Tuesday, January 30, 2007

"Hi, I am Billy Bob Thornton. I am just like EVERY other guy in the world. I want to sit at home and watch sports and cartoons. It does not matter if you are married to Angelina Jolie, or a troll, we all just want to sit around and do nothing. Sure Angelina was hot, but sometimes, aww hell, most of the time sports and cartoons were going to win out for me. Have you ever tried to watch a baseball game in the middle of Africa? I have and it cannot be done."
I also totally believe Billy Bob when he said he had not cheated on Angelina. I would be so scared to. I can just see her staring at me while I am sleeping and just know she is going to do something Misery like.

Everyone always thinks I like Team Aniston more. Honestly, I think Angelina is about ten times hotter. There is a pic of Angelina at Davos, Switzerland from two years ago, and I was like wow. Incredible photo. Intelligent, gorgeous, but she just scares the shit out of me and Brad is scared too. Billy Bob was not whipped by Angelina, just scared to cross her.


  1. Anonymous9:18 AM

    She just looks like if a man crossed her, she'd cut him up like a diced onion. I don't know why folks think she's all that, she's a hypocrite and I'm sorry she's lost her Mom, maybe it's time to make amends with Daddy.

  2. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Bullshit. Jon Voight is a crazy f**k. He says it's her but I think not.

  3. Anonymous9:52 AM

    "Snuggling, cuddling, hugging,
    crying - all that stuff makes me very uncomfortable." -Angelina

    She's a cold biatch!

  4. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I think her dad wants her publicity and nothing more. He didn't even know the names of her children. Angelina has had emotional problems since she was a young girl (cutting, living at home with her boyfriend at age 14) and I bet a lot of it stems from her dad walking out on the family. I think she's determined to never let any male hurt her again. Just about every movie role she takes plays upon that theme over and over again: the tough female who won't let her guard down.

  5. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I was going to be snarky till I saw the comments about her mother.

    I'll be good to her today.

    Next week, watch out!

  6. Anonymous11:22 AM

    I have no problem being snarky. Things are tough for poor man stealing Angie. Know why? Because her mother actually showed her love. She never referred to her A. as a blob or as needing less attention or love because she had the non-control to be born to a wealthy parent. This Shiloh kid is going to be so fucked up.

  7. ENT I don't think anyone would say you were Team Aniston, and most people think Angelina is hotter. It would be impressive if you actually thought Aniston was hotter. Angelina is the more conventionally beautiful one. So you're like about 99.9% of guys out there, you're nothing different.

  8. Anonymous4:26 PM

    i feel bad for her loss, but that girl was tearing the wings off flies since she could walk.

    the comments about Shiloh made me ill..she just seemed so...detached and without emotion. im guessing it was brad who needed a biological baby to call his own.

  9. Anonymous9:20 PM

    I read the interview with Angelina about her kids and I can't say that anything stood out as bizarre or strange. She was very blunt and perhaps that is most shocking to people who are used to the same old, same old of sound bites and publicist-approved comments. I think that she is over-sensitive to the differences between her biological daughter and her adopted children, as if Maddox or Zahara actually remember anything before their adoption, but these are comments from someone who was raised without a father and went to Beverly Hills high school which translates into money not buying one happiness.

    I think that she might feel some insecurity towards her biological daughter because she wasn't "saved" and that being her mother might not be enough, when really that is not true.

    I feel sympathy for Angelina and her mother's death because that was the one person who stood by her and raised her with love. Murphy's law that the good parent always dies first.

    Considering all of Billy Bob's phobias and quirks, he's been lucky to find women who will tolerate such strange behavior. I've read enough about Billy Bob to know that he is not some regular Joe who watches sports. He is one strange dude who is suddenly quiet about his own eccentric behavior.
