Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Brangelina Seeing A Counselor

I would call it a marriage counselor, but since they are not married, we will just call it couples counseling, or how do we get out of this without the whole world laughing at us counseling. No matter what you call it, I think this kind of thing can be expected when you have not spent more than a week in any place for the last year, drag three kids wherever you go, are followed by pap, gave birth to a baby, had your mom pass away, filmed eight movies, did publicity for eight more and do not eat enough Twinkies. Here is my advice. Stop working and traveling. Buy a small country, or just bribe a government to keep out pap and just relax in one place for six months. If you both are still alive, and the children are still reasonably intact then I think you will be ok. Otherwise, it is not going to last much longer.


  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Oh EL you are hilarious!! Does seem pretty simple doesn't it :) They should have just called you up gotten this great/very sound advice on the tel and oculd have gone about healing already!

  2. Anonymous9:46 AM

    See I want to believe your Britney news and then you post this crap and I can't believe you. They have lived in only a few places (Malibu, India for WORK and then NOLA for work again) since their baby was born.

  3. Anonymous9:51 AM

    They may have "lived" in a few places but they've traveled to many more even if for only a few days. Traveling a lot is tiring even without kids in tow.

  4. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Not that I believe a UK tabloid, but there is nothing wrong with getting a Counselor to begin with. I don't know why people think just because they don't live like the majority of people there is something wrong with traveling.

  5. Anonymous10:09 AM

    its called "Sarcasm"

  6. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I sincerely hope they make the relationship work.

    However, in my business, counseling is the road of last resort, and is utilized by one party to say "we tried" .....before filing for a divorce.


  7. OR you do couples counselling as a step toward getting married.


  8. Anonymous10:46 AM

    I think they'll last.

  9. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Oh Ent.
    Again with the venom towards this couple, despite earlier saying u have nothing against them.
    And no mention of the recent death of the mother that raised her....
    When mine died I went to counselling WITH my other half and it helped.

    Sarcasm schmarcasm.....SMH
    Lowest form of wit and all that!

  10. Anonymous10:49 AM

    Oh Ent.
    Again with the venom towards this couple, despite earlier saying u have nothing against them.
    And no mention of the recent death of the mother that raised her....
    When mine died I went to counselling WITH my other half and it helped.

    Sarcasm schmarcasm.....SMH
    Lowest form of wit and all that!

  11. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Sorry for double posting.

  12. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I hate to see any marriage break up, especially one with children, but I don't see this one lasting.

    I don't particularly care one way or another about either of them (or Jen), but I do think that probably the first rush of a new relationship is over.

    Angelina is probably a nice person, but I do think she has issues and "craves attention" and people fawning over her, despite her protests to the contrary.
    She isn't fooling everyone.

    There is no way the varied photo ops in various locations happen accidently.
    She or her publicists are tipping off the journalists.

    I also think she did go after brad, and purposely sealed it with a pregnancy.

    Hopefully they will make it, but I wouldn't bet on it.

  13. Anonymous11:41 AM

    hmmm i remember sylvia browne on montel say these two wouldnt last...

  14. Anonymous11:49 AM

    keep it coming el , great post . they just need to chill the fuck out !

  15. Anonymous11:59 AM

    11:19, I have to agree with that statement. They did not get a chance to really get to know one another. I don't see them lasting.

  16. Anonymous1:21 PM

    they became hot and heavy doing bad things! judging by how bad brad looks these days, it sure seems that the relationship is taking a toll on him.

  17. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Agreed, he doesn't look great, but having 3 little kids and traveling all over the place and working while helping a partner through the death of a parent could also take a big toll.

  18. Anonymous2:26 PM

    She always said she would stay clean for the sake of Mad. Well.... it doesn't help that she turned to "friend" Marilyn Manson and heroin to numb the pain over losing her mom. Brad can't trust her now.

  19. Seriously, when do these two have time for sex??

  20. Anonymous5:50 PM

    I so totally agree with ET Lawyer's post. He said it perfectly. I know she craves attention all the time but for once she needs to think about her children. They need stability and a real home.

  21. Anonymous9:35 PM

    Apropos of nothing, but why doesn't Sylvia Browne just take over Montel's show?

    I'd watch the hell out of that Frito nail future-predicting extravaganza!

  22. Anonymous12:38 AM

    So Brad doesn't look good these days? He's welcome over at my house for a little chill out any time :O)

  23. Anonymous6:36 AM

    [i]foxy_chick said...
    hmmm i remember sylvia browne on montel say these two wouldnt last...[/i]

    who the hell is sylvia browne and why would some freak on a talk show about freaks have any input whatsoever in the goings on in somoeone else's relationship?

  24. Anonymous9:38 AM

    I do hope they last -- but a marriage counselor told me that 90% of relationships that start before a marriage ends will end up not working out. It's a variety of factors including the fact that once the romance wears off, one or both people look at the other and feel they can't trust them...or some loss of respect occurs. I don't know. ALso, I have no idea if the relationship started before Brad was divorced....has anyone else heard this statistic or know the reasoning behind it????

    But I will say that dragging around 3 kids all over the world and not settling down is something that could wear on a couple. Brad strikes me as wanting to settle down and I don't think Angelina will ever be able to give him that.

    Best of luck to them anyway...

  25. Anonymous9:43 AM

    Ent, I'm sure your advice would have much more immediate results than couples counseling. And it was free! Can't get better than that.


  26. Anonymous9:53 AM

    >>Apropos of nothing, but why doesn't Sylvia Browne just take over Montel's show? I'd watch the hell out of that Frito nail future-predicting extravaganza! >>

    Hez, Sylvia Browne has been known to be wrong, big-time, in the past. Most recently, it was regarding that boy who had been missing for four years, Shawn {something}. She told the parents that he was dead and where his body would be found. This is the same case where the second boy was kidnapped, and they found Shawn there after having lived with the kidnapper for four years. Very much alive.

    Not saying she doesn't have abilities, but something makes me feel that she makes a bit more out of them than what they are. She's in the entertainment business, too.
