Friday, January 19, 2007

No Four For Friday today, but three EASY ones instead to keep you interested. If you have been paying attention to the gossip world in the past few days, you might have got a whiff of some of these.

This actor used to be A-list in the mid 90's but is now a straight to video kind of guy. Why you ask? Well it seems he likes taking projects that are international, and especially in Eastern European countries. The reason for this is so he and his current wife can enjoy the affections of VERY young girls who can be bought for a night in these countries.

Swimming with dolphins is not the only thing this actress did recently. Seems to be that she likes X, and when she takes it, she finds a few suitable companions and enjoys the drug and other activities that occur in hotel rooms with other consenting adults.

A friend of someone mentioned earlier today has been acting like a diva despite the fact it has been years since she could even pretend to be such. Banned from her health club for wanting to work out alone and to bring in her dog, this pseudo diva has also been trying to convince friends she has a relationship with a well known singer despite the fact that no one believes a word of it.


  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Tara Reid swam with dolphins a little over a week ago.

  2. Anonymous12:14 PM

    #1 - ?

    #2 - 100% Tara Reid

    #3 - Jessica Simpson?

  3. Anonymous12:15 PM

    I mean a year ago...oops.

  4. Anonymous12:19 PM

    i don't think it's jessica since it sounds like someone who's past their prime, and j-simp wasn't famous years ago- I think it's whitney houston and ray-j even though he's not that famous.

    also, is # 1 dustin diamond- straight to video being a reference to his sex tape?

  5. Anonymous12:20 PM

    #2 - Jessica Alba?

  6. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Reveals AND new blinds? Honey, you're going to spoil the kids!

    #2 is Tara Reid, obvs. #1 is so gross I won't even venture a guess, and #3 could be almost anyone but it does sound vaguely familiar.

    (Hmmm... shall I hyphenate my last name, or should go for the more traditional "Mrs. Ent"?)

  7. Anonymous12:31 PM

    This article suggests Tara's swimming with dolphins just a few days ago...,,2004580002-2007010659,00.html

    I agree it's her.

    I don't think #1 is Dustin Diamond. I wouldn't call him a-list in the mid 1990s. Also, his IMDB profile doesn't show any European gigs that I noticed on quick glance.

  8. Anonymous12:32 PM

    #1- don't know
    #2- 100% Tara Reid
    #3- Jessica Simpson- but that could be too obvious, maybe Whitney, but I doubt it.

  9. Anonymous12:36 PM

    #1 - Steven Seagal

  10. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Seagal was never A list.

  11. Anonymous12:47 PM

    #1 could be Robin Williams, didn't a movie of his just come out on video, it wasn't in theatres (The Night Listener)?

    For some reason I thought of Cameron Diaz for number three, most likely due to the fact that her and Drew are like best friends

  12. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Is Steven Seagal married? I just checked IMDB, and it doesn't look like it.

  13. Anonymous12:48 PM

    How about Van Damme for #1?

  14. Anonymous12:55 PM

    #1 Could be Wesley Snipes

  15. Anonymous12:58 PM

    #3. Posh's friend Geri Halliwell

  16. Anonymous12:59 PM

    1. Don´t know
    2. Tara Reid
    3. Ginger spice

  17. Anonymous1:00 PM

    check this out from popbitch

    >> Tara goes shopping <<
    Ms Reid really loves house music

    Tara Reid has been partying in Australia
    over the New Year. One afternoon she and
    her entourage wandered into a small Byron
    Bay DVD rental store. "Do you have any
    house music?" asked the actress. The
    shop clerk looked confused and told her
    that they didn't sell CDs, she should try
    down the road. "No, but do you have any
    HOUSE MUSIC" tried Tara again. When he shook
    his head again, Tara left. A few minutes
    later one of her people came back in the
    store and pleaded with the clerk for some
    house music before leaving in despair.

    That night the DVD guy was recounting his
    story in a local bar. He was told that another
    DVD store sold drugs on the quiet, and that
    "house music" meant you wanted some ecstasy.

  18. Anonymous1:00 PM

    Ed Harris?

  19. Anonymous1:01 PM

    Oooh, good find, anonymous re: Geri.

  20. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Wesley Snipes is the best guess for #1. Married and living in Bucharest, and actually has some acting skills, vs. Seagal and Van Damme. There is a discussion page on imdb.

    Wesley Snipes continues his decline into the DTV market, a tragic fall from grace, meaning he probably won't get the Oscar nomination that he was quite capable of getting. The tragic things is Snipes is too good an actor to be doing DTV action films. Seagal, Van Damme and Lundgren you would say aren't the greatest thesps so doing these simplistic roles suits them well, but Snipe is in no way going to be stretched, which is a shame.

  21. Anonymous1:03 PM

    Thanks, lily. It's all about "the Google."

  22. Anonymous1:10 PM

    whose the famous singer supposedly w/ geri?

  23. Anonymous1:13 PM

    Definitely Wesley Snipes!! 4 of last 5 movies direct to video. Filmed most in Romania.

  24. Anonymous1:45 PM

    The second one is Tara Reid.

    She recently swam with dolphins and there was also an article regarding her partying is Australia.

    She ventured into a music store and requested house music. The owner said they did not sell house music. She said can you please check in the back to be sure. She left without any house music.

    House music in the area she was at is an undercover name for Ecstasy.

  25. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Apparently Geri is dating a British Pop Star:
    Darius Danesh

    According to:

    But that was in October...

  26. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Snipes does seem like a good guess. He had 4 films go straight to video and IMDB says he lives in Korea with his artist Korean wife. Wikipedia says the following: In 2005, Snipes was detained at Johannesburg International Airport for allegedly trying to pass through the airport with a fake South African passport. Snipes later told South African officials that he had applied for the South African papers not only for himself but for his family. During the interview, it was established that Snipes did indeed have fraudulent South African documentation in his possession. Snipes and his attorney agreed to cooperate with the South African Inspectorate of the National Immigration Branch in their investigation. Snipes was allowed to return home because he had a valid U.S. passport, but the South African authorities reduced his immigration status to undesirable as a result of the incident. To date, no explanation has been offered as to exactly why Snipes attempted to enter South Africa on forged papers.

    **the mind goes wild with speculation!!!

  27. Anonymous2:12 PM

    And Hez "Honey you're going to spoil the kids." Hi-larious!

  28. Anonymous2:26 PM

    so whos the one he opted not to disclose information about?


  29. Anonymous2:31 PM

    I have to agree:
    1. Wesley
    3.Geri-I heard this same rumour on another gossip blog.

  30. Anonymous2:32 PM

    def tara reid for the 2nd one.

  31. Anonymous2:36 PM

    not paula abdul for the last one?

  32. Anonymous2:51 PM

    Be Adequite! says:

    Paula Abdul for #3...EL states it's someone that was mentioned earlier today, she's a dog lover...but who's the famous person she claims to date?

  33. Anonymous2:53 PM

    Be Adequite! says:
    What about Nic Cage for #1? Not totally straight to video, per se, but haven't there been whispers about his preferences?

  34. Anonymous3:07 PM

    #2 tara reid
    #3 cameron diaz?

  35. Anonymous3:17 PM

    #3 is Ginger Spice. She is a friend of Victoria Beckham mentioned earlier today in this blog

  36. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Nicole Ritchie was in Los Cabos recently with her new guy. I think it's her.

  37. Anonymous3:41 PM

    These are officially cracked. Scroll up for the full evidence.

    #1 Wesley Snipes
    #2 Tara Reid
    #3 Geri Halliwell

    Thanks, Ent. You really spoiled us today! Keep the good stuff comin'... and enjoy a very restful weekend! (Sounds like you've earned it!)

  38. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Be Adequite - I think you're right with the Nic Cage thing. His wife is Asian.


  39. Anonymous5:03 PM

    What about Scary Spice? She's pregos "supposedly" with Eddie Murphy's kid and she's friends w/ Posh.


  40. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Geri Halliwell for #3

    There's been rumors of her rekindling her romance with
    Robbie Williams the last couple of weeks but nobody's really latched onto it as a real possibility.

  41. I concur with the obvious three

    1. Wesley
    2. Tara
    3. Geri

  42. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Tara Reid is so boring for #2, because everyone already knows she's a total skank. I like it when it's the less obvious ones, like how Bryan Adams was revealed to be the Jackass rock star.

  43. Anonymous6:01 PM

    Not to be rude but why is #3 a blind item if an article has already been written online? She has already been named.

  44. Anonymous7:09 PM

    ALL of these BI's are taken from old articles or very obvious BI's from other sites.

    Except the ones that are purely made-up...

  45. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Hez said -

    "... and enjoy a very restful weekend! (Sounds like you've earned it!)"

    Okay, now while he's sleeping, let's get to work on those "guy in a tux" photos from the Golden Globes ....


  46. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Is this Daniel Day Lewis then? The actor that 'almost A lists himself and then takes time off for Europe time' to dabble with S&M?

    See the blind from Jan 14~!~
    Isn't he really 'dark' in all the rumors????

  47. Anonymous12:14 AM

    Nic Cage is kinky as all hell, but I don't think he's into kids.

  48. Anonymous1:42 AM

    I disagree with the Daniel Day Lewis, he hasn't made any movie's. Only one since the Gangs of NY. Nothing direct to DVD and certainly not many to DVD.

    Sounds like Tara Reid to me.

  49. Anonymous2:13 AM

    Anonymous said...
    ALL of these BI's are taken from old articles or very obvious BI's from other sites.

    Except the ones that are purely made-up...

    7:09 PM

    Hey, give the guy a break. This site is just for entertainment, and it's free. I assume that he's printing gossip he hears from his friends in the industry, who may have read the gossip online, or been told it by somebody else who read it online, or maybe somebody else just gets it online first. Anyway, I think he's provided some interesting tidbits on here that I haven't read anywhere else.

  50. Anonymous3:33 AM

    I'm gonna need the fainting couch if we do that, Jeeeze...

    Seriously, you could put a sewing machine in a tux and I'd find it sexy. (Mmmm... bobbins!)

    Too bad we can't post photos in the forum here!

  51. Anonymous6:27 AM

    jeeze! there are some consistencies within the photos posted by in style magazine. ;)

    not sure it will get you anywhere but it sure is fun!

  52. Anonymous6:39 AM


    2 TaraReid

    3 Jessica the new uglier sister Simpson

    ENT: you are the bestest! xxxooo

  53. Anonymous10:24 AM

    no 2 = Tara Reid
    no 3= Jessica Simpson

    Don't know the first one.

  54. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I really think that #1 is Jean-Claude Van Damme. He has shot a bunch of movies in Eastern Europe in the last few years. He shot In Hell in Bulgaria and he was on a talk show in Bulgaria at that time. Here is the description of another one of his recent movies, Second In Command: "Jean Claude plays an official who's just been appointed as Second In Command to the U.S.Ambassador at an American Embassy in a small, turbulent Eastern European nation."

  55. Anonymous12:54 PM

    jeeeze: gettyimages.

  56. Anonymous1:42 PM

    jean claude also makes sense since he was married 5 times, which would be why ent said current wife

  57. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Tara Reid 4 sure

  58. #2 is not even a blind item

    love it

  59. Anonymous8:04 PM

    #3 is debra messinger (spelling?). the chick from will & grace; there were some reports of her on other gossip blogs about her pulling diva stunts on the set of her new show down in australia...

  60. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Be Adequite! says Jean Claude fits, except for the A-list part? I usually associate that tier with Oscar winners, I wrong? I'd consider him C, even D list?
    What about Cuba Gooding? Although still married to 1st wife...

  61. Anonymous11:48 AM

    I think #3 is Shannon Elizabeth. It says this person is friends with a person mentioned "today". Shannon and Tara were in American Pie together. Shannon is also known for being a dog lover and has several.

  62. #2 is definitely Ms.Tara as i live in Brisbane and had to endure watching her ugly mug on the news EVERY DAY she was here (esp. swimming with dolphins....) as they're just soo happy some famous person has bothered to come all the way over here (btw, for $100,000 i'd happily oblige too.

    no idea who #1 is and #3 sounds like Geri too with her pooch Harry.... but i nearly wet myself when i read she's reportedly seeing Darius Danesh who is just the campest crappest 'singer' you've ever seen, he was on the UK tv show Popstars which eventually formed the group Liberty X (not sure if the us is familiar with them; i'm orginally from london where they're MASSIVE))buT he is AWFUL!

  63. Anonymous12:29 AM

    I don't think #3 is Geri. She hasn't really been Posh's friend for ages, the thing with Robbie Williams was over eons ago and she now has a baby. She is really into being a Mom these days, rather than being a diva.

  64. Anonymous7:31 AM

    We do need to have a discussion about what A list really means. I agree that I always thought it was an Oscar winner....but now I am wondering if it is more about how other celebs a celeb than whether they have won anything. Like...the difference between being ushered into Hyde, standing in line at Hyde, and being denied at Hyde. Does that make sense?
    Mrs Mo :)

  65. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Anon 12:29, Geri was photographed ice skating with Posh and kids recently, just in the last couple of months. Can't remember which of the gossip sites on which I waste so much of my time I read that though...

  66. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Agree on the A-list needing a proper definition. I would not consider Wesley Snipes to be A-LIST at all.

  67. A-list probably means you have movies that grossed at least 100 million once. How much $$ you can make for your studio, that's the real definition of A-list. Loads of actors could act, but what's the point if your movie could only make 20 millions ?? A list in acting, yes, but really C list when it comes to film exceutives.

  68. Anonymous8:16 AM

    What about Richard Gere for #1??
