Friday, January 26, 2007

One week left to get all those plugs in for you, your band, your company, or anything else you want to plug. I even got an e-mail with someone who is getting married. Just e-mail me the relevant information and I will pass it along on the blog next Friday.

I really have to admit that when I first saw the headline Nicole Kidman involved in auto crash, I thought Keith Urban had gone off the wagon, and then I realized this was gossip and the headlines often are not what they seem. I am not the biggest fan of TMX for that reason, but to give them their props, they do have video of the accident happening.

Jake Gyllenhaal: Finding a Good Woman Is Job One--I think this headline from People magazine says it all. I invite all of you to fill in a very snarky comment.


  1. Anonymous8:50 AM

    How does TMZ manage to get footage of EVERYTHING?!

    Jake??...Women??.... riiiiight!


  3. Anonymous8:59 AM

    LOL - That's a job that will keep him busy for a verrrrrryyyyyy long time. Reminds me of the BI from monday where the cusp of A list actor is struggling to get dates with women because of the rumors plaguing him about his sexuality.

  4. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Yeah he should come out.

    Gay person = no shame
    Big liar = shame and misery

  5. I will fill in a comment when I am done laughing....


  6. Anonymous9:22 AM

    If only there were a place to leave a 'snarky comment' in People (PR Haven) magazine.

    My god, why do they make it such fucking hard work just to say "look guyz I'm gay/bi, deal with it".

  7. Anonymous9:29 AM

    ^^ I wouldn't leave a snarky comment really, cuz I like Jake, but this sorta 'machismo' sounding bullcrap just is embarrassing to read. I am always split between feeling sorry for Jake and thinking he should just give the middle finger to HW, lol!

    Nice to read about Baby Spice though. Good luck, girl!

    Oh and the terrible Olsens... You gottra admit they do look freakishly interesting... Fascinating in a weird way...

  8. Anonymous10:21 AM

    He means finding a BEARD is job one.

    I read that article and notice, there's no emotion underlying Jake's statements about choosing the right woman to be the mother of his child. He may as well be talking about finding a surrogate mother (which he probably is).

  9. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Isn't that quote from GQ not People? And how can you tell if he had "no emotion" it was a print interview. So he wants to have kids, leave him alone and go obsess over Orlando Bloom or Wentworth Miller or Clooney......

  10. Anonymous10:57 AM

    There was a BI about him (a closeted gay actor) helping his bf to adopt recently. So Jakey will probably be a daddy soon.

  11. Anonymous11:42 AM

    "I even got an e-mail with someone who is getting married."

    OMG Hez, is this the announcement we've all been expecting????

  12. Anonymous12:04 PM

    Jeeeze, if it were what we've all been hoping for, he wouldn't be getting an announcement, he'd be MAKING an announcement.

    Keep those fingers crossed!

    At least we know he'll spell my name right when getting the invitations engraved.

    Now, to find a Smiths tribute band for the reception (if we can't get the actual Smiths)...

  13. Anonymous2:18 AM

    Isn't that quote from GQ not People? And how can you tell if he had "no emotion" it was a print interview. So he wants to have kids, leave him alone and go obsess over Orlando Bloom or Wentworth Miller or Clooney......

    God, you can always tell a fangirl by 'leave him alone' statements.

    Look, some people just find these ambiguous statements irritating. It's not about disliking him for wanting kids. Far from it. It's about HW smokescreens.

  14. Anonymous9:36 PM

    I am sure you didn't bother to read the actual interview. He was asked about having kids because his sister just had a baby and family, etc. It's assholes like you and other gossips like Ted Casablanca and Perez Hilton who think "outing" celebs is okay. How narrowminded and disgusting you and the commenters here and other blogs are. Grow up and worry about your own sexuality. Stop spreading gossip and maybe a celeb will come out of the closet.

  15. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Insake Jake fangurl alert. By the way, this is a GOSSIP board. If you don't like it, DON'T READ IT. Bye!

  16. Anonymous9:46 PM

    insane-sorry for the typo

  17. Anonymous10:02 AM

    "Finding a good woman is job one. Job two is telling my boyfriend we're going to be taking a little hiatus. Job three is impregnating said woman. Job four is inviting boyfriend back in life, then letting the woman discover the infidelity and enjoy the ensuing madness."
