Chris Robinson was forced to do the "Tara." In case you do not know what the Tara is, it is the walk of shame after being denied
admittance to Hyde right in front of all the pap and the gawkers which Tara Reid was wrongly subjected to. It would have been much nicer to call it the "Paris." Honestly, Hyde is not really Chris' kind of place. Still though, the Tara is bad. What is worse, is the Tara with a twist which would involve Kate Hudson showing up at the same time ala "she who must not be named" and having her get in while you watch. Then there is the Tara with a twist with a slice of video which means it is out there to remind you forever and ever. Chris did not have the twist, but there is video when you click the link.

I do not really know how helping a woman out of a car and helping take her to a midwife is delivering a baby, BUT it makes for good press for the reality show that will have LaToya Jackson serving as a police officer along with Erik Estrada and Jack Osbourne. I really do not know where this show places in the hierarchy of reality television but at least it is a place for those celebrities who missed out on Celebrity Boxing. Do they get to have guns in this show?
In my attempt to move further down the D list in gossip reporting, Alan Cumming was married this weekend to his boyfriend of two years. Alan Cumming is a very fine actor and a lovely man, but Marc Malkin the reporter on E thinks he got the biggest scoop in the world by hearing about this first. Alan Cumming's rep probably made 50 calls about it before someone would even pick up the phone. I am happy for Alan, but Marc, calm down. You could have reported this a month from now and been the first. Marc probably ran down the halls at E yelling, "I got an exclusive. OMG Alan Cumming is getting married, and he is going to wear an oatmeal colored linen kilt suit with a black shirt and tie. OMG, I have to tell someone. Where is Ted?"
He who must not be named for another week is in talks to star in a movie with Kelly Brook. I honestly do not know what insurance company would take the risk with this movie, so these talks are probably just going to be that. Just talks.
I think Kylie Minogue is probably the number one gay icon. However, I still think this poll is messed up because Dolly Parton is number two and ABBA is number 3. "Um, excuse me. Cher? Madonna? Barbra?
Is Wentwor
th Miller gay? The Prison Break star insists he is not but loves that men and women fantasize about him, as long as they keep watching the show.

Daryl Hannah says she almost became a sex slave. She managed to
escape out a window or else she fear she would have been forced to remain in Las Vegas and be in a sex slave ring. While she was staying in the hotel, they must have volunteered quite a bit of information to her. So, because of her close escape, she is going to take a camera crew and travel all over the world looking at brothels. I am sure no one at the brothel will wonder what the 6 ft mermaid is doing there and what she wants with a girl for the night. Seriously, I think it is a noble quest and I wish her the best, but am not sure she is the right person for the job.

Ha, I've been hearing about Alan Cumming getting married all weekend, and have been thinking "who the f*ck is that?!" I had to look him up this morning.
ReplyDeleteI love Alan Cumming. His self-titled fragrance is the funniest, dirtiest thing in the world.
ReplyDeleteLOL - Hez, I had no idea what you were talking about until I Googled Alan Cumming and fragrance. Should have been obvious, but nooooooooo ;)
ReplyDeleteso. . . does posting the gayest pic ever of wentie mean this site isn't buying the public denial?
ReplyDeleteVery short today!!! How disappointing. I sure hope ENT updates later.
ReplyDeletePerez Pugface claims to have a male friend that used to date Wentworth Miller. Word is he told all his former gay friends that he wouldn't be able to associate with them anymore.
ReplyDeleteHow sad that in this day and age, especially with actors like Alan Cumming, Nathan Lane and Ian McKellen who have just boldly been their lovely gay selves and had career success anyway, poor Wenty feels he has to climb all the way to the back of the closet. Must be getting crowded in there... he's gonna have to sit on Kevin Spacey's lap! (Not that Spacey would mind)
Hey EL, Perez reported this morning that an ad had gone up on Craigslist, recruiting for a new Britney reality show. The ad is already gone, however. Do you know anything about this? Hoax?
ReplyDeleteYeah I saw that too Jeeeze. It smacked of a chain yank to me.
ReplyDeleteI thought Perez might have made it up himself, Hez. He's seriously hating Brit lately.
ReplyDeleteI feel sorry for those of you who do not know the glory that is Alan Cumming.
ReplyDeleteSo EL a blind item showed up on a couple other websites this weekend about a celebrity that has a son with health issues... most likely because of mom's coke use. A lot of people guessed Britney since her son hasn't been in the public eye yet. You going to comment? I was hoping you would today...
ReplyDeleteDorothy, I immediately thought it was Victoria Beckham. She's admitted that her son Romeo has epilepsy.
ReplyDeletedorothy--I saw that about the baby. I was thinking either Shitney or Anna Nicole. ???
ReplyDeleteIt can't be Anna Nicole because the BI says "his mom"... which means the child is a boy. A lot of people guessed Jordan but her son's health is well known, so why would that be a blind item. Also hez, I don't think there's a connection between coke use and epilepsy.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to think Britney wasn't using coke while pregnant but can't we say that about all moms.
Wentworth Miller isn't gay; he just sucks dick.
I feel sorry for those of you who do not know the glory that is Alan Cumming.
ReplyDeleteI do I do! Esp. when he shows up to X-Men premieres in his kilt! Woopee!
It's a shame if Went is gay and feels he has to hide it. Man, what a rotten world we live in, damn the closet. Hey, Prison Breakers need some luv too.
And for those who care, the lead singer of Bloc Party came out as well!
ReplyDeleteWait, the blind item about a celebrity baby with health issues started here? I must have missed that one, but I heard it yesterday evening, here in Los Angeles, on the radio during their gossip report, but they were quoting from a newspaper.
ReplyDeleteOh, and P.S. (I posted the note above): Alan Cumming may be D-List, but he's the best-freaking-actor on it, the C-List, and most of the B-List.
ReplyDeleteTo 9:19... no, celebrity baby BI wasn't started here. I saw it first at ONTD. I brought it here thinking EL might have some knowledge because I was under the impression he was "friends" with Britney.
ReplyDeletefuck u all
ReplyDeleteWell we can't stop her for what she is doing so why even what is the point of bothering her I mean yes she is stupid for doing this but what more is she going to do if the public people won't leave her alone about it and people like us blogging about it won't work either cause whatever we say on here will all go and tell someone else anyway so why can't we all just leave her alone about it for wants cause if we keep bothering her then she will not want to show her face in public anymore and then zac won't be able to see her anymore but he will always call her and then they both won't be seen in public together and that is a bad thing right well at least I think so what about you guys you with me