Golden Globes Part 2
First piece of gossip and some hints. Two of the three jackasses were there last night. One of them came up to say hello and I almost started laughing. I just could not help myself. He is still an ass.
Early Arrivals
Look, I like child actors as much as the next person, but everyone has their limit and after Abigail Breslin walked the red carpet for like the 20th time, it took a ton of acting skills to keep smiling.
Becki Newton was gorgeous and she is on a really popular show. But, it still did not keep people from going, "Now who is that again?"
While we are talking about early arrivals, let's talk about someone who arrived too early for her star power, at least according to her. You know, except for child actors, the way this red carpet thing works is that you go from one end to the other, ONCE. If you get there too early and people are not paying attention to you as much as you like, then next time get there later. Do NOT, as EL did, say something to the effect of I wonder if so and so from my show got here yet and then go back out and do the line again. I knew EL when I was in college when I dated one of her friends. I did not like her then, and I do not like her now. Yes, your star is already fading, so please just accept it, or go do some other work.
Speaking of other EL's other than myself of course and the aforementioned EL. There was a Lost EL and from what I saw, I think she may be on the outs with DM which is why she had that recent tantrum about being in the public eye, etc.
So, you will notice throughout all of the parts today that I will not say one bad word about any of the cast of Heroes. No reason to because that is who the fun was with and where I got some good scoop also. Plus, they will all get the big photos.
The award for most hit on until Reese Witherspoon got there is Hayden Panettiere. Yes, she being all of 17 years old got hit on by men and women ranging from early 20's to late 60's. It was actually kind of shameless, but luckily she had friends from the show around her including Ali Larter who took care of her like a big sister most of the night. Ali (who always makes me laugh) was incredibly sweet to everyone all night and because of her I got the scoop on Hayden and JR (piano man) Rotem.
So from what I understand, Mr. Piano cornered her and a friend and said he was the guy dating Britney and that he was going to help them with their music careers. He wanted her to do a little favor for him and just walk with him through the paparazzi and that it would be good for both of their careers. He also said something like it was not working out with Britney and maybe she would like to out with him and he was just making move after move and would not stop talking about himself. She became slightly repelled by him and later she saw him with Bai Ling in his lap and he said something to the effect of joining them and no one would tell. Obviously she did not take them up on it.