Saturday, February 17, 2007

Britney Bald Video


  1. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Ent- Have read your blog for a few months. Delicious stuff. Obviously you know Brit personally; what do you make of this? It seems to be that she's having a very public breakdown/meltdown.

    OT- Wish you would reveal jackass- Jeremy Piven right? Chicago in common with Murray?

  2. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Ent- The whole thing is sad, sad, sad. Get her help. I'm sure Larry lied to you and yeah that sucks but the main thing is... get her help.

  3. Anonymous4:37 PM

    That salon had no business giving an obviously unstable woman two tattoos. They should lose their license.

  4. Anon 4:37 -

    If the client is not intoxicated, there is no reason for even an inquiry into the incident.

    Lose their license? Puhleeze.

  5. I heard on ONTD that her aunt recently died of cancer, and that Britney was really close to her. Could that be why she shaved her head?

  6. FYI: In other Britney related news, a publicist for Spears at Jive Records, who earlier told Access Hollywood that Britney had not checked into a rehab facility called AH's Executive Producer at home, late last night and apologized. The rep now confirms Spears did visit a rehab facility but did not stay.

  7. Anonymous6:00 PM

    ent you must be very concerned about her well being and the immediate future she carves for herself
    i hope she is ok and gets help asap
    she looked like a lost soul in those pics from last nite... really young and vulnerable

  8. Anonymous6:53 PM

    Like Anna Nicole, another blond bombshell is about to hit rock bottom. Unless she gets help, she'll die soon. I have the feeling she has some major, MAJOR postpartum depression and cannot cope being a mother of two. She should have thought about that before she got knocked up again.

    And like the Lohan family, Britney's family likes being on the payroll and won't stand up to their meal ticket. It's sick. Disturbing how these parents profit off their children when their children are clearly ill.

  9. Anonymous7:17 PM

    hey anon 6:53
    do you know that? here i thought that dina lohan was a vulture and spears' mom is a passive sweetie old fashioned mom who was forced to exit because brit chose sleazebag kevin against the family's wishes and they subsequently grew apart... wow i thought she was just dedicated to her kid and felt sorry for her

  10. Anonymous7:36 PM

    i doubt a showbizness mom can be characterized as passive. britney was asserting some boundaries, as sloppy and ill-found as they were. she doesn't know any other way to be. it's haunting how she's done all this in such a public forum.

  11. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Very sad to see this happening for Britney.... there is obviously something amiss (although to some degree I do feel she wants it to be seen, yet hates all the attention at the same time).

    I am a bit tired of seeing the constant calls of "where are her parents".

    Britney is 25 years old, an adult.
    Her parents cannot "force" her to do anything.

    Also... no one knows what her parents, friends, or handlers may be doing behind the scenes.

    I highly doubt they are sitting back going "oh there she goes again", but again, they cannot physically pick her up and "force" her to do anything she doesn't want to do.

  12. Anonymous8:11 PM

    That chick knows how to party.

  13. Anonymous8:11 PM

    I also meant to add to my previous post...

    I think Britney has a very strong core, and you can see that if you watch some video clips of her on YouTube.

    On the other hand... this video from YouTube seems somewhat telling...
    I think she has been having some issues for awhile (not sure how to make this clickable, but if you copy & paste it into your browser it should work).

  14. Anonymous9:50 PM

    she is Amazeing ! just when you think she could'nt go any lower she does. I can't wait for what she is going to do next.

  15. Anonymous9:54 PM

    hey why is the rumor out there that she was sexually assulted ?

  16. Anonymous10:01 PM's soon to be exposed that this blog is nothing more than a bunch of hokey bullshit. ET, it's funny how your tales about personally being good friends with Ms. Spears are coming to light as nothing more than hogwash. Quit pulling the wool over everyone's eyes. You work from your basement in Wichita.

    Let me guess -in a few days you will admit that Britney DID go to rehab, but you couldn't tell us that previously for confidentiality issues. Hmmmmmmm...

  17. Anonymous10:22 PM

    anon 10:01
    no-one is forcing you to come here
    why should ent put his career on the line for this blog? the name of the game is not for him to get exposed so we can keep reading every day...

  18. Anonymous3:06 AM

    As a mother, I feel that Lynne is not being assertive enough. Not to say that it is all Lynne's fault that Britney is going through what she is going through, but I feel that because Britney does feed everyone (her family) that they pacify her and tell her that what she is doing is okay.

    NO, it is not okay, and Lynne should have a heart to heart with her daughter, who is troubled. Maybe Brit is just tired of the paps hoovering her every move, interviewing folks she has dated and coming to her own conclusions. Combined with drug use, not just drinking, coke, may make her act the way she is acting now.

    To love is to get hurt. It is a way of life. She needs to move on and live life! She alot more alot of peopls.

  19. Anonymous5:57 AM

    25 is about the right age when you find that the skills of your parents weren't all that and you don't have the tools to navigate as an adult through the world. her mom won't be able to have a heart to heart with her cos she doesn't understand what went wrong as does britney right now. it will take a strong desire for change and a lot of work with a very competent therapist to help her out.

  20. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Britney really had it together on Letterman, the day she told Federjerk it was over. What has happened to her since then? What is she thinking? She has two young children at home who will grow up to see her current antics. Does she want Federjerk to get custody? How did it happen that suddenly he is looking like the more fit parent, by a long shot?
    Someone mentioned post-partum depression - that seems really spot on. She was too young (maturity-wise) for the first one, and certainly for the second one. She's not on her own raising them, she will have hired help, but she's too young (again, maturity-wise) for all of the responsibility.

  21. Anonymous12:43 PM

    I think this is also Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. The bald head only accentuates the obvious signs that Britney is an adult born with this and possibly was never diagnosed or treated in any case. I'm not sure what the implications are for her children but I really believe her children should be examined by competent third party (Guardian Ad Litem) physicians as apparently she used various drugs (legal and illegal) during her pregancies. BRITNEY IS AN OBVIOUSLY physically, emotional and psychologically damaged person who SHOULD NOT BE ALLOWED TO PERPETUATE THE CYCLE AS GUARDIAN OF TWO CHILDREN.

  22. Anonymous5:13 PM

    Oh, Brinead Spoconnors... you poor, hot mess.

    Man, I'm sure glad all the stupid shit I did when I was 25 wasn't captured on video for the world to see.

    All kidding aside, I don't actually mind the new lid. At least she has an okay-shaped head. It's not like she's Bull from Night Court...

  23. Anonymous6:18 PM

    So what's Hohan been up to this weekend?

    You know she's pissed off that that Shitney is getting all the press. And Shitney had to do something to get attention away from Anna and back on her.

    These famewhores make me sick.

  24. Anonymous6:56 PM

    I cannot believe the hard heartedness and lack of compassion on the boards. WTF 6:18, can you not see the absolute desperation and deep sadness on Britney's face in all the pics? She looks so lost, so fragile, so broken. She needs our prayers and not our disdain and judgement.

  25. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I agree, anonymous 6:56. We need to take a vacation from maligning and making fun of Britney. Words have power. Words kill. Words hurt. Words can be a blessing or a curse. We choose one or the other. And Britney has been cursed repeatedly by not only the paparazzi but gossip columnists, and gossip blogs. Anyone with even an element of sensitivity would be hurt by all the harmful words that have been slung at Britney. Give her some slack before she loses her mind!!!!!

  26. Anonymous8:30 PM

    For those at-home dianosticians curious about anonymous 12:43's fetal alcohol syndrome comment, please look at the following link. I have some relatives with FAS and I would agree that she has certain facial characteristics of the syndrome. Check out the link to judge for yourself. Her reality with K-Fed also demonstrated the likelihood of very low IQ.

    I wouldn't be surprised if it were meth though, judging from some of the comments in the posted video.

  27. Anonymous1:10 AM

    anon 8:30
    when i went tot he site and saw the eyes pon the example i immediately thought of this:

    check it out

  28. Anonymous5:01 AM

    my heart breaks for her. she needs help. it really just saddens me. Sometimes a person like that needs to hit rock bottom before getting better. I hope this is the worst. I adore Britney and I wish I could help her. :(

  29. Anonymous6:41 AM

    You can see how this is climaxing. She'll be the next Anna Nicole. She needs help. NOW.

  30. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Ent- Where are you?? Do you have today off because I don't and an update would be great.. I hope you are not in hiding. I thought we'd get more from you about Brit than just a news clip.

  31. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I agree, where are you Ent? I'm doing moot court research and trying to procrastinate with you.

    I went to the FAS site, and the pic is similar, but it also says "impaired motor skills" are common. I doubt she would have any dancing ability with FAS... and say what you will, but girl could dance.
