Thursday, January 25, 2007

I suppose it is my obligation to make it easier for all of you who have not seen the Paris Exposed pictures to make them available. I also think I got herpes from just watching the video. Is that possible? Notice who she is with in the pictures. Also, if you listen to the video, try and catch where she says she just got fucked up the butt for coke. Yes, that is someone every Greek shipping magnate's son should take home to mama.

Here is the video which is the preview. Seriously think about protection before watching.

Here is the link to all the pics and to all 9 parts of the video. You will need a shower after watching.


  1. Anonymous9:05 AM

    in the third picture is she kissing canadian actress jessica pare?

  2. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Eww - I wish you wouldn't have posted it.

  3. Anonymous9:26 AM

    NSFW warning would be really nice! Maybe put them behind a jump???

  4. Anonymous9:28 AM

    I second Jess. = ) thank god i scrolled quickly! whew. and ew. kinda makes me want to gag. why would you just take pics like that?

  5. Anonymous9:43 AM

    It's nothing anyone hasn't seen before...Just bigger proof of what a whore she is and a waste of a human being.

  6. Anonymous9:46 AM

    Yeah, but the music's kinda catchy! ;-)

    God, I need a shower now.

  7. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Not only does she say she got fucked in the ass for coke, but apparently it was by a (paraphrasing here) "poor bitch from like compton". How proud her parents must be!

    I admit I would LOVE to see all the stuff that was in her storage locker, but I'm not paying $40 to do so.

  8. Anonymous9:53 AM

    She is such a stupid drugged up ho. I don't see why she gets any media attention. When, oh when God, is she just going to fade away into obscurity?!?!!?

  9. Wow I’m surprised the pic’s were posted like that! I agree a least a NSFW

    It’s trashy... and I’m left disappointed

  10. Anonymous10:03 AM

    who's the guy she's with? i'm a female and i think she's hot...

  11. Anonymous10:11 AM

    she's just trying to keep her name out there. the stuff was in storage so she could probably care less about it.......i am sure her home is big enough to keep the things that she cares about in it....the Beckhams are coming to town and she doesn't want Posh to steal her shine.......

  12. So the dude who is dating Lindsey Lohan, probably, maybe, definitely slept with Paris Hilton?? (Girls Gone Wild)

  13. Anonymous10:13 AM

    i really doubt if posh will steal her shine, she is nobody here and i don't think anyone will care about her stoneface. she's nothing without david, he'll eventually leave her.

  14. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Eww Jeeeze its Mittenfarts! Suddenly I miss Ent's boycott of everything Pa...Par...Herpes Hilton!


  15. Anonymous10:21 AM

    the paparazzi cares about posh so that's all that matters. they will shove her down peoples throats the same way they do everyone else.

  16. If you go to the Paris Exposed site there is more to look at, and read about.. I'm pretty curious I have to say. She is WAY worse than I could ever imagine.. & I don't think of myself as naive either! So some blog is bound to pay the $30 and share this with the world right?

  17. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Work is going to ban this website for sure!!!
    Then what will I do all day???

  18. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Isn't that Lindsey Lohan she's making out with? Wasn't there a blind item a while back about two female friends who were sleeping together, one got more serious than the other, and that's why they had a falling out. That could be Lindsey/Paris or Paris/Nicole. Is it me or is Paris turning out every young woman in hollywood. Frankly I think she slept with Lindsey, Nicole, Britney, and now she's trying to get Vanessa Minillo.

  19. Anonymous12:06 PM

    I get fucked up the butt for coke. Wow. What a mess.

    Whoever does her finances needs to be fired. Her personal information being compromised is beginning to wear thin. Maybe she is doing it for the attention, maybe not. I think the information in that storage locker is old and eventually they (Mintz and Paris) will find a way to shut the site down. I would NEVER PAY to see her shit.

  20. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Ent, I think I speak for most of us when I say it'd be appreciated if you could link to the photos elsewhere, or put them behind a cut (if that's possible on blogger, I'm not sure) or at least tag them as NSFW. I love reading your blog at my desk at work (at a government agency,) and it's risky to have images like that load in my browser, let alone on the computer screen. Thanks!!

  21. Anonymous1:21 PM

    Please clean out your desk. The
    American people are outraged at the
    way you are wasting tax dollars.
    Uncle Sam
