Wednesday, January 10, 2007

You know I am just grateful to be able to talk about something other than she who must not be named and her extended minions. I think London Sheraton is really feeling the lack of attention since she did an on purpose boob slip last night. No links to it because frankly, everyone has seen at least one if not both of them being photographed, filmed and groped and there is no need for more. (Besides there is a ban on her until the 15th)

Marilyn Manson who has been diverting attention from Barstow Marriott is not usually a target of the pap, but in this case is too good to ignore. First there were the late night calls from Lindsay Lohan which will always get you in the tabloids. But now, there is more. Seems our gothic one has a thing for 19 year olds that look nothing like his wife. Evan Rachel Wood is the lucky girl. Now, I am not one to jump to conclusions, but the list of activities the couple has shared seems to be lengthy and I wonder if any of them happened before Ms. Wood became 18?!? Of course now that she is 19 and he is 34, that is much more respectable. Of course it could be that Marilyn (woman's name) likes dating Evan (man's name) for other reasons.

In today's episode of the Lindsay Lohan love fest, I want to take you back to October of last year to the 10th Annual Hollywood Film Festival Awards where Lindsay was given the Breakthrough Acting Award for her acting in Bobby. We are all so proud of you Lindsay. Even Emilio Estevez says you are the best and that is saying a lot from the guy who is Stakeout and Men At Work. Not to mention that he had to sleep with Paula Abdul or at least pretend to.

If that thing with Kate Hudson and I does not work out, then at least I have a back up plan. Drew Barrymore can be my date to the Golden Globes. Yes, she is all over with Fab. Actually, as much as Drew would like to go to the Globes with me, I actually think this relationship was good for her. Whenever I saw them together they always looked happy and nothing was forced for the cameras. For the record, NEVER say how much you love someone and love being with them in a monthly magazine interview because inevitably you break up with that loved someone by the time they ever get the issue to the newsstands.

Kelly Osbourne. Playboy. Fully nude. What can I really add to that?

It has been awhile since we got to trash Heather Mills, and I miss it. I really do. So, this article talks about how she went skiing in Slovenia and stayed at a place that only costs about $50 a night and is two hours from the closest skiing. The article accuses her of being cheap by staying there. Honestly, I don't really care that much except to say that it appears she was staying with at least 4 other people in the room. That is the story. That, and in the box on the right with related stories is the headline Mucca hit me with false leg. See, that is class baby. That is money.
Baby Spice needs money. There really is no other reason for wanting to reunite the Spice Girls. She is kind of like the other Jacksons who all need Michael to say yes to a reunion so they can make some money. Otherwise they end up on UK Celebrity Big Brother.

See, when you make a deal with Melanie Griffith for an autobiography. You have to remember a couple of things. It probably is going to only cover the last few years because it is going to be hard to remember anything past that. The other thing is, she was supposed to do it when she turns 50. My guess is she does not want to admit she is even close to 50. She probably thinks she is still married to Don Johnson or doing it with Ryan O' Neal while Tatum was allegedly watching. I do know that if she really did tell ALL, it would be incredible and as much as I am not a fan of hers, I would be at the front of the line to buy the book.

"Hi, My name is Sienna Miller and it has been two days since I had an article written about me so I need to talk about myself again. I have the best publicist in the entire world. I love talking about the sex scene I did in my latest movie. We made it as real as possible. To make it seem like I care about anything other than myself or Jude Law, I am pretending to date this guy who used to work at the hotel we are staying at. We are reenacting our sex scene everyday so that way we can keep talking about it forever."

"Hi, My name is Mariah Carey and it is the media's fault for portraying me as sexy. It was not my decision to wear next to nothing as often as possible. I just do what everyone else does and everyone wears nothing."

For sticking around this long, here is the link to the nether regions of the Burbank Holiday Inn


Anonymous said...

I'll be yr Golden Globes date, Ent! I might even be able to wear mascara by then...

Anonymous said...

I have to go dig up the old BI, but is it possible that Kelly is from ENT's Playboy item from way back??

Anonymous said...

HA! not at all!! nevermind! :)

This A list actress thought her television show would go on forever. She was wrong and the show ended within the last year. She spent all her money and cannot get work (maybe not so A list now then huh?) so she has agreed to take it ALL off. People will be standing in line for this issue.

Anonymous said...

Helen Mirren just fessed up in a mag that she buys clothes at local charity shops when she's away filming, and then takes them back when she leaves; less luggage!

I think that's pretty good that some people have a mean streak. Though being two hours away from the action is a tad too much, Heather, IMHO!!

Anonymous said...

I love Helen Mirren.

The Tijuana Motel-6 could learn a lot from her.

Anonymous said...

Is it possible that Marilyn Manson was cat man rock star from yesterday. Though I'm not sure how the cat part fits in, I could totally see him as a gay prostitute in the past.

Anonymous said...

The cat part has to fit, or you've not guessed it right ;) EL chooses his words very carefully.

I thought the Pete Doherty guess was very good, especially since EL has said in the past that he's got nine lives. There is that Doherty ban around here until the 15th, but the specific wording of that resolution is that "he must not be named". So technically he could be a Blind Item, or alluded to in other ways, like London Sheraton ;) Remember, this IS a lawyer we're dealing with!

Anonymous said...

I'm with Jeeeze. It's all very carefully codified. Pete Doherty as a blind item response does not count towards the ban. I think it's him.

Okay, Ent, now that you're done posting for the afternoon... can I get an email ovah heah? My mailbox is getting all cobwebby.

Anonymous said...

I love Drew. I think it would be cute if her and Cameron hooked up for a few months.

Also, I agree with Pete for yesterdays BI. But don't see it as much of a surprise. Crackheads will do anything for another hit.

I'm still holding hope on EL commenting on Britney's baby. :::sigh:::

Anonymous said...

Brendalove, you can fit cats into your Marilyn Manson guess, as I read that he and Dita are fighting for 'custody' over their cats (and dogs). Did EL say the man was "cat like"? Manson clearly 'likes' his cats if he's going to fight for them.

Anonymous said...



meltish said...

Naughty Enty, breaking your London Sheraton ban!

Anonymous said...

OK--never mind the nip slip--are those her hands? Holy crap those are the mannest hands i've ever seen! EWWWWWWWWWW.

Anonymous said...

London Sheraton= Paris Hilton
see for nipple slip photo

Anonymous said...

that Ireland article on Mariah is CRAP.. To begin with, they got her fucking AGE wrong.....

Evan rachel Wood....please please please do not fuck around wwith MM. He's fucked Jenna Jameson for Chrisssake!


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