Thursday, February 15, 2007

Blind Items to be revealed tomorrow

These are the blind items from January or earlier which will be revealed tomorrow. A few of them have already been revealed, but it was not my fault they were released ahead of schedule. There may be two or three bonus reveals tomorrow as well which are not included here. I also need some help. I cannot find my blind item about the gentleman who would put the H list to shame. I am going to reveal it, but CAN'T find it. It is not included in the bonus reveals.

January 3, 2007

So this starlet who has been mentioned everywhere had a little drink Sunday night or was it two or three? Seems she got rejected by an ex in a VERY public way and proceeded to drink the night away and came on to any guy who headed her way. Except for one.

January 5, 2007

This rockstar’s divorce was recently finalized so he could bring on the next wife. Everyone assumed she walked away with HMM money, but it was not to be. He has a long history of wives and girlfriends who think they are going to take him to the cleaners. What they don’t realize until it is too late is that he has all the ammunition. During their time together he records every incriminating moment whether it be drugs or drinking or another man. When the time comes for parting and they are looking for money, he invites them into his room and shows them why they will not be getting a penny above what he wants to give them.

January 9, 2007

In order to support his drug habit, this cat like rock star used to be a gay prostitute. Wonder if he thinks his current girlfriend is as pretty as the boys he used to love.

January 17, 2007

#1 This singer is out of his mind. His model girlfriend was not beautiful enough for him or he thought he could do better. Somehow he thought his aging, one hit wonder self could get him someone better. What he got was a lesson in how the grass is not always greener on the other side. After bedding a series of 18 year old girls and acting like the wannabe rock star he thinks he is, his ex was seen in public with a collection of men befitting her beauty. Our singer broke and is begging for her to take him back. So far she just keeps laughing at him.

#2 Seeing this actress and her complexion Monday night reminded me that she had to miss the world premiere of a movie and almost another because her face had turned into one big zit.

January 19, 2007

#1 This actor used to be A-list in the mid 90's but is now a straight to video kind of guy. Why you ask? Well it seems he likes taking projects that are international, and especially in Eastern European countries. The reason for this is so he and his current wife can enjoy the affections of VERY young girls who can be bought for a night in these countries.

#2 A friend of someone mentioned earlier today has been acting like a diva despite the fact it has been years since she could even pretend to be such. Banned from her health club for wanting to work out alone and to bring in her dog, this pseudo diva has also been trying to convince friends she has a relationship with a well known singer despite the fact that no one believes a word of it.

January 23, 2007

(NOTE-I have heard 3 or 4 versions of this now, but it is still fun)

#1 Sometimes you hear about something and you just do not even know where to begin. Nevermind, I guess we will start at the beginning. See, there is this singer/actress who has had a bit of a drug problem in the past. Perhaps she has kicked it, and perhaps not. While visiting the UK recently she met an actor who is A-list in the UK, but no one has heard of here although he is in one of the year's biggest hits. He was so enamored of his little doll that he followed her back to LA. She was flattered and loved the attention. He began telling her of his special needs in regards to sex. Think KK video and you will get the idea. Although she did not find it appealing, she was flattered that he wanted to do it with her and so she agreed. UNTIL she found out that while in LA and not seeing her, he was finding some women who accept money for those kinds of things and doing it with them. Serious bonus points for getting his name.

#2 What happens when you are at a nightclub and think you are the shit, but no one is paying any attention to you? What happens when you think you can get away with anything and not suffer any consequences? Well this Seinfeld reference decided to take matters into her own hands. An A-list model was dancing on a four foot high stage and drawing the attention of the entire nightclub not only with her beauty but in the way she was dancing. This did not sit well with our spoiled princess and so she pushed the model off the stage and down to the floor. It was only because she happened to land on someone that she avoided a possible career ending injury. Those who saw what happened began to boo at the princess, but she was so into herself that she did not even care. She did not really dance, she just kind of did red carpet pose after red carpet pose. She was loving herself even more than normal. The only problem in her little plan was that the model and the owner of the club are really close so the next thing you know, the princess was yanked from the stage and shown the door. The crowd went crazy and all waved buh bye.


  1. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I will be anxiously refreshing all day tomorrow - these are the times that being on the East Coast sucks!! Extra hours to wait for reveals - please promise you will do reveals 1st thing :)

  2. Anonymous12:38 PM

    I thought you already revealed the first one to be Lindsay/Wilmer and FedEx?

  3. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Tomorrow is going to rock so hard!

  4. Anonymous12:47 PM

    He did reveal it already...but he also just said a few have already been revealed ahead of schedule.

  5. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Courtney Love and Steve Coogan, but that's old news, I know, sorry!

  6. Anonymous1:01 PM

    You are the best ENT!

    my guesses are...

    1) Lindsay Lohan
    2) Rod Stewart
    3) ???
    4) James Blunt
    5) Cameron Diaz
    6) Jean Claude Van Damme
    7) Whitney Houston
    8) Courtney Love & ?
    9) ???

  7. All the previuos guesses and some answers are on the CDAN board under blind items. Definitely worth a look.

  8. Ooohhh...I forgot all about the message board here.

    Ent, the one your looking for is probably under 1/1-1/6, which I cannot find the link to. I went looking yesterday in regards to BI #1 dated 1/2 because I thought we had figured out it was Don Johnson already. The links go from 2006 to the week of 1/7 to 1/14.

  9. Anonymous1:49 PM

    1.) Lindsey Lohan
    2.) Rod Stewart
    3.) Intriguing but I have absolutely NO CLUE!!!
    4.) James Blunt
    5.) Cameron Diaz
    6.) Wesley Snipes
    7.) Spice Girl Geri Halliwell
    8.) Courtney Love and Steve Coogan (Night at the Museum)
    9.) Paris Hilton/Gisele Bunchen

  10. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Damn! I was hoping he'd reveal the Trashy Lingerie rock star. I've got a teddy that he might like to borrow.

  11. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Ent, you're the best. Thanks for entertaining us daily.

  12. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Happy almost Fri everyone! Can't wait for reveals tomorrow!

  13. Anonymous2:42 PM

    Anonymous said...

    1.) Lindsey Lohan
    2.) Rod Stewart
    3.) Intriguing but I have absolutely NO CLUE!!!
    4.) James Blunt
    5.) Cameron Diaz
    6.) Wesley Snipes
    7.) Spice Girl Geri Halliwell
    8.) Courtney Love and Steve Coogan (Night at the Museum)
    9.) Paris Hilton/Gisele Bunchen

    1:49 PM

    Those are all my guesses except #2 - I like your guess, I couldn't come up with one.

    and #3 - This is a way out guess, but Wikipedia has Peter Criss from Kiss as the catman.

    and #4- add Petra Nemcova


  14. Anonymous2:53 PM

    for #2 wouldnt it make sense for heather mills mccartney? ("HMM money")

  15. Anonymous2:59 PM

    I think we'd settled on Pete Doherty as #3. Cat-like reference refering to how Enty L always says he has 9 lives.

  16. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Pink you are correct! I researched this and found a cached page from female first:

    It says that Petie was a gay rent boy! Google or yahoo still has the cached page, but the original appears to have gone missing.


  17. Anonymous4:33 PM

    who is using this site?

  18. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Ent, if no one has emailed you this already, here is the blind item I think you are looking for:

    Friday, January 12, 2007

    Four For Friday

    This actor has always been known for his HUGE ego. Well now it turns out he has something down below that is just as huge. Talked about in London, but really was just talk, even a legend. It was all supposition really, until he was filming his latest movie. Thinking our star was out and about, an assistant walked into the actor’s trailer without knocking and saw our actor changing clothes and what he saw has been repeated over and over and would put even Mr. Diggler to shame.

  19. Anonymous5:27 PM

    First one Lindsay, last one Paris.

  20. Anonymous9:16 PM

    I can't wait!!

  21. Anonymous9:55 PM

    1.) Lindsey Lohan
    2.) ?
    3.) Pete Doehrety (female first)
    4.) James Blunt + Petra
    5.) Cameron Diaz (well known - although there are plenty of others)
    6.) Wesley Snipes (no one brought up the fake passport?!)
    7.) Geri Halliwell (already reported in the UK)
    8.) Courtney Love and Steve Coogan (already reported in the US)
    9.) Paris Hilton + Gisele Bunchen

    A disturbing number of blind items from all gossip sites - not just ENT's - are trading on past reveals by other websites.

    I saw a Blind Item about a B-to-A list nominated actress whose paren't called her acting "shit" and it was from an article weeks before interviewing Rachel Weiss. Same with the #3 here, if that's who it is.

    Still a fan.

    Cheers, ENT! You rock.

  22. Anonymous7:49 AM

    I agree w/ anon 9:55, I'll say Rod for #2. I wish people would not post anonymous!


  23. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Agreed with Rod for #2. I know that his divorce just came through with Rachel Hunter after 7 years, and that he is planning another wedding for the spring. And also this "why they will not be getting a penny". Penny Lancaster is his newest love and baby mama (Alastair, 10 months old).
