Friday, January 05, 2007

Four For Friday

Heard it through the grapevine that this absolutely lovely television actress who stars in one of those shows that seems to be on every night and every channel and who is married has a little secret. After the birth of her child, they were having a hard time in the romance department so she decided to spice things up. She discovered tantric massage. Not telling hubby, she enrolled in a class and started bringing those lessons home to hubby. He was ecstatic and could not get enough of her. Things were looking up and he encouraged her to keep attending class. Well, lo and behold she started going more frequently than before but it was not because of the renewed spark between she and her husband but instead the drop dead gorgeous (I know you are thinking clue) instructor who was and continues to give her private lessons.

What if you worked at Trashy Lingerie in LA and you had this Number One selling rock star come into the store? Someone who is solo now but was in the biggest band in the US very recently. You say, wow he must be here for his wife and isn’t that nice? Wow he is looking at some lingerie that is a little different, and a little larger. I thought his wife was smaller than that. Hmmm, well maybe he is getting it for a gag gift or something. Well usually they would only get one thing and now he has several. Is he going to a dressing room? Has he been here before? All the time, and it is all for himself, no matter how much he smiles and says it is for his tiny wife and no matter how many times the staff sees him in the dressing room trying it on.

This British actress and her current boyfriend are always photographed in public groping and making out. She tries hard to show that she is all woman and that she loves boys. The problem is that even when they are out and about, no one really believes it. He is hot for her, but she always looks as if it is the last thing on her mind no matter how much they mug for the cameras. In private he doesn’t even get a whiff of her perfume. When they started dating he thought it would be true love. Actually though it has been a nightmare because she will not let him break it off. She has an image to live up to. What it means for him though is that everyone thinks he is dating her so she turns the girls from him away, although she is watching them when they walk away.

This rockstar’s divorce was recently finalized so he could bring on the next wife. Everyone assumed she walked away with HMM money, but it was not to be. He has a long history of wives and girlfriends who think they are going to take him to the cleaners. What they don’t realize until it is too late is that he has all the ammunition. During their time together he records every incriminating moment whether it be drugs or drinking or another man. When the time comes for parting and they are looking for money, he invites them into his room and shows them why they will not be getting a penny above what he wants to give them.


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