Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Golden Globes Part 6

I went to the Moet after party and to the In Style party. On a side note I heard that Paris Hilton and Vanessa Minnilo were all over each other at the Weinstein party and so I am thinking there is something going on in regards to Nick. Also, that as good as Vanessa looked earlier, is as bad as she looked later.

Moet party--observations - very calm party. Lots of Old Hollywood and traditional Hollywood.

Alec Baldwin moving from one lady to the next.

Jay-Z being goaded into taking photos with Jennifer Hudson.

EL the Housewife looking for anyone famous to get her picture taken with.

Cameron Diaz getting pointed out and not in a good way most of the night.

Hayden P getting hit on even more. Wives and girlfriends coming over to drag their significant others away.

Siena Miller NOT talking about her sex scene, but all over several different guys. Perhaps looking to recreate it later in the evening.

The following guys could have taken home almost anyone from the party
Sacha Baron Cohen
Josh Holloway
Rainn Wilson
(I know, but the ladies loved him)

Jennifer Love Hewitt acted as if she and her boyfriend were on a first date

Only 3 or 4 guys had bimbo dates.

Tossup between Leonardo Dicaprio and John Stamos for who had the worst time.

In Style Party

Cameron Diaz following Leonardo around.

EL, the Housewife looking for someone famous to be with. Had to settle for castmates. Kept making lots of noise to get photographers attention.

John Stamos turned around when he found out his ex was inside

I love Mary Kate Olsen and realize I am one of the few. However, she looked like the little girl in the movie The Others and I really do not think I am going to sleep well tonight.

2nd kindness at the party

Chris Klein looking lost and for someone famous to be photographed with.

Jamie Foxx following Jessica Biel from one party to the next.

"crack" was there and a jackass

There are some pictures of yours truly that I saw on the web from that party.

Ashley Olsen looked good and guys were noticing.

Everyone telling Mary J Blige how hot she looked at the Awards show proper and how equally stunning she looked at the after party.

Christian Slater doing the Alec Baldwin for this party.

Lots of guys trying to console Emilie de Ravin.

Katharine McPhee looking lost and unsure. No one seemed to care.

Many guys on their VERY best behavior with Jack Nicholson's daughter. Not so, with her friend.

OK, I am tired of writing and trying to decipher cocktail napkins.

Also, as I read some of your comments they are really interesting. The things you saw on television I had no idea about. Reactions and things of that nature you do not really notice in person because of the size of the room. Probably better for that type of thing watching at home. I did TiVo it so I will watch it tonight and the red carpet stuff as well.

I hope you enjoyed it all.


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