Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Bam Margera got married. No word on whether Don Vito groped the new bride at the reception or made the other bridesmaids sit on his lap. So, do you think Don Vito got to watch Bam and Jessica?

I know I should just give up and not write one bad word about Jessica Simpson. Whenever I write something good, I get twenty e-mails saying how wonderful it is, blah, blah, blah. Whenever I write something bad about her, I get fifty e-mails calling me names that would make a sailor blush. BUT, I have just got to link to this article. I will hold back on commenting, but there are so many snarky things waiting to be said. As a compromise to all you Jessica lovers, I will use the photo here because it is much better than the drag queen ones from yesterday.


Anonymous said...

Awww, Bam is such a cute little goth boy. That wedding dress is pretty too.

jessica....she wishes she could have it just one more time before the wedding bells rang.

Anonymous said...

Wait, didn't "A public affair" already come out?

Anonymous said...

Pls do tell us about your true feelings about the wailing airhead! She is kind of pretty (or was) but seems to be an asshole of huge propotions!

She killed Robbie Wiiliams "Angels" and I will never forgive her.

Anonymous said...

Great, now Jessica Simpson wants to adopt.........Papa Joe has told her adoption is a little more complicated then going down to the humane society and picking out a cute baby, right? RIGHT?!!?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that you get any mail defending Jessica Simpson, the most over paid under talented "performer" out there. She's been pimped and pretty much slept around with many men during her marriage. The whole family is nuts.

Ken Paves has really made a beauty out of that tranny trout. Unreal.

Kathy K said...

OK, so, she wants to have 3 kids.

She wants to adopt before she has any kids because she's not sure she can handle childbirth.

The math, then, would be that she'd adopt --what?-- 2 kids, then have one of her own, find out she actually can handle childbirth and then -- what? -- give back the 2 she adopted and then have 2 more of her own?

Darlin', if you want to save the world somehow, maybe you could start by taking all that money you've got, give up the $2500 tote bags and million dollar houses that really have to be too big for just one gal, and make significant investments into organizations that are already good at humanitarian aid.

Do it quietly, earn that crown in Heaven instead of here on earth, and just live outside yourself, your fame, and your daddy's need for greed.

We'll miss you, but we'll get over it.

Trust me.

Anonymous said...

Jessica's career is pretty much over.

Anonymous said...

that Female First website is full of crap none of what they print is true

Anonymous said...

that Female First website is full of crap none of what they print is true

Anonymous said...

God that woman is the most vapid, empty vessel I have ever seen. Don't hold back KL

Anonymous said...

Before she adopts, she can always try out motherhood by babysitting the Federspawn.

Anonymous said...

EL, don't hold back. For every fan I think there are thousands who really can't stand this girl. Plastic,vapid and a puppet.


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