Thursday, January 25, 2007

When you are basically a nobody and get $1.2M as an advance to write a book, then it is going to be GOOD. Christina Haag must really have a lot of the inside scoop on JFK Jr. Her spilling the story about JFK Jr and Madonna is not enough for that kind of money, so there must be a lot more. This should be good.

Now, I know what I want for Christmas next year. Kimberly Stewart is trying to get Lindsay Lohan to sell her removed appendix on E-Bay. Wouldn't you like to see that in your stocking Christmas morning?

See, this is the problem with gossip. One tabloid says Kate Hudson is dating the guy from the group JET. Another tabloid says she is back with Owen Wilson. Yet, another tabloid called my imagination says that she is dating me.

Speaking of imagination. (whenever I type that I think of a SpongeBob episode) Sinful Comics has taken imagination to a whole new level by turning celebrities into porn stars. This is definitely NSFW, but extremely funny.


  1. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Ok Ent, these NSFW posts are a cry for help...

    Hang tough. If I get to the airport now, can probably be there in less than three hours.


  2. Anonymous10:09 AM

    What does NSFW stand for?

  3. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Not Safe For Work.

    (I seem to know all the ones that mean something rude. Heh)

  4. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Ent feeling smutty today? I mean I see him writing 'Kate' but surely he means Hez?

    How r u by the way? London's so far ahead by the time there's a post I'm already jaded, or in Paris' case BLINDED and DISGUSTED!


  5. Anonymous10:49 AM

    And I am even ahead of you UKgrrl, here in Stockholm. :)

  6. Anonymous10:54 AM

    haven't we all seen paris tara and pam naked though so it's not really imagining.

  7. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Hey UKGrrl,

    All is well. Busy, busy... just booking the church, buying my trousseau and ordering the flowers...

    Hahahaha! Here's to having a rich and entertaining fantasy life!

    (Doesn't he know Runaround Kate would only break his heart!?!)

  8. Anonymous11:12 AM

    Hez....He's a man, they never know what's good for them!
    Since Ent's not joining the Punisherz anytime soon I think he's safe from Runaround for now!

    Ah Stockholm....So much classier than dour old London.


  9. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I am still waiting for that dude to write his tell-all about Tom Cruise. Is his name Andrew Morton? Can you dig up any scoop on that one, ENT?

  10. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Well UKgrrl.. Trendy and blah bla, Stockholm that is. But bloody cold at the moment.

  11. Spongebob. "Im-ag-in-a-tion," mwahahahaha. Love it! I hear him say it in my head every time someone talks about imagination.
    Do you have a big cardbord box to play in?
