Tuesday, January 30, 2007

This B list television actress is a new relationship with a guy only she could love. The problem is that the the guy really thinks he is God's gift to women. She wants this relationship to work out so much that she is looking past his blatant flirting with other women, while she is standing there. She thinks it is love and he is just using her as a free ticket for award show season. He has no interest in her outside of being that extra ticket, and has acted accordingly. Whether her back is turned or not, he is always looking for the next one. Her friends are appalled, but know it has been awhile since anyone cared and are just hoping things turn out for the best.

Speaking of cads, this young B list television actor has been having his way with his much younger co-star. She is so enamored of him, his fame, and the attention that she thinks nothing of his requests to bring in other women to their relationship. She will do anything to make him happy and hang onto to what she thinks is love. Our actor enjoys watching and filming her with whomever he can find. When he has trouble finding someone, he sends her out to bars and clubs to find someone to bring home. Our actor has enough films of his young co-star in bed with other women and men to put Paris Hilton to shame.


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