Later today will be your last chance to guess at the 12 blind items that will be revealed tomorrow. They are all from November and December. Next month I will reveal some blind items from January. The 12 are in addition to the two I already gave you yesterday. BTW, how many has Ted C over at E revealed over the years?

I believe I told everyone yesterday that Britney Spears was not pregnant, and now her publicist (yes, they lie often) has confirmed the fact that she is not pregnant. For those of you who think I never say a bad word about her, let me say that I am not 100% convinced about the peanut butter/vomit thing. That was a ton of peanut butter. I am going to stick with vomit on that one.
I may be waaaaay out on a limb here, but regardless of what the National Enquirer says, I do NOT think Nick Lachey and Vanessa Minnillo are getting married anytime soon, let alone the spring. In fact, I am going to go the opposite direction and say they are more likely to break up than get married. The reason this story really stinks is that he has allegedly popped the question. Vanessa was in front of the world Monday night which would have been a great time to show off a new ring. Nothing, nada, zilch.
"Hi, my name is Pete Doherty and I sling the best B.S. in the world. I live off the earnings of a famous fashion model. I am a barely adequate singer and I do a tremendous amount of drugs. I have been arrested countless times for drugs in the past year, but a judge today told me I was doing a great job trying to get clean."
So, you are getting divorced from the man you thought you would be with forever. You were so confident of your love that you allowed JC Penney to use your wedding photos for their new ad campaign. Now, you will be forced to see your wedding day over and over again on television and billboards and newspapers. You will also be further shamed because JC Penney were the only takers for the pics. On a personal note, Emilie looked crushed on Monday night.