Friday, February 16, 2007

Britney In Rehab Reports Are False

Britney Spears did not check into a rehab program and then check out 24 hours later as TMZ is reporting, nor did she enter a rehab program as Extra is reporting. I am not saying she will not enter rehab or looked into rehabilitation programs. I am saying that the current media reports are untrue as reported to me.


  1. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Too bad. I was hoping she'd finally woken up and was seeking the help she so desperately needs to get her life on track.

  2. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Thanks for the info EL

    You live in interesting times, the blog's great

  3. Anonymous2:40 PM

    like she doesn't lie to you too

  4. Anonymous2:53 PM

    How do you know so much about Britney Spears? are Britney Spears!!!

    Get help now.

  5. Anonymous3:21 PM

    I love you Ent. Lawyer.....Thanks for revealing all of those blind items.....!!!!!

  6. Anonymous5:00 PM


    For those of us who care about Britney what is happening to her, with her is just painful to watch. If you have any influence at all with her, could you please encourage her to do the right thing and get cleaned up. Her livelihood, her motherhood, and her self respect is at stake here. We don't want to see her life end in a train wreck. I believe she has potential for coming back in a big way to be the influence and draw that she was destined to be and to be the best mom, and possibly wife, she can be. She was meant for more than sex and booze.

  7. Anonymous6:05 PM

    With brains the size of a hamster's, zero singing talent, and fake boobies, remind me what this girl has going for her again?

    Then remind me why she's famous?

    Annoyed by Britney

  8. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Well good to know, I wonder where she was hanging out then? US Weekly is reporting she flew back to la in a commercial air plane, she even flew coach..yucky.

    Anyway, hope she gets through this.

  9. Anonymous7:17 PM

    Sorry Ent but this partiality you have for britney makes you look like either a 'grown man fan' or on her payroll... hopefully you are on her payroll.

    her appearance/behavior is eons worse than Lilo and she is with 2 children!!!!!!!!! you called a spade a spade Lilo and you have no qualms doing it regarding paris.

    When you revel in reporting paris' dirty deeds whilst simultaneously defending britney's honor it paints an ugly picture... better long term affect for your rep if you just leave her out

  10. Anonymous7:29 PM

    EL's rep is just fine and he certainly doesn't need any of us to define him or tell him what to do. Especially those of us who can't spell.

  11. Anonymous8:10 PM

    whatever everyone has their favorites if you don't like it, move on. ent has britney and perez has parasite.

    keep on doing what u do ent.

  12. Anonymous9:13 PM

    thanks guys
    for calling me out
    i am in dire need of an attitude adjustment today...
    sorry to taint the convo
    shoulda kept my piss n vinegar to myself

    anon 7:17
    (not a wonder why i'm still anonymous)

  13. Anonymous12:05 AM


  14. OK, what's your excuse for the bald head?

  15. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Yep EL I really want to know why she shaved her head. What's the goss??

  16. Anonymous1:45 AM

    britney needs help big time. thank god it's her hair and not her life--yet. this just became not funny.

  17. Anonymous2:42 AM

    I feel so sad for her now
    She may even be in Cedars
    OMG help her

  18. Anonymous3:52 AM

    I guess Britney isn't bald either!

  19. Anonymous6:47 AM

    Y, what the hell is going on with Britney? I feel really bad for her. She seems to be having a very difficult time right now...been through a few myself, but I did not have the paps recording every moment of it. :( I really hope she gets some help and gets her life together. Although the press can be brutal, I think that MANY people would welcome a comeback. I'm still rooting for her!

  20. Anonymous7:49 AM





  21. Anonymous8:23 AM

    I'm really worried for her. ENT I hope you can give us a weekend update. We promise not to expect it all the time! ;-)

    I think Britney is having a psychotic episode. For real.

  22. Anonymous8:28 AM

    reports are:
    in the next week CDSS (Cal. Dept. of Soc. Serv.) will consider opening a case/ investigation on Britney's children and their well-being.

  23. Anonymous8:31 AM for Federline to make his move

  24. Anonymous8:33 AM

    this girl hasn't hit rock bottom yet. she's superdependent--doesn't need anybody. who is she to trust? she learned at a very young age how to get attention and i don't think she knows how to get by without it. her mom pimped her around like a prize pony her entire life, her dad has dependency issues. everyone wants $$ from her. her kids aren't even enough.

    maybe she'll finally find a way indirectly from all this.

    just very terrible and disturbing.

  25. Anonymous8:48 AM

    unfortunately, you can't help someone who doesn't want to help themselves

  26. Anonymous8:53 AM


  27. She's shaved her head and gotten a lipstick (lipstick lesbian?) tattoo on her wrist and another somewhere else.

    She's flipping out and my guess is that a part of it knows she has no real talent now that somebody(S) is not singing for her anymore...that and maybe the fear it could come out now that she's seen it posted on the web and people speculating.

    Somebody needs to take her kids and def not her mom, lynn, who is just a pimp, not a mother-figure.

  28. Anonymous9:20 AM

    Instead of taking joy (and potshots ala perez)at her obvious unwell state, we should all be concerned, she is not just "Britney Spears - Pop Star", she is Britney Spears - a Mother (most important role in her life); a daughter, a sister, a granddaughter, etc..... We should consider the feelings of all involved...those who put her down and take joy in her current situation also helped drive her there. Yes celebrities put themselves out there and as a result have their lives disected but, not destroyed. I am not a Britney Fan but I do not wish to see her lose her children and everything she has worked so hard for.

  29. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Sad. The mental pain she is in must
    be pretty intense. I hope she gets
    help soon.

  30. Anonymous11:36 AM

    anon 9:20 finger pointer
    i think that's what we all want.
    really you are not the only well wisher here...
    there are a few negative comments but the majority are asking Ent to help at this point...
    and even so, dont blame them for 'driving her there'
    if she would have put the 'most important role in her life' in the top 5 on her list we wouldn't be talking about her right now would we?

  31. Anonymous11:37 AM

    This sure is making Kevin look good.

  32. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I disagree. Britney can fall apart all she wants to and Fed-Ex still looks like sh*t! :-D

  33. Meme, yeah Kevin is looking like an angel these days.

    Although we don't know her personally, I just don't think Britney is very intelligent, and it's sad she seems to be falling apart mentally. But I don't think she would go into rehab on her own accord.

    Do the majority of people here think that her 'breakdown' is due to only drugs and stress etc. Or actually some kind of er, mental illness? I personally think she is mentally unstable minus all the drugs and stress.

  34. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Maybe post partum depression? It can lead to psychosis in extreme cases.

  35. Anonymous1:47 PM

    to rose,

    wow...I can't wait to see what Kevin will do. This is some serious shit.

  36. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Wow, postpartum depression could be a possiblity. I definitely think she's suffering from some kind of severe depression.
    BTW, I hope that rumors floating around the ONTD community on livejournal that she was sexually assaulted are NOT TRUE. She's been through enough.

  37. Anonymous 1:27, yeah that sounds very likely. Maybe it's not rehab she needs, it's some good counselling and anti-depression pills.

    I hope she wasn't sexually assaulted, god that would be horrible.

  38. Anonymous2:57 PM

    to anon 2:00
    i hope she was not sexual assaulted as you do...
    but your comment, 'She's been through enough' is way off base...
    she ALONE hand-picked kevin...
    kevin had land mines taped all over his body and was waving red flags... she knew very well that he had a bun in the oven and it was a very unsisterly thing to do and she still chose to take the 'low' road...
    no-one forced her to do chaotic...
    no-one forced her to be graphic with their personal sexual details...
    she chose to alienate larry rudolph and her family...
    she chose to party with paris...
    and then when everyone blamed paris for being a bad influence its almost as if she said, wait a minute, i am badder than paris and the master of my own destruction and how dare you insinuate that i am not perfectly capable of destroying my own reputation... so i will prove it to you by choosing the most visible clubs in the most visible paparazzi-choked cities in america as my stage to drive my point home... exposing, partying and puking for weeks on end.

    she chose the alcohol, the drugs, the men, the skimpy clothing, the crotch shots, switching into bathing suits in nightclubs, as she chose to shave her head...

    don't piss her off any more than she already is...
    get it straight
    no-one has put her through anything, she has done it herself

  39. Anonymous3:06 PM

    She's acting like she is psychoic in my humble opinion. Whether it is drug-induced, baby-induced, or just plain happening to her remains to be seen.

    She is the right age for onset of schizophrenia. It usually rears its ugly head when people are in their early 20's.

  40. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Anon 2:57 -
    Calm down..."don't piss her off any more than she already is" - who are you talking about? Yourself?
    Yes, she has made terrible choices and I do not condone them. On the other hand, I believe that there may be an underlying cause, such as some sort of mental illness (such as depression) and I therefore have some compassion. It cannot be easy, either, to have every detail of one's life, especially the embarrassing ones, broadcasted to the public for ridicule.
    Your vitriol was unnecessary.

  41. Anonymous3:20 PM

    If this isn't a cry for help, then she's a much better actress any of us give her credit for.

    I am just incredibly unsettled by this most recent turn of events. I can't imagine what her family must be feeling.

  42. Anonymous3:20 PM


    Britney is not MV. She is a singer and has been one since she was very young. She didn't lipsync her way onto the Mickey Mouse Club. Look for Chaotic on youtube. You'll see that she spontaneously bursts out in song quite frequently, and that it is infact the same voice that we hear on her albums. We can speculate til the cows come home about the cause of her recent behavior, but I guarantee you that it has nothing to do with fear of being labeled a fraud.

  43. Anonymous3:41 PM

    soxy - I agree that Brit is not MV...
    i am scared it is my fav JLo though
    did anyone hear her sing near superbowl with Marc?
    seemed rare as far as her live appearances go...
    i'm wondering if she sounded really different than when she did in her diddy era...
    i hope its not her but isnt she the prospective MV with the fewest live concerts, thus the most likely to be afraid of exposing herself as MV?

  44. Anonymous3:50 PM

    brits mom seems normal, not a parasite like lilo's
    i feel sorry for her and her little sis...
    ironically similar to lilo's sitch though....
    stage mom, younger sis waiting in the wings, peeking out from behind the larger than life shadow created by her sis...
    but brits mom seems self-less to hohan's self-serving

  45. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Her publist confirmed she DID check into rehab for less than 24 hours in Aruba so your sources are wrong.


    She was crying in her car?

    "In other Britney related news, a publicist for Spears at Jive Records, who earlier told Access Hollywood that Britney had not checked into a rehab facility called AH's Executive Producer at home, late last night and apologized. The rep now confirms Spears did visit a rehab facility but did not stay."

  47. Anonymous4:54 PM

    I think the girl has a psychotic episode of some sort. A LOT of things point towards this.

    I do not think she was unstable before, but she might not be the strong levelheaded person needed for such extreme fame.

    She is not dumb, but not very bright either. But mostly, she just seems very immature and naive (a la Jessica Simpson).

  48. Anonymous4:54 PM


    Could her struggle with her sexuality have contributed to all of this? And will her rehab clinic try to convert her back to "straightness"? I mean.. considering that she is from a regular, christian american family..?

    Maybe she will have to do two rehabs; one fast one for her sexuality a la the mere 3 weeks it took for that gay republican..

  49. Anonymous5:19 PM

    she's nuts-remember the memorizing tiger stint on her website?..geeez

  50. Anonymous5:21 PM

    "looked into" and visit mean checked into rehab? Wow the English language is becoming more precise by the moment.

  51. Anonymous5:23 PM

    anon 3:11
    if it is post partum depression as you suggest wouldn't she be too depressed to travel all over the country with her boo boos in search of a great party, or great duds a la the gogo dancers she traded clothes with...
    maybe it's post/fedex depression not post/partum depression...
    i'd be depressed too if i had to pay some guy (that used me) a million bucks or so just to get him outta my life

  52. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I think her comment that she didn't want anyone to touch her anymore could be because she keeps getting used for money. Her last boyfriend used their relationship to sell their storey to the tabloids and got paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to reveal private stuff about Britney. I can underrstand if she wouldn't be able to trust men for a long time. Especially after marrying someone who clearly married her for her money. Poor Britney she must feel so used. and betrayed. I'd be depressed too if I kept getting betrayed by men. And, I'd be depressed too if the paparazzi and the tabloids were hard on me. I can't believe the hate filled reporting that is going on out there. Give the girl a break and let her heal. Yes, she needs intervention, and hopefully by being away from the crowds and the paparazzi, she can start to build her life again.

  53. Anonymous6:11 PM

    EL-you dropped the ball on this one...bummer

  54. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Hey anonymous 6:11, I was just going to post the same thing. I really do not think he is as well connected as he claims to be...he was way off.

  55. Anonymous7:21 PM

    guys i think Ent got the inside info (lie) that Us mag got from one of the Jive people... if he and Us both got had, that's not too bad... so far that puts him at the level of Us mag... that is way more connected than we will ever be...

  56. Anonymous7:49 PM

    Her publicist is now admitting that the story was true and is apologizing for having lied to the media.

  57. Anonymous7:53 PM

    e.l.!!! you've been OWNED!

    heehee, but we looooooove you regardless. :)

  58. Anonymous8:07 PM

    ent didn't lie! he clearly stated that it was possible she had looked into rehab and wasn't ruling out a possible stay.

    god i really hope this is her rock bottom, but something tells me its not. she's the bread winner, and i think her family and friends are afraid of getting cut off.

    whatever help she needs regarding drug use and or depression she should get. it actually looks like she has manic depression, it would explain a lot, her highs and lows, as well as her eratic behavior.

    i really hope that her family and management do try to sweep this under the rug and pretend like nothing is wrong. something is clearly wrong and if she doesn't get help she could very well be the next ANS.

  59. Anonymous8:07 PM

    i meant to say "don't try to sweep things under the rug".

  60. Anonymous11:45 AM

    EL isn't in the total know on all Brit does..she doesn't "report" her every move to him, or even tell him the truth..even if he thinks she does!

  61. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Anon 6:11 is right-
    this was too big of a story for Ent to get wrong "as reported to him"...but we still luv ya!

  62. Anonymous4:12 PM

    I really believed what you had to say. Now I don't know if what you've said is true. Where did you get the info? Why dis he/she lie to you?

  63. Anonymous4:56 PM

    Reality check:

    ENT isn't getting PAID for this! It is a blog, you guys! He's not under Britney every minute. He only knows what others are telling him. Obviously somebody has doing a LOT of lying for Britney.

    BTW, just for the record, I don't think ENT is a lawyer, either. I think that's just a cover for whatever his real job is. Just my opinion!

  64. Anonymous4:58 PM

    I didn't wrap up my argument, which is basically to tell the detractors to STFU.

  65. Anonymous5:06 PM

    brendalove, IAWTC! :)

  66. Anonymous6:26 PM

    I hope Kevin is on the courthouse steps WAITING for the doors to unlock to get immediate custody.

    People might not like him, but Shitney chased him, and Shar has always said he's a good father. I think in this situation he would be able to provide a more stable environment for the kids.

    After that, I couldn't care less what Shitney does.

  67. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Even with what Britney's state of mind is, it doesn't make Kevin a better person. He still is a scumbag who cheated on her. I rather think that she has really been driven to pain and deep brokeness with her marriage, her failed relationships, all the men who betray her for money. I hope she rebounds quickly from all this to reclaim her sanity, her children, and her career.

  68. To be honest, I'd probably have cheated on her too if I was KFed. She seems like way too much to handle, is constantly on E and probably slept with a lot of women behind his back. Just guessing.

    Maybe we were wrong, maybe it's not the men who make the relationships sour. Maybe it's her.

  69. Anonymous12:00 PM

    I can't help but think that EL is really just a young female admin assistant working in an entertainment lawyer's office. Just my honest opinion.

    Your lack of contractions reminds me of Data of "Star Trek". So, either you're just one of the lawyers who is just used to writing contracts all day, or one of the admin staff who is trained not to use contracts when typing them up.

    You don't seem to work weekends (good for you!). I just don't buy that a straight man would write this blog. If you're a gay man or a het woman, then I'd buy it.

    Regardless, I love this blog and I hope I'm wrong.

  70. Anonymous1:14 PM

    ambersumiko said...
    To be honest, I'd probably have cheated on her too if I was KFed. She seems like way too much to handle, is constantly on E and probably slept with a lot of women behind his back. Just guessing.

    Maybe we were wrong, maybe it's not the men who make the relationships sour. Maybe it's her.


    Are you fucking insane? She deserved to be cheated on by him, she deserved all of this? And she cheated on him with women? HOLD UP. I see somebody has been reading too much perezhilton and star magazine, you know not everything they print is true.

    She was pregnant throughtout their entire marriage! So I really doubt she was getting some female loving while she had a really big belly.

    And to the other person who said Kfed should be outside the courthouse asking for his kids, why do you think he hasn't stepped in so far? Its all about the $$$ he doesn't give a shit about those kids, or else he would have been around during their marriage instead of trying to play celebrity. Also he probably gets a fatter settlement each time she acts out and gets crazy so he benefits from it. The more she acts out the more she'll have to probably pay him off to keep custody of her kids.

    Not to mention that he has plenty of skeletons in his closet, thats why you wont see Kfed pointing the finger and accusing her of doing drugs, he's a druggie as well.
