Thursday, January 18, 2007

OK, so these are the blind items that will be revealed tomorrow. This is your last chance to guess away. I have included the guesses that have been made so far. The guesses only include comments from the original post. I did not go through all the comments sections to see if someone referred to it later. In addition to these, there may be one other. I am torn because it is kind of hurtful and as I have said before I am not out to do anything like that on this blog. For those of you who keep asking about "L", it is going to take a few weeks longer because of some things that are going on with her property.

Blind Items To Be Revealed from November and December

Tuesday November 14, 2006
JACKASS - Male rock star..I want to say 5 number ones, but Google says 6..solo act...hotel elevator after a concert..groupies (Band-Aids to my buddy Cameron and to my friend Kate who always makes me smile) pressing items to be signed into the elevator...(1) a woman in her 70's is on the elevator and a hotel guest..(2)me.... (3) singer's manager..the woman in her 70's has no idea what is going on and would rather be anyplace else..(btw I have no idea what she was doing up so late) girls are screaming and trying to claw their way to the elevator..singer grabs his crotch and says, "yeah girls want some of that don't ya?" and then turns to the woman in her 70's and says "I bet you could use some too huh?"..By this time he has accumulated a handful of Sharpies and begins to throw them out the elevator and the girls go scrambling for them, falling down as they do so..The manager hits the close button on the elevator and the singer reaches over and pushed the door open button and says.."not so fast..I love to watch them crawl..right where they belong.."then he lets the elevator door close..
Adam Levine
Billy Idol
Fred Durst

December 1, 2006
What British actress/model has gone back to her old flame of many years because she cannot stand her husband to be? The only problem...she has not told her husband to be, and the old flame also has someone as well...
Keira Knightley (3)
Kate Moss (3)
Liz Hurley (8)
Kelly Brook (2)
Nicolette Sheridan

Naomi Campbell

December 13, 2006
What music producer’s wife is afraid of having her secret life with women revealed?
Kimora Simmons (7)
Sarah Jessica Parker

December 14, 2006
#1------So imagine if you will a 4-story walk up (for those of you not familiar with the term, think a building with 3 apartments and you have to "walk up" to get to the upper floors) in NYC that is in need of a little repair but that has become the home of celebrities within the three units in the building.
One of the neighbors is a celebrity couple with a new baby. The wife has a brother who is an actor who is friends with a bicyclist who is friends with an actor who loves hanging out shirtless.
Seriously, you should have that part by now.
So anyway, a new celebrity moves into the building. An A-lister as both a producer and actress. This new neighbor wants everyone to call her "Chris." NEVER call her by her real name. There is no such person who lives in the building. The new neighbor is just a normal person named "Chris." Look past the fact that most normal people do not have an assistant living with them 24 hours a day constantly reminding people that only "Chris" lives there. I guess you could look past the fact that the actress sits on her front steps outside typing away on her laptop, smoking, chatting with passerby, but is just "Chris" when she goes back inside.
Actual situation and conversation–
There is a play date with a neighbor and the celebrity couple who live on the 4th floor. Neighbor has a huge stroller and does not want to carry it up four flights of stairs. Knock on door of the first floor apartment of our reclusive celebrity.
Assistant answers the door -
"Excuse me, is there anyway I can leave this stroller down here in the foyer. As you can see it is heavy and I am already carrying this 2 year old. So would you ask _______ if it is ok?"
The assistant replies, "there is no one who lives here by that name. Chris is the person who lives here and would have to make that decision. You will have to ask Chris."
"May I please ask her then?" asked the woman carrying the now screaming 2 year old.
"Chris is not here right now, and I do not know when she will be back."
With that the door slams shut, and our neighbor left the stroller downstairs anyway. Good for her.
Parker Posey (4)
Drew Barrymore (2)
Penny Marshall
Jodie Foster (13)
Courteney Cox
Christina Ricci

#2-----------What married female pop star keeps coming back to her same basic hairstyle, look, and appearance because when she changes it, her husband wanders off to find a transsexual who has that look?
Christina Aguilera (6)
Madonna (2)
Pink (3)
Gwen Stefani (15)
Jennifer Lopez

December 15, 2006
#1------What B+ actor who has worked with the brother of our celebrity couple yesterday has a thing for women that look exactly like his sister? When this actor is with his sister or his girlfriend no one can tell the difference at least from the front. Several people have mentioned that the actor’s sister has a little more back. Is that why the girlfriend has been putting on weight?
Lucas Black
Heath Ledger (8)
Jamie Foxx (2)
Austin Nichols
Dermot Mulroney

#2-------This actress/ mother in her 30's has always worked as an actress since her arrival in Hollywood. A bit part here and a bit part here, until while working for a notorious Hollywood madam she ran into a big spending, playboy/actor/trick who just could not get enough of her. He changed her life and got her more work allowing her to rise to a comfortable B Lister.
Denise Richards (13)
Shannon Elizabeth
Jennifer Love Hewitt
Jennifer Garner

#3--------This A list actor and producer loves filming movies outside the US. The reason? He does not like the labor laws in the US. For his latest movie, he made all the extras including the children work for up to 19 hours straight often without any type of meal breaks. If anyone complained, they were fired, sent home without the money they had been promised, and replaced with someone else not as picky about food and working conditions.
Mel Gibson (10)
George Clooney
Clint Eastwood
Woody Allen
George Lucas

December 20, 2006
This actor was in the highest grossing film of all time. However that does not seem to be enough magic to get his on again off again long-time girlfriend to the altar. She loves him, BUT is never going to get married to him or any other MAN.
Leonardo DiCaprio (13)
Billy Zane (4)
Bill Paxton

December 28, 2006
This married A++ actress was attached to do a movie but wanted a certain actor to play opposite her. The actor was not interested but our actress thought she could convince him and the studio believed her. The studio chartered a jet and our actress flew 11 hours one way and 12 hours on the return flight. All of this travel for about six hours of alone time with the actor who still did not want to do the movie but had a great deal of fun doing something else. The actress returned home, broke the sad news to the studio, broke off her own involvement in the project and ultimately cost the studio a great deal of money but it was her satisfaction that was most important and so they still do business together.
Nicole Kidman (16)
Jennifer Lopez (2)
Catherine Zeta Jones (3)
Julia Roberts (7)
George Clooney???? (3)
Johnny Depp???? (4)
Renee Zelwegger (2)
Sharon Stone (2)
Halle Berry
Demi Moore (2)
Mark Pellegrino????
Bruce Willis????

December 29, 2006
This actor has always had a hard time remaining faithful. He has really made a name for himself and in the last 5 years has become if not A list then very close. I am sure he has Wheaties for breakfast. Anyway, the relationship he never had but maybe did have with a woman who was married and that ended because of the relationship they never had by maybe did have is already over. On the set of his new movie he has found lust/love with this stunt woman turned actress. Lots of spies trying to get a photo but no luck so far.
Ryan Phillipe (2)
Owen Wilson (7)


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