" at the hospital this past weekend?

    I thought hospitals were required to keep someone who attempts suicide.

  44. Anonymous6:44 PM

    OK, just checked Perez, and if those allegations are indeed accurate, I'm back to my earlier question about an involuntary commitment - certainly not my area, but doesn't she qualify? Again, if what Perez is posting is true, then she is a danger to at least herself, and she needs some immediate, serious and intense help. (Not to mention that it would get her some breathing room from the paps for a while, anyway.)

    Zowie. This is just awful to watch and seems to keep getting worse.

    Pats Fan

  45. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I cringe every time i read the 'housewife in Wichita' sniping...
    i do believe we should all be free to voice our opinions...
    but there is a line whereby one feels the need to leap up in defence, such as when we are within earshot of racist remarks and know that remaining silent we are partners in crime

    your 'Step up to the plate!' command is out of line
    i respectfully ask you to put a cork in it so Ent doesn't get fed up and desert us

  46. Anonymous5:34 AM

    God bless her. End of the day she is a 25 year old woman who is clearly disturbed. She should be left alone to get help. All the constant media coverage makes me feel a bit sick - i keep expecting to read that she's killed herself. I really hope she gets the help she clearly needs.

  47. Anonymous5:56 AM

    welcome back hez! don't let anyone take your mojo from you!

    it dawned on me this morning that britney may be a junkie and more hopeless than we all think.

  48. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Ok, maybe you should stay out of the Britney ring. Your "source" does not give you anything.

  49. Anonymous7:56 AM

    She's in my prayers. I hope she gets the help she needs before a tragedy occurs.

  50. TMZ is reporting that she's back in rehab again & the custody hearing is cancelled. She's lucky - one more screw up & I predict her medical/psychiatric evaluation from this voluntary admission is going to be used for an "involuntary" one. Really lucky because I think she would've lost any physical custody challenge for her children.

  51. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Anyone, besides me, ever wonder why the assistant/enabler is driving her around, can the family not step in fire her ass (if she is indeed on Britney's payroll and not a fellow "druggie")

  52. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Also on Wednesday a desperate Britney was photographed using an umbrella to hit a car outside the home where her ex, KEVIN FEDERLINE, is reportedly staying. The photos reveal a furious Britney dressed in white shorts and a hooded sweatshirt repeatedly striking an SUV with an umbrella.

    After reportedly spending 45 minutes outside his residence, Britney's mom picked her up and eventually brought her to the rehab facility.

    holy. crap.
